the new Indie movie
(too old to reply)
2008-05-25 21:22:53 UTC
Hey Sue,
Have you seen the new movie? What's your opinion on it?

Sue H
2008-05-25 22:48:32 UTC
Yes, I just wrote a little review for movietickets.com Here's my

For those of us die hard Lucas and Spielberg fans, I gotta say how
disappointed I was.

What was good:
Choreography of stunts; stunts (stuntmen executing them)
The set dressings/props. From the 50's sets and attire to the
tombs/treasure room and temples, great work by all the dressers, prop
makers, modelers and costumers.
Shia LeBeouf I was not sure of till this movie. I thought he was
surprisingly good.
Controlled special effects were good and used in right places

What was not good:
Cate Blanchett fan ... but not here. She overacted.
Harrison Ford seemed at time disinterested or like his heart wasn't
into it. Not all scenes but some.
Lack of good use of Ray Winstone. He's better suited as a villain or a
larger role.
TOO much action; I'd like to have had a minute or two in the film to
calm down (to appreciate the action just seen; to calm before being
taken up again).
Didn't like the sci-fi theme part (a different choice of artifact
would've been better). OR better use of the theme in a positive "light
shedding moment for humanity" would've been good.
It was soooo PREDICTABLE.
Karen Allen was useless again (I know she said she wasn't, but she was
still whiny)
Sadly missing Sean Connery but I see why he stayed away.
Lastly, the audience has grown up in the past 20 years and though we
forgive movies for scenes that can't actually be without death
occurring, we can only take sooo much. There were just too many scenes
where death would occur in real life. I can take a couple times but
not a couple dozen... it was over the top (refrigerator anyone?)."


I definitely like the metaphor of passing the hat at the end but where
Indy took the hat back (although Ford said he’s not do another, I feel
like it keeps fans hoping or that it’s quite possible a tie-in where
his dad dies, Harrison can die too and Shia will take over).

I TOTALLY thought the refrigerator scene as well as many others were
“yeah right”. Nobody could survive that and even if he did survive,
he’d have radiation poisoning as he was soooo close and no way he got
out in a few seconds or minutes…

MAJOR SPOILER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I didn’t think Indy should get married; he should be like Bond; just
allude to getting married or shacking up.

Overall, I didn’t care for it so much. I think I am still partial to
Temple of Doom more than that one and I didn’t care for Temple of
Doom. My favorite was “Last Crusade” then “Raiders of the Lost Ark”.
I’d have to see Indy 4 again on DVD to see if I like it better than
Temple of Doom but I doubt it.

On Sun, 25 May 2008 14:22:53 -0700 (PDT), chip1057
Post by chip1057
Hey Sue,
Have you seen the new movie? What's your opinion on it?
Sue H
2008-05-25 22:48:50 UTC
PS What did YOU think?

On Sun, 25 May 2008 14:22:53 -0700 (PDT), chip1057
Post by chip1057
Hey Sue,
Have you seen the new movie? What's your opinion on it?
2008-05-26 13:14:37 UTC
I haven't seen it yet. I'm one of the guys who wait till the DVD
comes out.

Post by Sue H
PS What did YOU think?
On Sun, 25 May 2008 14:22:53 -0700 (PDT), chip1057
Post by chip1057
Hey Sue,
Have you seen the new movie? What's your opinion on it?
2008-05-26 03:22:44 UTC
I hope it isn't corny like the Temple of Doom was. The other two in the
series were great. I might wait until it hits DVD to watch it.
Post by chip1057
Hey Sue,
Have you seen the new movie? What's your opinion on it?
2008-05-26 07:21:29 UTC
Sue, I saw it to and have to agree with you. My wife looked like she
was going to fall asleep, she said she was bored it was so
predictable. Come on Indiana Jones and the Roswell Aliens, he couldn't
come up with anything else?
Sue H
2008-05-26 15:17:09 UTC
Well, I was thinking after talking to someone yesterday about things
to look for. I have come to the conclusion lately that everything
media relatated is bogged down by minutia and probably needs to get
back to basics... like stories and the whole picture.

In the first three there were religious aspects and the quest wasn't
so much in the end about the treasure but about humanity and the
"right thing to do". Here, they weren't driven to go get treasure for
treasure sake and then ending up with learning from it, but instead,
they sought it out for a friend and curiosity (and because he got
fired and had nothing to do perhaps). In the end, they return it
(sort of like the other three) but the reason wasn't for something
spiritual. It was because they were guided to. And the end was
supposed to be knowledge? The one who wanted it most got killed or
vanquished to the unknown and the hero didn't even learn anything
(related to the artifact/scenario of the aliens). And the aliens
COULD be considered a loss of God in a way depending on what you think
about creation. So not a good choice.

You know what've been better? The search for say Atlantis... but
really, what artifacts are in stories left that would be good?
Post by Bob
Sue, I saw it to and have to agree with you. My wife looked like she
was going to fall asleep, she said she was bored it was so
predictable. Come on Indiana Jones and the Roswell Aliens, he couldn't
come up with anything else?
2008-05-26 21:10:44 UTC
wasn't all that enthused about it...really...i was hoping for the best
and it fell far below my expectations. and the alien thing was crazy.
2008-05-27 00:42:11 UTC
I saw it today and I felt that I got my money's worth. :-) It had
adventure, comedy, romance and action. I agree it did not seem as
exotic as the first three, but... The movie, to me, was more along
the lines of a cowboy/gunslinger on his last ride. He's full of
nostalgia and regrets, but still up to the challenge. At first, Ford
looked way too old for the role he created. Interestingly enough, he
seemed to fall back into character, and not seem as old, as the movie
went along. I do like how they caught us up on 20 years of his life.
As Hitler was growing in power in 'Lost Ark', it would make sense that
Indy was drafted into the war in one way or another. I liked how they
caught us up on his friend and his father. If they had not mentioned
Henry, Sr., then I felt that the ball would have been dropped. The
only one that they failed to mention was John Rhys-Davies' character
"Sallah" as he was in two of the four movies. As for the alien angle,
it didn't bother me. Every one of the movies has had a fantasy
element to it. How is it okay for us to believe that the Ark had the
power to dissolve all of the Nazis in 'Ark', but it's farfetched to
believe that an alien appears in this one? LOL Even 'Temple Of Doom'
dealt with the occult, another fantasy, according to some. 'Last
Crusade' dealt with the legend of the Grail, King Arthur and God.
'Crystal Skull' simply had Indy deal with another fantasy aspect.
Besides, I liked how he was thrown into the Roswell situation as he
was one of the best in his field. :-)
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by barefoot
wasn't all that enthused about it...really...i was hoping for the best
and it fell far below my expectations. and the alien thing was
2008-05-26 21:14:47 UTC
And the aliens
COULD be considered a loss of God in a way depending on what you
<about creation.

no loss there since there isn't any God and the biblical creation is
just a myth
Mr Black
2008-05-27 03:21:59 UTC
Post by a***@yahoo.com
no loss there since there isn't any God and the biblical creation is
just a myth
is god, or any higher diety, handing out autographs? no? then this is yet
another worthless post
