(too old to reply)
2008-03-22 04:19:20 UTC
Sue...would you like a link on our collector's blog? your site is already
on our retail site (actually, it's been there for several years...looked
today). as well, I invite anyone who have in-person experiences or other
hobby information to contact me and we can post on the blog. we're
getting a ton of pertinent traffic and still growing.

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
2008-03-22 04:47:24 UTC
all in an effort to help him sell more forgeries...
use real stories from other people to back up his bogus claims.
2008-03-22 05:17:29 UTC
You have been invited to make inquiries but for some reason you refuse to
do so. You post assertions but never have tangible evidence to support
your claims. You want to sound like you know what your talking about but
when it comes down to making it stick it's always "I heard this, I heard
that", relying on heresay and innuendo. You and I have never met though I
talked to you one time 6 years ago when you tried to hawk some alleged
signed items over the phone and begged and pleaded because you were
broke...but I refused to buy. Beyond that, it's been nothing more than a
stupid vendetta because I didn't appreciate your crude manner over the
phone and the constant IMing over internet and I let you know it.

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
Sue H
2008-03-22 13:57:14 UTC
Why were you trying to work a deal with him anyway with his
reputation? You really need to be careful; because now I do have to

Now it's coming back to me. I asked you where you got your items etc
and you did admit to buying from other dealers I believe. Usually I
don't put links to those who do that on my site unless I am positive
they are really great about looking at the stuff. I looked at your
stuff and got an opinion and looked ok at the time and so I put it.
But now I wonder.... making a deal with someone known as Bareforger?
Though I do feel I've not seen any forged stuff from Barefoot that I
know of or can prove. So I give the benefit of the doubt to him;
however I am not going to go out of my way to recommend him either!
You really need to be concerned about who you do business with.
Reputation is everything. Ask the three best ones on here... Ed,
Autographpros and Autographworld.

By all means, if anyone has any dealer they know to be bad, you know
I'll remove it from my site. Anyone knowingly/blatantly/proveable
selling forgeries goes on the Xlist. I've not worked that in some
time, but I always work submissions (serious ones).

Speaking of that; I am nearly complete with my start of a new
signature database with examples from the Profiles in history and
signature house auction catalogs for people to use. While doing this
I discovered a couple sigs that were "off" to my eye but after looking
and looking, I came to the conclusion the time frames were so vast on
a couple of these you can tell that's where the sig changes. There
are signatures where people have accused some of forgeries and they
possibly are NOT. Several sigs through history change.

Katherine Hepburn wrote Kate on a lot of items and Katherine on others
A couple celebs signed in full and fluid in a few photos and on
another wrote cramped and more jagged because of a small space on
white where it showed.... George Lucas started signing so much his sig
when from full to GL which looks like C squiggle L line. Same with
many others (Orlando Bloom). the old golden era of Hollywood showed
more care in signatures; modern ones don't. You see a vintage poster
of Star Wars (first edition) with a signature that looks like 1990's
(late) to 2000's on it. All that means is someone wrecked their
vintage poster is all. You see longer inscriptions in the past than
now and have much more to look at in the way of signature ID than you
do now which makes modern sigs more tough to ID as wrong.

Be very careful when accusing people. That's all I am saying.
Instead, research and gather proof then out their sorry asses.

On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 00:17:29 -0500, "medieval"
Post by medieval
You have been invited to make inquiries but for some reason you refuse to
do so. You post assertions but never have tangible evidence to support
your claims. You want to sound like you know what your talking about but
when it comes down to making it stick it's always "I heard this, I heard
that", relying on heresay and innuendo. You and I have never met though I
talked to you one time 6 years ago when you tried to hawk some alleged
signed items over the phone and begged and pleaded because you were
broke...but I refused to buy. Beyond that, it's been nothing more than a
stupid vendetta because I didn't appreciate your crude manner over the
phone and the constant IMing over internet and I let you know it.
Sue H
2008-03-22 13:42:17 UTC
I think strictler's sports is on a link on my site... . If there are
forgeries, I wouldn't have it there. I don't appreciate people saying
I help people sell forgeries...... so don't start a war with me.

If you have PROOF there are forgeries, by all means prove it. As you
well know (and I hope everyone here does), I don't have anything to do
with forgeries and work against that. My problem with you is so
evident in your small post here. You just accused me, even if you
didn't intend to, of helping aid and abet a forger.

