Barack or McCain
(too old to reply)
Sam Jaber
2008-10-11 05:13:05 UTC
Who is everyone voting for Barack Obama or John McCain. I'm going
with Barack. think if he gets in the economy will get a whole lot
Sue H
2008-10-11 14:41:02 UTC
I have been to a socialist hospital system and I've lived with
military care which is a socialist system and I've had "civilian" care
such that it is now. Sure, Obama's plan SOUNDS good but here's what
you need to know now that NOBODY will tell you.

1) You do NOT want the government in your health care. You'll die in
the waiting room before being seen. It'll be overburdened. Free
means people will abuse it. When have we never abused anything with
the word free in it? We do; that's the capitalist pig in all of us.
2) Your quality of care will go down as doctors and other things will
be cut out to save money (VA system anyone?). Doctor's will have
salary caps and you will be seen by people who could care less and
herd you in and out like cattle. He says you will still be able to
choose your doctor, but no way are you flying across the country to
see the specialist of your choice! He decieves on some of the things
he says by not expounding on it.
3) Paperwork will bog you down as will transferring of phone calls
into a bureaucratic nightmare. Have you EVER seen anything in the
government that wasn't riddled with errors too?
4) you WILL be paying for it. He doesn't promise he'll raise taxes,
but in the end he'll have no choice. This will be the single most
expensive perk in government history. Because we are a fat nation, I
expect it'll be as costly as social security. Do we need more debt we
can't repay?
5) we almost all have health care now. For example, at that rally I
went to, 95% black in the poor section of town (under 20k). MOST of
them had free health care already. For sure, at least half were women
there and there were a lot of unwed moms. All of those get automatic
care (moms and the kids). It's called the welfare system. So when
Barrack talked about that, it was less than enthusiastic response
because they had free already. There is only a small portion of
people NOT covered today. It's usually young men in they're 20's.
And they usually aren't sick. However, if they got into an accident,
they would still go into a hospital and NOT be refused. So what does
Barrack mean by health care for everyone? Why is nobody calling him
out on this I don't know.

The Education system... don't get me started. We will pay for that
too. All those kids with no life trying to find themselves going to
Jr. College free and then failing... or quitting. When instead, they
should be working and saving for college. Doing that means money into
our ecomomy and them learning how to be a true American and not
getting a handout but trying hard for what they want. There goes that
tuition down the drain and how will be paid for? Not to mention NOBODY
will excel or work hard for what they want. By the way, we have free
education. Those who are rich today can afford to pay for it. Those
who are poor go free now. It's called Welfare programs (my sister did
and they paid her babysitter too), pell grants, state grants and
scholarships! Those not covered (the lower middle class is what
struggles... those making 50-80k) can still get scholarships and if
you want college bad enough, you can work part time and apply for
those scholarships. Who benefits from Barracks plan then? The lazy.

Other than medical and education, Barrack's only plan for the economy
is the "Tax break" to 95% of Americans. Do you REALLY know what this
is? It's actually another Stimulus check (he's BUYING VOTES OF POOR
PEOPLE HERE). He keeps saying tax cut, but it's a check. Most people
are voting for Barrack in that rally I went to because of this (and
that he's black). Sure, why not, we can all use 2500 or 5k per
family. I want it too. But in reality, I know I'll suffer for it
later. I'd rather not have it then. Tell me, did the last round of
stimulus checks work that well? Last I looked, we went out, spent it
and a month later the financial system started collapsing like a row
of dominos.

Sorry, Barrack will be more expensive tham McCain. McCain is
expensive too. They are both idiots. McCain's slightly less than
Barrack. However, make no mistake; McCain is wishy washy and in
desperation sees the voters liking the socialist tendencies more so
now he's throwing crap out there like we can afford it. What a moron.

Please do NOT fall for the soundbites you hear over and over. Dismiss
all "change" as both candidates want that. Dismiss "no new taxes"
because both candidates want that. You really have to think about the
issues before voting. Don't go with the flow. Make and informed
decision no matter who you vote for. Don't vote for a candidate
because he's black or not vote for him because he's black. Don't vote
for McCain because he's got a woman running just because she's a
woman. Think about what really underlies what they said. It's always
nice things they say but what are they NOT telling you! There's
always and I repeat ALWAYS more to the stuff they say (there's a
counterbalance of negative for each positive).

