maybe i should pick a fight with someone on the newsgroup.
(too old to reply)
2008-11-25 23:14:41 UTC
it seems that no one is posting anything here anymore. let's see what
people are doing for christmas or something. i haven't seen a new
thread in a while (other than some trolls)...
sue is doing her part, and i do see some stuff, but it's nothing in
compared to whatever else is going on...

so i'll start with this...who has a barack obama signature (i have
three, got them before he announced he was running for president!) did
anyone get them themselves or did you buy them?

has anyone seen the prices people are asking for paul newman
autographs on ebay? people want like 6-900$ for a signed pool ball...i
had 2 pool balls, sold one a long time ago and i have one framed above
my tv.

does anyone think the economy is going to get better? i saw where
obama estimates that maybe 1 million people will be out of work before
it gets better. you can thank bill clinton for that one as he's the
one who signed the NAFTA agreement. it wasn't bush sending jobs to
india and brazil. it just happened during his presidency.

now to a joke...does anyone think the presidential cavalcade will have
spinning rims?

have fun, hope i somehow brightened your day and you have some stuff
to talk about on the group.
2008-11-25 23:44:24 UTC
Yeah, I tried to get a thread going awhile back titled "What got you started
in the hobby." No one responded except for chip, one of the regulars.

unfortunately as I see it-most of the celebs, including wrestlers-are now
doing meet and greets/or fan fests leaving little desire to sign thru the
mail unless it's for $$$. it seems like Joe, and Gummby are the only ones
have TTM success-Gummby with the ladies of baseball, joe-with his
traditional Dr. Who, sports and military success'.

I have tried to post my in person/fan fest success' but that is getting to
be limited, now that i'm married-something i'm now thankful for.

All enjoy the holidays, and happy turkey day-
2008-11-29 14:49:15 UTC
On Nov 25, 5:44 pm, "pe2" <***@dalejrfan.net> wrote:
It's been really slow on my side, too. I've sent in several requests,
and nothing. I sent a request to the President-elect, but with no

I am wondering if it's all dried up with the movie stars now, because
back when we
were collecting in the 70's through the 90's, it was a lot easier and
fun. Something
almost every day came in.

Post by pe2
Yeah, I tried to get a thread going awhile back titled "What got you started
in the hobby." No one responded except for chip, one of the regulars.
unfortunately as I see it-most of the celebs, including wrestlers-are now
doing meet and greets/or fan fests leaving little desire to sign thru the
mail unless it's for $$$. it seems like Joe, and Gummby are the only ones
have TTM success-Gummby with the ladies of baseball, joe-with his
traditional Dr. Who, sports and military success'.
I have tried to post my in person/fan fest success' but that is getting to
be limited, now that i'm married-something i'm now thankful for.
All enjoy the holidays, and happy turkey day-
Lorrie S.
2008-11-26 03:14:15 UTC
aren't you that guy Zoom that posts here?
Post by b***@yahoo.com
it seems that no one is posting anything here anymore. let's see what
people are doing for christmas or something. i haven't seen a new
thread in a while (other than some trolls)...
sue is doing her part, and i do see some stuff, but it's nothing in
compared to whatever else is going on...
so i'll start with this...who has a barack obama signature (i have
three, got them before he announced he was running for president!) did
anyone get them themselves or did you buy them?
has anyone seen the prices people are asking for paul newman
autographs on ebay? people want like 6-900$ for a signed pool ball...i
had 2 pool balls, sold one a long time ago and i have one framed above
my tv.
does anyone think the economy is going to get better? i saw where
obama estimates that maybe 1 million people will be out of work before
it gets better. you can thank bill clinton for that one as he's the
one who signed the NAFTA agreement. it wasn't bush sending jobs to
india and brazil. it just happened during his presidency.
now to a joke...does anyone think the presidential cavalcade will have
spinning rims?
have fun, hope i somehow brightened your day and you have some stuff
to talk about on the group.
2008-11-26 00:20:37 UTC
who's zoom? it's not me if you are referring me to that.. i don't even
know who he is..
i check the group every once in a while now...
my fiance is having a kid. so with work and all, i don't have all that
much time any more. but i do try.
Sue H
2008-11-26 01:53:41 UTC
You said that like it's not your kid? Or will there be a little
barefoot walking around.