I have turned down many people who wanted me to affiliate them even
for profit because I suspected stuff wasn't right. I would remove
anyone I suspected in a heartbeat. With a couple (and just a couple)
I've allowed links on there if I didn't see anything at the time (and
with this one wasn't it a sports link?). I am not good with sports so
I give the benefit of the doubt sometimes after a couple questions. I
do more than MOST people ever do when even putting a link on my site.

So by all mean prove what you say and I'll remove him. Now, as with a
million other posts in the past, I know having you come up with proof
is pretty thin; you seem to accuse a whole lot of people of a whole
lot of things without ever giving solid evidence; all you ever give is
"I heard" or "he's a &%&%" or whatever. Accusations and hearsay do
not count.

PS I don't want to hear about him using wire images photos. that's
not proof of anything other than he borrowed images (though I would
urge under the wire image photos and any other photos he borrowed,, to
say what it is or where it came from as that's the right thing to do).

On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:47:24 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
all in an effort to help him sell more forgeries...
use real stories from other people to back up his bogus claims.
2008-03-22 19:32:37 UTC
Sue...your website link has been posted to our blog as well. I appreciate
your stance and standards as evident in your site and comments.

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
2008-03-23 03:07:56 UTC
i have NEVER spoken to you on the phone...it just never happened.other
than that, i can prove the forgery thing..that's actually pretty
and stop lying about and stop posting pictures of me on your site with
stories of people signing...I DO NOT SELL ANYTHING TO YOU!
2008-03-23 03:32:52 UTC

do i need to exlplain?

here's another one..
it's pretty well known that since Lord of the Rings 2, orlando bloom's
autograph is an O and a B... pirates one was well after lotr 2

anyone who knows star wars autographs knows that portman doesn't sign
star wars stuff at all (unless it's been for a charity) and she
certainly didn't sign this...she's tough enough AT ALL, but has never
signed star wars stuff.

boy oh boy...are these autograph perfect.

oh yeah...and everytime i say something bad about this guy...he
threatens me with violence...but he doesn't have the gall to sue me or
anything...he knows his stuff is bad.
2008-03-23 03:38:38 UTC

here's the best!!!!
look at the A in all of these celebrities autographs...
these are all 3 different people but magically it's all the same
2008-03-23 03:49:14 UTC
The Anthony Michael Hall matches dead-on to my in-person signature
stroke by stroke. I can't say one way or another with the other
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.

"barefoot" <***@comcast.net> wrote in message news:0fbacd26-f39f-47ba-a9ce-***@d21g2000prf.googlegroups.com...


here's the best!!!!
look at the A in all of these celebrities autographs...
these are all 3 different people but magically it's all the same
2008-03-23 08:22:41 UTC
Post by Gummby3
The Anthony Michael Hall matches dead-on to my in-person signature
stroke by stroke. �I can't say one way or another with the other
-= Star Collector =-www.star-collector.net
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
� here's the best!!!!
� look at the A in all of these celebrities autographs...
� these are all 3 different people but magically it's all the same
� handwriting...
� M
2008-03-23 03:44:58 UTC
LOL...that's your proof! That 3 signatures of 3 different celebrities have
similiar A's? OMG, are you serious? I suppose your professional forensic
opinion has led you to this remarkable conclusion? I suppose you're going
to say that in ALL the signatures of these 3 celebrities that none of
their A's look like this? If so, I must have forged every signature of
Anne Hathaway, Annette Bening and Anthony Michael Hall on the market as
well. I also have signed photos of Bud Abbott, Issac Asimov, Alben
William Barkley and Aaron Copland that also have similar A's. I suppose I
signed those as well....in my previous life?

You have once again proven how much of a hack you really are........

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
Sue H
2008-03-23 13:35:35 UTC
I just hope this wasn't pointing to me.... I have not even had the
chance to look at your "proof". So to start accusing me of coming to
an opinion before I even have a chance to look at anything is obsurd.
As usual, your posting of tactless, baseless and rude comments do you
great injustice. I have come to the conclusion that nobody can help
you! You are just not worthy of anyone talking to.