So when I choose, now I am probably on the fence this morning but may
lean McCain by a percent or two, I will consider it all. My decision
today is based on the people surrounding each candidate. I consider
who they are most likely to put in their cabinet or appoint as judges.
I know who McCain has around him but other than economics of Clinton
Administration, I have NO IDEA who Barrack will appoint and this is
soooooooo scary!!!!! You should be very afraid here.... I lean
McCain because of this. Also, if you throw out our troops in Iraq,
that's a HUGE mistake I think. This region is too unstable. We are a
stabilizing factor there. Take out one jenga peg and it starts to
fall... If that happens, the world is in trouble as the problems in
the mideast are too huge.

Anyway, done. I had to post. I know NoAce is out there, waiting in
the wings to tell me I am boring, I think I know everything or
whatever. I wanted to make his day. Plus, you're back too... and
Barefoot.... I needed some fun.

On Fri, 10 Oct 2008 22:13:05 -0700 (PDT), Sam Jaber
Post by Sam Jaber
Who is everyone voting for Barack Obama or John McCain. I'm going
with Barack. think if he gets in the economy will get a whole lot
Lorrie S.
2008-10-12 05:03:48 UTC
All you have to do is watch the documentary called Sicko in order to realize
that everything typed below is WRONG. It takes the viewer inside the actual
health care systems of France, Britain and Canada to dispel all of the
disinformation. You'll die in an American emergency room or waiting room
RIGHT NOW under our current system, before being seen. Emergency room waits
in Britain, France and Canada are NEVER more than 45 min.
VA Hospitals are staffed by reject doctors who couldn't make it in a real
hospital. Socialized medicine means that the same doctors treating you now
will be treating you in the future under the new system. The VA reject
doctors will still be at the VA.
Post by Sue H
I have been to a socialist hospital system and I've lived with
military care which is a socialist system and I've had "civilian" care
such that it is now. Sure, Obama's plan SOUNDS good but here's what
you need to know now that NOBODY will tell you.
1) You do NOT want the government in your health care. You'll die in
the waiting room before being seen. It'll be overburdened. Free
means people will abuse it. When have we never abused anything with
the word free in it? We do; that's the capitalist pig in all of us.
2) Your quality of care will go down as doctors and other things will
be cut out to save money (VA system anyone?). Doctor's will have
salary caps and you will be seen by people who could care less and
herd you in and out like cattle. He says you will still be able to
choose your doctor, but no way are you flying across the country to
see the specialist of your choice! He decieves on some of the things
he says by not expounding on it.
3) Paperwork will bog you down as will transferring of phone calls
into a bureaucratic nightmare. Have you EVER seen anything in the
government that wasn't riddled with errors too?
4) you WILL be paying for it. He doesn't promise he'll raise taxes,
but in the end he'll have no choice. This will be the single most
expensive perk in government history. Because we are a fat nation, I
expect it'll be as costly as social security. Do we need more debt we
can't repay?
5) we almost all have health care now. For example, at that rally I
went to, 95% black in the poor section of town (under 20k). MOST of
them had free health care already. For sure, at least half were women
there and there were a lot of unwed moms. All of those get automatic
care (moms and the kids). It's called the welfare system. So when
Barrack talked about that, it was less than enthusiastic response
because they had free already. There is only a small portion of
people NOT covered today. It's usually young men in they're 20's.
And they usually aren't sick. However, if they got into an accident,
they would still go into a hospital and NOT be refused. So what does
Barrack mean by health care for everyone? Why is nobody calling him