On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 16:20:37 -0800 (PST),
Post by b***@yahoo.com
who's zoom? it's not me if you are referring me to that.. i don't even
know who he is..
i check the group every once in a while now...
my fiance is having a kid. so with work and all, i don't have all that
much time any more. but i do try.
2008-11-26 17:19:25 UTC
oh no, it is my kid.seriouosly.it's a little girl, we are gonna call
her emma. due in march.
have fun,
2008-11-26 17:28:25 UTC
Congratulations on the new addition. :-)
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
oh no, it is my kid.seriouosly.it's a little girl, we are gonna call
her emma. due in march.
have fun,
Mr Black
2008-11-27 01:33:22 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
oh no, it is my kid.seriouosly.it's a little girl, we are gonna call
her emma. due in march.
have fun,
gratz dude. kids really do change you life for the postive
2008-11-28 23:53:26 UTC
well, i'm selling off a lot of my collection items and some other
stuff to make room...
i'll keep you all posted to where it all is at.
and thanks for all the positive energy.
2008-11-29 02:59:49 UTC
thanks folks...
i am selling off a ton of my collection..i'll let you know where it
ends up for sale. we just need to clean house and make room for baby.
Sue H
2008-11-26 17:42:49 UTC
Wow; congrats I guess... your life will change.

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 09:19:25 -0800 (PST),
Post by b***@yahoo.com
oh no, it is my kid.seriouosly.it's a little girl, we are gonna call
her emma. due in march.
have fun,
2008-11-26 00:33:06 UTC
Unfortunately, the new people that were beginning to post, every once
and awhile, have stopped again because of belittling comments by some.

Small cities, like the one I live in, don't attract much
political-wise. Houston and Dallas attract them, but it's not worth
the travel time for an autograph chance that probably wouldn't
materialize. Political signatures would be nice to have for the
historical aspect.

As for Newman, he's still in the "He died - I must immediately have
him added to my collection" phase that everyone goes through when a
celeb (yes, that's another abbreviation like "graph" - for those
keeping tabs) passes away. It'll die down, as it always does, and
people will be stuck with an autograph that they paid too much for.
:-) If they would just wait for the feeding frenzy to stop, the
prices will level off. It's a learning experience that they have to
go through... I had people offering $150.00 for my John Ritter
autograph when he passed. I simply wasn't interested in selling, as I
am with all of my collection. Now, you can find Ritters selling for
around $25.00 or so.

We'll just have to wait and see about the economy. Obama is supposed
to wave his magic wand after January 20th. That's when everything is
going to amazingly get better. :-)
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
it seems that no one is posting anything here anymore. let's see what
people are doing for christmas or something. i haven't seen a new
thread in a while (other than some trolls)...
sue is doing her part, and i do see some stuff, but it's nothing in
compared to whatever else is going on...
so i'll start with this...who has a barack obama signature (i have
three, got them before he announced he was running for president!) did
anyone get them themselves or did you buy them?
has anyone seen the prices people are asking for paul newman
autographs on ebay? people want like 6-900$ for a signed pool
had 2 pool balls, sold one a long time ago and i have one framed above
my tv.
does anyone think the economy is going to get better? i saw where
obama estimates that maybe 1 million people will be out of work before
it gets better. you can thank bill clinton for that one as he's the
one who signed the NAFTA agreement. it wasn't bush sending jobs to
india and brazil. it just happened during his presidency.
now to a joke...does anyone think the presidential cavalcade will have
spinning rims?
have fun, hope i somehow brightened your day and you have some stuff
to talk about on the group.
Sue H
2008-11-26 01:51:37 UTC
On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 15:14:41 -0800 (PST),
Post by b***@yahoo.com
it seems that no one is posting anything here anymore. let's see what
people are doing for christmas or something. i haven't seen a new
thread in a while (other than some trolls)...
sue is doing her part, and i do see some stuff, but it's nothing in
compared to whatever else is going on...
I try and so did others past but the trolls ruin it (I won't let them
scare me off so I'll stick around)
Post by b***@yahoo.com
so i'll start with this...who has a barack obama signature (i have
three, got them before he announced he was running for president!) did
anyone get them themselves or did you buy them?
Nope; wish I could've; it was hard in the pushing crowds.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
has anyone seen the prices people are asking for paul newman
autographs on ebay? people want like 6-900$ for a signed pool ball...i
had 2 pool balls, sold one a long time ago and i have one framed above
my tv.
Insanity; oppportunists and forgers abound.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
does anyone think the economy is going to get better? i saw where
obama estimates that maybe 1 million people will be out of work before
it gets better. you can thank bill clinton for that one as he's the
one who signed the NAFTA agreement. it wasn't bush sending jobs to
india and brazil. it just happened during his presidency.
Nope; my kid has been trying to get work 6 months now. His
unemployment is running out and he may be homeless in a couple weeks;
certainly before Christmas.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
now to a joke...does anyone think the presidential cavalcade will have
spinning rims?
Betcha Kanye West and rappers and teeny bopper groups appear at
fundraisers and other official events.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
have fun, hope i somehow brightened your day and you have some stuff
to talk about on the group.
Autograph collecting went to the dogs.