On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 22:44:58 -0500, "medieval"
Post by medieval
LOL...that's your proof! That 3 signatures of 3 different celebrities have
similiar A's? OMG, are you serious? I suppose your professional forensic
opinion has led you to this remarkable conclusion? I suppose you're going
to say that in ALL the signatures of these 3 celebrities that none of
their A's look like this? If so, I must have forged every signature of
Anne Hathaway, Annette Bening and Anthony Michael Hall on the market as
well. I also have signed photos of Bud Abbott, Issac Asimov, Alben
William Barkley and Aaron Copland that also have similar A's. I suppose I
signed those as well....in my previous life?
You have once again proven how much of a hack you really are........
2008-03-23 04:00:22 UTC
Well, we can banter this argument forever but you want to act like you
forget the incident. Frankly, it's hard to forget when you get a cold
call from someone you don't know who wants to sell you a package of signed
photos. You emailed a list after I tried to brush you off (I thought you
had gotten the message on the phone...but you didn't). Then this
'package' you offer has a ton of 'D' list actors in multiples that no
dealer with any sense would consider. Then I get a call back from you
wanting to know when I'm sending a PayPal payment. I told you I wasn't
interested, you got upset and start giving me the sob story. Then that
evening you IM me on AOL and say that you couldn't sell to me anyway
because I not to be trusted.

You are right about one thing though...I NEVER HAVE BOUGHT FROM YOU!

I think most people can easily recognize a pattern with you and why you
can't seem to maintain a steady clientele.

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
2008-03-23 04:35:06 UTC
well, i guess you can't tell anything from autographs...this is an
EASY spot!

they are all basically the same size...they are the same A (and one of
them is supposed to be from a man, it's obvious that all of these- the
ones you have- were forged by the same person)...all these people have
DIFFERENT autographs...this is just a start...

all i can really say is this...
you don't get autographs, you buy and re sell...so you really don't
know...maybe you don't even know you are selling fakes...

i have NEVER called you though ( i may have emailed etc...but i never
called. but keep telling that story)...but i'm guessing you just want
to talk in circles and try to keep me quiet.

and that's just the begining of proof...
you enjoy what you got...it's not going to last much longer.
2008-03-23 04:48:03 UTC
Since you never quote, I can't tell if you are responding to my
post, Strickler's post or everybody's at once, so I'm responding.
If are saying the one I have is forged, again because I can't tell
who you are responding to, then you are wrong. The "man" is Anthony
Michael Hall. He signed my legit autograph at Trek Expo 2003 in
Tulsa OK. The scan at Strickler matched exactly. If this was not
in response to my post, again, I could not tell.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.

"barefoot" <***@comcast.net> wrote in message news:1b796049-e520-437f-be07-***@d21g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
well, i guess you can't tell anything from autographs...this is an
EASY spot!

they are all basically the same size...they are the same A (and
one of
them is supposed to be from a man, it's obvious that all of these-
ones you have- were forged by the same person)...all these people
DIFFERENT autographs...this is just a start...

all i can really say is this...
you don't get autographs, you buy and re sell...so you really
know...maybe you don't even know you are selling fakes...

i have NEVER called you though ( i may have emailed etc...but i
called. but keep telling that story)...but i'm guessing you just
to talk in circles and try to keep me quiet.

and that's just the begining of proof...
you enjoy what you got...it's not going to last much longer.
2008-03-23 07:20:04 UTC
Post by Gummby3
Since you never quote, I can't tell if you are responding to my
post, Strickler's post or everybody's at once, so I'm responding.
If are saying the one I have is forged, again because I can't tell
who you are responding to, then you are wrong. �The "man" is Anthony
Michael Hall. �He signed my legit autograph at Trek Expo 2003 in
Tulsa OK. �The scan at Strickler matched exactly. �If this was not
in response to my post, again, I could not tell.
-= Star Collector =-www.star-collector.net
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Hi Mike (Gummby3)....the Anthony Michael Hall was signed for me in
Memphis a few years ago. As well, the Bening was signed in-person for
my wife as a matter of fact here in Baltimore. The Hathaway...right
now, I don't remember where it was signed, frankly. It probably was
from the McCracken collection I purchased at the auction last year.
Sue H
2008-03-23 13:56:40 UTC
Later today, I will post another database for comparisons. I am still
working on it. It will have at least 200 signatures on it to start (I
did the first three catalogs which were the ones with the least amount
of sigs in there and have 6 more which are jammed packed). I urge
people to start looking at the ones with two or three exemplars on
them. You will notice a lot of stuff.

No signatures will ever look identical.

Some signatures are done smaller because they put them on white space
or something and so are not the "usual" sig

Some signatures are fatter (use of pen vs something else)

Some signatures are nicknames, initiials etc while some are full.

