Twilight Pembroke Mall Charity fiasco
(too old to reply)
2009-08-17 00:13:08 UTC

This event was a complete fiasco for the autograph seeker....My friend was
one of the first 75 in line, and was escorted out by security Saturday.

J mentioned that the agent set up the line rules, and the people who plopped
down 40$ at noon, for a foto op, and $25 for an additional autograph, got to
go to the front first. J had the $25, and never made it to the front, after
being in line since 7 am. the agent never acknowleged the early risers. This
even killed an opportunity for a 12 year old to meet the guy, who was number
one in line.

I told J, the policy should have been first come, first served for the ones
who wanted to donate to charity, the everyone would have went home happy!
2009-08-18 00:57:22 UTC
"pe2" <***@dalejrfan.net> wrote in message news:og1im.106024My friend
Post by pe2
one of the first 75 in line, and was escorted out by security Saturday.
Sounds like they should have rioted and thrown bricks at the security
guards' heads.
Sue H
2009-08-19 04:17:34 UTC
Basically you're saying that if you were in the line no matter when
you got there, they went down the line, asked if you wanted to pay
40.00 for a photo and if you gave them 40 bucks you were allowed to
cut the line? And so the 12 year old, because they couldn't afford
the 40 bucks and everyone else who didn't want to pay the 40 bucks was
thrown out?

I'd be writing to the agent of the guy and telling him how crappy it
went and how rude and how you'll be blogging about his greed... and
then, find the lawyer or a relative or some other way to go around the
agent to get the letter to the guy... he needs to fire his agent.

I didn't know about this and even if I had, I'd not of gone; it'd be
like the Jonas brothers; barely a chance to get in and probably
reserved mostly for the kids. Too much hassle going tor A-list fad
type celebrities (who will be has beens in a couple years probably).

I forsee some of the Twilight stars fading soon and the Jonas brothers
will be going the way of the Hanson brothers (was that their name? I
am already forgetting).
Post by pe2
This event was a complete fiasco for the autograph seeker....My friend was
one of the first 75 in line, and was escorted out by security Saturday.
J mentioned that the agent set up the line rules, and the people who plopped
down 40$ at noon, for a foto op, and $25 for an additional autograph, got to
go to the front first. J had the $25, and never made it to the front, after
being in line since 7 am. the agent never acknowleged the early risers. This
even killed an opportunity for a 12 year old to meet the guy, who was number
one in line.
I told J, the policy should have been first come, first served for the ones
who wanted to donate to charity, the everyone would have went home happy!
bill haverchuck
2009-08-19 14:01:55 UTC
Post by Sue H
Basically you're saying that if you were in the line no matter when
you got there, they went down the line, asked if you wanted to pay
40.00 for a photo and if you gave them 40 bucks you were allowed to
cut the line? And so the 12 year old, because they couldn't afford
the 40 bucks and everyone else who didn't want to pay the 40 bucks was
thrown out?
I'd be writing to the agent of the guy and telling him how crappy it
went and how rude and how you'll be blogging about his greed... and
then, find the lawyer or a relative or some other way to go around the
agent to get the letter to the guy... he needs to fire his agent.
I didn't know about this and even if I had, I'd not of gone; it'd be
like the Jonas brothers; barely a chance to get in and probably
reserved mostly for the kids. Too much hassle going tor A-list fad
type celebrities (who will be has beens in a couple years probably).
I forsee some of the Twilight stars fading soon and the Jonas brothers
will be going the way of the Hanson brothers (was that their name? I
am already forgetting).
Post by pe2
This event was a complete fiasco for the autograph seeker....My friend was
one of the first 75 in line, and was escorted out by security Saturday.
J mentioned that the agent set up the line rules, and the people who plopped
down 40$ at noon, for a foto op, and $25 for an additional autograph, got to
go to the front first. J had the $25, and never made it to the front, after
being in line since 7 am. the agent never acknowleged the early risers. This
even killed an opportunity for a 12 year old to meet the guy, who was number
one in line.
I told J, the policy should have been first come, first served for the ones
who wanted to donate to charity, the everyone would have went home happy!
Should'a stayed in bed
2009-08-28 17:48:00 UTC
you do realize, with the link you provided that it was either a "pay
for an autograph" or "give blood" line. intended to help the red cross
get people to donate blood or money. so just standing in line was not
good enough, no matter how long you stood in line..
you HAD TO give blood or donate money to get an autograph or photo
with the celebrity. if they let everyone who just wanted a picture in
without doing either of these things, it would have been overrun and
no one would have helped the red cross at all. that's not fair to the
red cross.
no offense to the 12 year old kid, you could have given some blood and
that would have been it. and gotten a free cookie.
these events happen all the time on the west coast and it's expected
to give blood. and if you knew about this event ahead of time, you
should have expected it too. i mean, i guess there were no signs or
anything, but how else did other people know they had to pay?
but don't get upset about the people "plunking down" money, someone
should have warned you.
2009-08-29 02:03:21 UTC
Post by barefoot
you do realize, with the link you provided that it was either a "pay
for an autograph" or "give blood" line.
Give blood? They probly use the same needle for more than one person. Then
the next thing you know, you got AIDS or Hep C. Who would want to risk that
just for an autograph from a loser or a has been?
Max Grenville
2009-08-29 19:21:23 UTC
Post by davinci
Post by barefoot
you do realize, with the link you provided that it was either a "pay
for an autograph" or "give blood" line.
Give blood? They probly use the same needle for more than one person.
the next thing you know, you got AIDS or Hep C. Who would want to risk that
just for an autograph from a loser or a has been?
Well shows your thoughts on your medical system doesnt.

I'm sure they have more skill at taking blood than you do at trolling. Fool
2009-08-30 02:49:27 UTC
"Max Grenville" <***@ntlworld.com> wrote in > Well shows your
thoughts on your medical system doesnt.
I'm sure they have more skill at taking blood than you do at trolling.

Yeah dipshit and for good reason. Here is just one case out of thousands
where genius health care workers infected thousands:

Sue H
2009-08-30 17:25:13 UTC
The red cross neeeds more blood than money. So the way it was told,
nobody who would've been waiting in the line to give blood would've
gotten a chance... only the people donating the cash. That seems back
asswards if you ask me.

On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:48:00 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
you do realize, with the link you provided that it was either a "pay
for an autograph" or "give blood" line. intended to help the red cross
get people to donate blood or money. so just standing in line was not
good enough, no matter how long you stood in line..
you HAD TO give blood or donate money to get an autograph or photo
with the celebrity. if they let everyone who just wanted a picture in
without doing either of these things, it would have been overrun and
no one would have helped the red cross at all. that's not fair to the
red cross.
no offense to the 12 year old kid, you could have given some blood and
that would have been it. and gotten a free cookie.
these events happen all the time on the west coast and it's expected
to give blood. and if you knew about this event ahead of time, you
should have expected it too. i mean, i guess there were no signs or
anything, but how else did other people know they had to pay?
but don't get upset about the people "plunking down" money, someone
should have warned you.