out on this I don't know.
The Education system... don't get me started. We will pay for that
too. All those kids with no life trying to find themselves going to
Jr. College free and then failing... or quitting. When instead, they
should be working and saving for college. Doing that means money into
our ecomomy and them learning how to be a true American and not
getting a handout but trying hard for what they want. There goes that
tuition down the drain and how will be paid for? Not to mention NOBODY
will excel or work hard for what they want. By the way, we have free
education. Those who are rich today can afford to pay for it. Those
who are poor go free now. It's called Welfare programs (my sister did
and they paid her babysitter too), pell grants, state grants and
scholarships! Those not covered (the lower middle class is what
struggles... those making 50-80k) can still get scholarships and if
you want college bad enough, you can work part time and apply for
those scholarships. Who benefits from Barracks plan then? The lazy.
Other than medical and education, Barrack's only plan for the economy
is the "Tax break" to 95% of Americans. Do you REALLY know what this
is? It's actually another Stimulus check (he's BUYING VOTES OF POOR
PEOPLE HERE). He keeps saying tax cut, but it's a check. Most people
are voting for Barrack in that rally I went to because of this (and
that he's black). Sure, why not, we can all use 2500 or 5k per
family. I want it too. But in reality, I know I'll suffer for it
later. I'd rather not have it then. Tell me, did the last round of
stimulus checks work that well? Last I looked, we went out, spent it
and a month later the financial system started collapsing like a row
of dominos.
Sorry, Barrack will be more expensive tham McCain. McCain is
expensive too. They are both idiots. McCain's slightly less than
Barrack. However, make no mistake; McCain is wishy washy and in
desperation sees the voters liking the socialist tendencies more so
now he's throwing crap out there like we can afford it. What a moron.
Please do NOT fall for the soundbites you hear over and over. Dismiss
all "change" as both candidates want that. Dismiss "no new taxes"
because both candidates want that. You really have to think about the
issues before voting. Don't go with the flow. Make and informed
decision no matter who you vote for. Don't vote for a candidate
because he's black or not vote for him because he's black. Don't vote
for McCain because he's got a woman running just because she's a
woman. Think about what really underlies what they said. It's always
nice things they say but what are they NOT telling you! There's
always and I repeat ALWAYS more to the stuff they say (there's a
counterbalance of negative for each positive).
So when I choose, now I am probably on the fence this morning but may
lean McCain by a percent or two, I will consider it all. My decision
today is based on the people surrounding each candidate. I consider
who they are most likely to put in their cabinet or appoint as judges.
I know who McCain has around him but other than economics of Clinton
Administration, I have NO IDEA who Barrack will appoint and this is
soooooooo scary!!!!! You should be very afraid here.... I lean
McCain because of this. Also, if you throw out our troops in Iraq,
that's a HUGE mistake I think. This region is too unstable. We are a
stabilizing factor there. Take out one jenga peg and it starts to
fall... If that happens, the world is in trouble as the problems in
the mideast are too huge.
Anyway, done. I had to post. I know NoAce is out there, waiting in
the wings to tell me I am boring, I think I know everything or
whatever. I wanted to make his day. Plus, you're back too... and
Barefoot.... I needed some fun.
On Fri, 10 Oct 2008 22:13:05 -0700 (PDT), Sam Jaber
Post by Sam Jaber
Who is everyone voting for Barack Obama or John McCain. I'm going
with Barack. think if he gets in the economy will get a whole lot
2008-10-28 23:39:18 UTC
Try getting some facts and not watching a Michael Moore movie.........