Some signatures change over time from distinctive letters spelled out
to turning into squiggles

Some signatures from the older days are more carefully done than
current signatures and therefore make discerning fakes easier.
Squiggles make it much harder.

Some signatures have fades, writing over the top where
pens/markers/paint didn't work right or skipped and the alteration is
drastic and could be considered fake when it's not.

Some signatures are rushed while others are not; which makes them look
drasitcally different.

Some signatures are written in business hand rather than fan hand.

Some signatures which are in hands of even the highest auction houses
can be suspect. Nobody is exempt from that.

Nobody here is an "expert". You have to give leeway but if many many
items are questionable, or business practices, that is a "most likely"
scenario. Such may be the case when someone is told they have fakes
(and it's pretty reasonable assumption when something is multi-signed
and not one signature looks good) and keeps trying to sell it.... that
is called a bad business practice.

You need to look for certain identifying signs when examining
signatures. Other clues relate to stop/start line (not always but
majority), pooling (hesitation happens with celebs but probably not
often so majority of the time huge pooling is sign of a potential
problem where forger hesitates), continuity of lines (follow them to
see if any are backwards or possibly from say a left handed person
when the celeb is right handed), slant/lean, scale (not always as
indicated by my post with whitespace etc). You see, there are many
factors for good and bad and NONE of them are an exact science.
People have brain farts (heistation/pooling), are mad or rushed, are
super happy and add flourishes, are bored or looking elsewhere and
drop the tails of sigs... deliberately sign odd, use business sig by
accident, sign Star Wars stuff by accident (or give in to a relentless
fan), you just NEVER KNOW.

And you SHOULD be looking at several examples. Not just one that was
obtained in person by you. Though a pretty good indicator and ok on
SOME sigs (for example, when NOTHING in the sig is close and you've
got something else behind you to suspect forgery like a lie, bad
feedback, others mentioning problems etc) then ok; but most times you
do NOT know. So tread very carefully. You could ruin someone's
business. However, if you can determine they are "most likely" bad,
by all means, spread the word but attach it as "it's my OPINION" and
don't say it as fact.

Those are my two cents. I am no expert. I will give an educated guess
only and only on stuff I know. I never touch sports or any of that.
I believe that even though only and educated guess (which is what I do
for myself and I do have a few problem pieces in there which I took
chances on), it gives me peace. On those I took chances on or others
gave me, they remain in the collection with a caveat. However, I keep
them because I just don't know; or are a good reminder. And some are
worth taking a chance on. If the price is right and it's a rare
thing... if you can afford the lose the money, take the chance and
keep it till proven otherwise. If someday someone says you can't sell
it at Christies as it's fake, well, you didn't lose money. But don't
just buy and sell on Ebay when you don't know! If you aren't sure, DO
NOT sell it! It's just wrong to hurt your fellow man like that. Be

I am done. Phew.

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 00:20:04 -0700 (PDT), stricklercelebs
Post by stricklercelebs
Post by Gummby3
Since you never quote, I can't tell if you are responding to my
post, Strickler's post or everybody's at once, so I'm responding.
If are saying the one I have is forged, again because I can't tell
who you are responding to, then you are wrong. ?The "man" is Anthony
Michael Hall. ?He signed my legit autograph at Trek Expo 2003 in
Tulsa OK. ?The scan at Strickler matched exactly. ?If this was not
in response to my post, again, I could not tell.
-= Star Collector =-www.star-collector.net
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Hi Mike (Gummby3)....the Anthony Michael Hall was signed for me in
Memphis a few years ago. As well, the Bening was signed in-person for
my wife as a matter of fact here in Baltimore. The Hathaway...right
now, I don't remember where it was signed, frankly. It probably was
from the McCracken collection I purchased at the auction last year.
Lee Cochenour
2008-03-23 15:37:20 UTC
Post by Sue H
I think strictler's sports is on a link on my site... . If there are
forgeries, I wouldn't have it there. I don't appreciate people saying
I help people sell forgeries...... so don't start a war with me.
PS I don't want to hear about him using wire images photos. that's
not proof of anything other than he borrowed images (though I would
urge under the wire image photos and any other photos he borrowed,, to
say what it is or where it came from as that's the right thing to do).
Well, it isn't just the right thing to do, it is the legal thing to
do. The problem wih Strickler's site is that he continues to post
copywritten material without giving credit to where he is copying it from. I
don't mind people posting the information that I come up with as long as it
is attributed back to my site. It just isn't right when others post it as
their own.

