Happy 4th of July
(too old to reply)
2008-07-04 09:08:10 UTC
Happy 4th of July
2008-07-04 12:28:23 UTC
I hope your, and every other family that celebrates, has a fun and
safe holiday weekend. :-)

By the way, I'm amazed that you didn't get a Troll-a-Gram stating that
we don't need to mention that it's a holiday. We can just look it up
in the paper, or some crap like that. lol

Regardless, remember the reason for this day. The troops out there
that fight daily so that we have the right to celebrate this day.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Bob
Happy 4th of July
Sue H
2008-07-04 12:34:46 UTC
Happy 4th to you and everyone. Even if we don't remain trolless, I
hope everyone enjoys their three day holiday in the US
Post by Gummby3
I hope your, and every other family that celebrates, has a fun and
safe holiday weekend. :-)
By the way, I'm amazed that you didn't get a Troll-a-Gram stating that
we don't need to mention that it's a holiday. We can just look it up
in the paper, or some crap like that. lol
Regardless, remember the reason for this day. The troops out there
that fight daily so that we have the right to celebrate this day.
2008-07-04 14:44:30 UTC
Regardless, remember the reason for this day.  The troops out there
that fight daily so that we have the right to celebrate this day.
The reason for this day now is to remember an America that once was
and is no more, but sheeple like yourself will still think the troops
are in Iraq to protect something other than the oil tanker convoys
that stream daily into Syria full of stolen oil that Haliburton is now
brokering and Exxon shipping directly to Canada once it makes its long
journey across the water. Poor blind sheeple. Try to find one honest
man in Washington and I'll show you the gates of Eden.
2008-07-04 16:06:11 UTC
Hey bobblehead. Do NOT even pretend to speak for me. You don't have
the brain cells to attempt the task. Actually READ what I posted.
Nowhere did I mention Iraq, oil, or any of the other dribble you
typed. I wrote an honest note of support for the troops. I did not
imply that they were needed in Iraq. Just because I support the men
and women that fight and die for this country, it does not mean that I
support the war that they fight. They are following orders. Nothing
more. Nothing less. Shove your "sheeple" and think before you post.

July 4th, Memorial Day and Veteran's Day is a day of celebration for
the men and women, as well as the families that they leave behind,
that sacrifice to provide us with the rights to live, love, work and
even make your asinine posts as a free country.

Enjoy the day that people died for you to have.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Regardless, remember the reason for this day. The troops out there
that fight daily so that we have the right to celebrate this day.
The reason for this day now is to remember an America that once was
and is no more, but sheeple like yourself will still think the troops
are in Iraq to protect something other than the oil tanker convoys
that stream daily into Syria full of stolen oil that Haliburton is now
brokering and Exxon shipping directly to Canada once it makes its long
journey across the water. Poor blind sheeple. Try to find one honest
man in Washington and I'll show you the gates of Eden.
Sue H
2008-07-04 20:47:28 UTC
Being ex military myself, I know firsthand the training they recieve
will at many points in time help a lot of people; people should always
respect what these men and women do.

For example, in the case of a nuclear or biological attack they are
trained and know the best places for people and the best ways to
survive; trolls shouldn't ever take that stuff for granted because it
could very well be them someday who'll need someone to protect their
arses even on the homeland.
Post by Gummby3
Hey bobblehead. Do NOT even pretend to speak for me. You don't have
the brain cells to attempt the task. Actually READ what I posted.
Nowhere did I mention Iraq, oil, or any of the other dribble you
typed. I wrote an honest note of support for the troops. I did not
imply that they were needed in Iraq. Just because I support the men
and women that fight and die for this country, it does not mean that I
support the war that they fight. They are following orders. Nothing
more. Nothing less. Shove your "sheeple" and think before you post.
July 4th, Memorial Day and Veteran's Day is a day of celebration for
the men and women, as well as the families that they leave behind,
that sacrifice to provide us with the rights to live, love, work and
even make your asinine posts as a free country.
Enjoy the day that people died for you to have.
Sue H
2008-07-04 20:44:27 UTC
Even if what you say is true it's not good for the nation as we,
cannot control much of what is happening at this point. We are still
in there also for human rights; the USA is the biggest advocate on the
planet for freedom and humane treatment. What we have done is save a
lot of people from torture and subversion. Something good is out of
it. It takes a long time to rebuild.
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Regardless, remember the reason for this day.  The troops out there
that fight daily so that we have the right to celebrate this day.
The reason for this day now is to remember an America that once was
and is no more, but sheeple like yourself will still think the troops
are in Iraq to protect something other than the oil tanker convoys
that stream daily into Syria full of stolen oil that Haliburton is now
brokering and Exxon shipping directly to Canada once it makes its long
journey across the water. Poor blind sheeple. Try to find one honest
man in Washington and I'll show you the gates of Eden.
2008-07-05 13:07:35 UTC
alright, time for the SHO-VEL! (Barney Fife Style). PLONK!