Sue is right I was born in England and the health care sucks ...

Stop drinking the Obummer kool aid, he's a idiot and so is anyone voting for the fool
"Lorrie S." <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:gcrm2h$ouc$***@registered.motzarella.org...
All you have to do is watch the documentary called Sicko in order to realize
that everything typed below is WRONG. It takes the viewer inside the actual
health care systems of France, Britain and Canada to dispel all of the
disinformation. You'll die in an American emergency room or waiting room
RIGHT NOW under our current system, before being seen. Emergency room waits
in Britain, France and Canada are NEVER more than 45 min.
VA Hospitals are staffed by reject doctors who couldn't make it in a real
hospital. Socialized medicine means that the same doctors treating you now
will be treating you in the future under the new system. The VA reject
doctors will still be at the VA.
Post by Sue H
I have been to a socialist hospital system and I've lived with
military care which is a socialist system and I've had "civilian" care
such that it is now. Sure, Obama's plan SOUNDS good but here's what
you need to know now that NOBODY will tell you.
1) You do NOT want the government in your health care. You'll die in
the waiting room before being seen. It'll be overburdened. Free
means people will abuse it. When have we never abused anything with
the word free in it? We do; that's the capitalist pig in all of us.
2) Your quality of care will go down as doctors and other things will
be cut out to save money (VA system anyone?). Doctor's will have
salary caps and you will be seen by people who could care less and
herd you in and out like cattle. He says you will still be able to
choose your doctor, but no way are you flying across the country to
see the specialist of your choice! He decieves on some of the things
he says by not expounding on it.
3) Paperwork will bog you down as will transferring of phone calls
into a bureaucratic nightmare. Have you EVER seen anything in the
government that wasn't riddled with errors too?
4) you WILL be paying for it. He doesn't promise he'll raise taxes,
but in the end he'll have no choice. This will be the single most
expensive perk in government history. Because we are a fat nation, I
expect it'll be as costly as social security. Do we need more debt we
can't repay?
5) we almost all have health care now. For example, at that rally I
went to, 95% black in the poor section of town (under 20k). MOST of
them had free health care already. For sure, at least half were women
there and there were a lot of unwed moms. All of those get automatic
care (moms and the kids). It's called the welfare system. So when
Barrack talked about that, it was less than enthusiastic response
because they had free already. There is only a small portion of
people NOT covered today. It's usually young men in they're 20's.
And they usually aren't sick. However, if they got into an accident,
they would still go into a hospital and NOT be refused. So what does
Barrack mean by health care for everyone? Why is nobody calling him
out on this I don't know.
The Education system... don't get me started. We will pay for that
too. All those kids with no life trying to find themselves going to
Jr. College free and then failing... or quitting. When instead, they
should be working and saving for college. Doing that means money into
our ecomomy and them learning how to be a true American and not
getting a handout but trying hard for what they want. There goes that
tuition down the drain and how will be paid for? Not to mention NOBODY
will excel or work hard for what they want. By the way, we have free
education. Those who are rich today can afford to pay for it. Those
who are poor go free now. It's called Welfare programs (my sister did
and they paid her babysitter too), pell grants, state grants and
scholarships! Those not covered (the lower middle class is what
struggles... those making 50-80k) can still get scholarships and if
you want college bad enough, you can work part time and apply for
those scholarships. Who benefits from Barracks plan then? The lazy.
Other than medical and education, Barrack's only plan for the economy
is the "Tax break" to 95% of Americans. Do you REALLY know what this
is? It's actually another Stimulus check (he's BUYING VOTES OF POOR
PEOPLE HERE). He keeps saying tax cut, but it's a check. Most people
are voting for Barrack in that rally I went to because of this (and
that he's black). Sure, why not, we can all use 2500 or 5k per
family. I want it too. But in reality, I know I'll suffer for it
later. I'd rather not have it then. Tell me, did the last round of
stimulus checks work that well? Last I looked, we went out, spent it
and a month later the financial system started collapsing like a row
of dominos.
Sorry, Barrack will be more expensive tham McCain. McCain is
expensive too. They are both idiots. McCain's slightly less than
Barrack. However, make no mistake; McCain is wishy washy and in
desperation sees the voters liking the socialist tendencies more so
now he's throwing crap out there like we can afford it. What a moron.
Please do NOT fall for the soundbites you hear over and over. Dismiss
all "change" as both candidates want that. Dismiss "no new taxes"
because both candidates want that. You really have to think about the
issues before voting. Don't go with the flow. Make and informed
decision no matter who you vote for. Don't vote for a candidate
because he's black or not vote for him because he's black. Don't vote
for McCain because he's got a woman running just because she's a
woman. Think about what really underlies what they said. It's always
nice things they say but what are they NOT telling you! There's
always and I repeat ALWAYS more to the stuff they say (there's a
counterbalance of negative for each positive).
So when I choose, now I am probably on the fence this morning but may
lean McCain by a percent or two, I will consider it all. My decision
today is based on the people surrounding each candidate. I consider
who they are most likely to put in their cabinet or appoint as judges.
I know who McCain has around him but other than economics of Clinton
Administration, I have NO IDEA who Barrack will appoint and this is
soooooooo scary!!!!! You should be very afraid here.... I lean
McCain because of this. Also, if you throw out our troops in Iraq,
that's a HUGE mistake I think. This region is too unstable. We are a
stabilizing factor there. Take out one jenga peg and it starts to
fall... If that happens, the world is in trouble as the problems in
the mideast are too huge.
Anyway, done. I had to post. I know NoAce is out there, waiting in
the wings to tell me I am boring, I think I know everything or
whatever. I wanted to make his day. Plus, you're back too... and
Barefoot.... I needed some fun.
On Fri, 10 Oct 2008 22:13:05 -0700 (PDT), Sam Jaber
Post by Sam Jaber
Who is everyone voting for Barack Obama or John McCain. I'm going
with Barack. think if he gets in the economy will get a whole lot