The Celebrity Book Signings & Events Site
2008-03-23 16:55:35 UTC
Lee...book signing dates are PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and not copyright worthy. I
wish you'd get off of the soapbox and stop crying the blues. Besides,
there are several references other than your site. I would have been more
than happy to place a link on my site to your website if you wouldn't have
acted high and mighty and INSISTED on the recognition from the beginning.

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
2008-03-23 17:20:17 UTC
i will if you insist...
but here's what i'm pointing out...
1) 3 different people with the A on the same slant, at about the same
2) all 3 of them have that little loop when the a moves on into the
second letter at precisely the same spot and also at the same size...

it's pretty obvious that these are all the same handwriting...

then, look at the other stuff i said...about how just about everyone
knows that orlando bloom hasn't signed a full name signature since
lotr 2, but magically this guy has a full name on a POTC photo...just
not possible.
i can't remember the others...but i'm sure i'll find more QUICKLY.
2008-03-23 20:51:45 UTC
I will admit that it is POSSIBLE that signatures with similar A's,
or whatever letter, very much could be forged. In this case, if you
read the messages, Strickler has already stated where he got the
autographs of your three damning "evidence". Unless you can prove
otherwise, other legit examples of their signatures maybe, then I
would have to take his word, just as we take your word on how you
get your autographs.

Regarding Anthony Michael Hall, you are off base here. Here is the
link to my IP of Hall. Unless somebody slipped in between the two
sides of the table we were at, and magically forged his signature,
Hall does sign with that A. This dissolves your proof, at least in
Hall's case.


Here's a close up:


Secondly, you can't base a certain style of signing at a certain
point in life as a set in cement template, especially with
celebrities, the most fickle breed of humans on the planet. Look at
Elvis' signature. From early examples in Memphis to the time he
died, his signature had several variations. By his end, it had
become really dynamic compared to the simple signature he started
with. Just because Bloom has been signing OB for the last couple of
years, it doesn't mean that he won't alter the signature again and
again after that. What you're using as an example is a rushed
assembly line red carpet signature. With his popularity, at the
time, he had to shorten the signature out of necessity. He wanted
to try and get as many of the fans signed as he could in the
shortest amount of time. If he stood there and signed out his name
for every hand there, the event would be half over. Are you saying
that he signs his checks or contracts OB? I really don't think so.
:-) You can't, in all certainty, say that he NEVER signs his full
name. What if he's in a relaxed situation with no horde of "gimmie"
hands in his face? He might well sign his name. It seems, from
what I've read, the only time that you get/see his autograph is via
assembly line events.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.

"barefoot" <***@comcast.net> wrote in message news:0518f26b-97ea-49d1-b9db-***@e23g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
i will if you insist...
but here's what i'm pointing out...
1) 3 different people with the A on the same slant, at about the
2) all 3 of them have that little loop when the a moves on into
second letter at precisely the same spot and also at the same

it's pretty obvious that these are all the same handwriting...

then, look at the other stuff i said...about how just about
knows that orlando bloom hasn't signed a full name signature since
lotr 2, but magically this guy has a full name on a POTC
not possible.
i can't remember the others...but i'm sure i'll find more QUICKLY.
Sue H
2008-03-23 21:07:19 UTC
On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 15:51:45 -0500, "Gummby3"
Post by Gummby3
I will admit that it is POSSIBLE that signatures with similar A's,
or whatever letter, very much could be forged. In this case, if you
read the messages, Strickler has already stated where he got the
autographs of your three damning "evidence". Unless you can prove
otherwise, other legit examples of their signatures maybe, then I
would have to take his word, just as we take your word on how you
get your autographs.
Regarding Anthony Michael Hall, you are off base here. Here is the
link to my IP of Hall. Unless somebody slipped in between the two
sides of the table we were at, and magically forged his signature,
Hall does sign with that A. This dissolves your proof, at least in
Hall's case.
Secondly, you can't base a certain style of signing at a certain
point in life as a set in cement template, especially with
celebrities, the most fickle breed of humans on the planet. Look at
Elvis' signature. From early examples in Memphis to the time he
died, his signature had several variations. By his end, it had
become really dynamic compared to the simple signature he started
with. Just because Bloom has been signing OB for the last couple of
years, it doesn't mean that he won't alter the signature again and
again after that. What you're using as an example is a rushed
assembly line red carpet signature. With his popularity, at the
time, he had to shorten the signature out of necessity. He wanted
to try and get as many of the fans signed as he could in the
shortest amount of time. If he stood there and signed out his name
for every hand there, the event would be half over. Are you saying
that he signs his checks or contracts OB? I really don't think so.
:-) You can't, in all certainty, say that he NEVER signs his full
name. What if he's in a relaxed situation with no horde of "gimmie"
hands in his face? He might well sign his name. It seems, from
what I've read, the only time that you get/see his autograph is via
assembly line events.
Agreed on Bloom; we just don't know and some crossover full names some
swear they got in person or whatever. But yes, he did go to shortened
too and mostly does that. So both are correct. When you are hit with
someone who is a potential forger, there are many things to consider
along WITH the possiblity the signatures are off. When doing the
Xlist, I never just consider that. I look at past ID's, other
complaints, feedback, sometimes I just email to ask about items and
engage in conversation which leads to someone caught up in their own
lies, sometimes I look at time periods (the old the ball or poster was
made after the person died or they signed with a sharpie before it was
invented? type of things). There are many ways to skin a cat as they

I will say this though; sometimes people are so into money they lose
site of their own souls. I have heard that many items some say are
fake to some are still being sold... if this is the case, that is
where the line is drawn. If you're a dealer and someone complains,
you should ethically remove said items from auction till you can
provide proof. Unless you know because you got it in person and the
person complaining is crazy, you should treat it like any other
business would and NOT sell it. But not all of us are ethical I
guess. So when you meet someone like that, it's best to just pass on
the info not to buy from them. Instead of accusing, that's your best
2008-03-23 21:34:51 UTC
you're right...and i could be taking this all the wrong way...but
people have been telling him for years to question his
source...including myself...i didn't go into a public forum at first.
but he's threatened me with violence and the like, so i'm perfectly
willing to go ahead and ramsack his name (it's not good anyway)...
and he makes claims that ebay uses him to see if stuff is good
etc...which just isn't the case.

and sue, if you would...check out just HOW MANY natalie portman signed
star wars items he has on his site...if you can agree about the bloom
(albeit not 100%, i understand) i'm certain that you've heard that she
doesn't sign star wars items at all (if she even signs at all)..but he
has more than 5...it's that simple...

my point about the benning,hall,hathaway thing...
just look closely to the A in the begining of each name...and simple
person who has watched people sign anything (notecards, pieces of
paper, checks etc.) and you can really start to tell that these are
all the same (size, shape etc) and they all loop into the next letter
exactly the same way (not even kind of, but exactly)... it's a real
simple read...

maybe i shouldn't put myself as the end all, be all of spotting this
kind of stuff..but it doesn't take an adept mind to see that these are
the same. maybe he is close to being the same as the other guy's
anthony michael hall (and i'm waiting word from anthony himself as he
makes a living selling his autograph- i'm sure he's interested in

i'll tell you what...and i'll offer this to strickler...i'll put my
money where my mouth is...as per usual..
let me pick out 100 of his items and have him send them to the
authentication houses (GAI, PSA, James Spence) and if an ANY ONE of
them comes back as real, i'll buy them all and pay the charges...but
if they all come back as bogus, he has to close up shop FOREVER...it's
a substantial loss for me too as it would be well over $2000 out of my
pocket...what could he possibly lose? but i truly don't see one item
on his site that i would even possibly think is real. and even though
the authentication houses are suspect on many occassions, they can't
get them all wrong. these are the only companies that ebay accepts..so
they HAVE TO be the only ones we can accept at this time..but i would
invite him to use all 3, not just one or the other.

i am doing due diligence and looking for other sources to compare his
autographs to others. i posted the clint eastwoods and the matt
damons, from 90+% reliable sources. i'll do more if anyone thinks it's
necessary...and i can provide timelines etc. i have a lot of this
stuff in my personal collection too (but i also know that by just
saying that they are MY personal items, doesn't really amount to a
hill of beans) but i can show that my stuff looks like their stuff and
that his stuff doesn't look like anyone elses...

i'm really not trying to be the judge and jury...but the education
level of buyers still isn't up to par..and people are getting
burned..but this and other sellers...and i think strickler is getting
burned, he just wants so badly to trust his sources.
Sue H
2008-03-23 22:54:24 UTC
Oh I will. Portman is a tough signature though. Like Ford, they got
good at forging her sig. In a way, it's easy to do hers I'd think
because it's so common looking and careful. I do have some charity
sig examples on my site to check against... and i know lately she's
loosened up on signing but still no SW stuff. Her and Neeson are not
good about SW stuff. Neeson has signed some though not too long ago.

If you are selling good stuff (only you really know) and he's selling
bad stuff in your opininion, I can see why mad. But I also see two
dealers slamming each other (sometimes that happens when one is
fearing competition). So you gotta understand where people on this
board are coming from....

I think you have a point; the education of buyers is not up to par.
On that you are right; the reason? Laziness! But to me, money is
more important and my reputation than being lazy. then again, I have
a two lazy ass kids who wait to the last minute for everything. My
son today just called for help filing his taxes and didn't have all
his W2's. He was too lazy to call for it. Turns out he never sent
them a change of address and it'll be at least a week or two before he
gets it now... and tax time draws very near. What are you gonna do?
you can preach all day long and end up not accomplishing a damned
thing. I feel like that lots.

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 14:34:51 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
you're right...and i could be taking this all the wrong way...but
people have been telling him for years to question his
source...including myself...i didn't go into a public forum at first.
but he's threatened me with violence and the like, so i'm perfectly
willing to go ahead and ramsack his name (it's not good anyway)...
and he makes claims that ebay uses him to see if stuff is good
etc...which just isn't the case.
and sue, if you would...check out just HOW MANY natalie portman signed
star wars items he has on his site...if you can agree about the bloom
(albeit not 100%, i understand) i'm certain that you've heard that she
doesn't sign star wars items at all (if she even signs at all)..but he
has more than 5...it's that simple...
my point about the benning,hall,hathaway thing...
just look closely to the A in the begining of each name...and simple
person who has watched people sign anything (notecards, pieces of
paper, checks etc.) and you can really start to tell that these are
all the same (size, shape etc) and they all loop into the next letter
exactly the same way (not even kind of, but exactly)... it's a real
simple read...
maybe i shouldn't put myself as the end all, be all of spotting this
kind of stuff..but it doesn't take an adept mind to see that these are
the same. maybe he is close to being the same as the other guy's
anthony michael hall (and i'm waiting word from anthony himself as he
makes a living selling his autograph- i'm sure he's interested in
i'll tell you what...and i'll offer this to strickler...i'll put my
money where my mouth is...as per usual..
let me pick out 100 of his items and have him send them to the
authentication houses (GAI, PSA, James Spence) and if an ANY ONE of
them comes back as real, i'll buy them all and pay the charges...but
if they all come back as bogus, he has to close up shop FOREVER...it's
a substantial loss for me too as it would be well over $2000 out of my
pocket...what could he possibly lose? but i truly don't see one item
on his site that i would even possibly think is real. and even though
the authentication houses are suspect on many occassions, they can't
get them all wrong. these are the only companies that ebay accepts..so
they HAVE TO be the only ones we can accept at this time..but i would
invite him to use all 3, not just one or the other.
i am doing due diligence and looking for other sources to compare his
autographs to others. i posted the clint eastwoods and the matt
damons, from 90+% reliable sources. i'll do more if anyone thinks it's
necessary...and i can provide timelines etc. i have a lot of this
stuff in my personal collection too (but i also know that by just
saying that they are MY personal items, doesn't really amount to a
hill of beans) but i can show that my stuff looks like their stuff and
that his stuff doesn't look like anyone elses...
i'm really not trying to be the judge and jury...but the education
level of buyers still isn't up to par..and people are getting
burned..but this and other sellers...and i think strickler is getting
burned, he just wants so badly to trust his sources.
2008-03-23 17:21:06 UTC
oh, and i love how everyone else is at fault BUT strickler...
people have asked him to stop posting their stuff for a long time...

things are adding up strickler.
2008-03-23 17:21:49 UTC
and i am trying to ruin someone's business...i'm daring him to make me
come to court on this.
2008-03-23 17:31:24 UTC
i'll start moving on...

1) link from autographworld...eastwood

2) link from strickler - eastwood

3)link from autographworld. (matt damon)

4) link from strickler's- damon

now, you can raise the argument that over time, autographs change...
and this is true, but.

the damons...
stricklers is from bourne ultimatum- a world's is from the departed.
both similar dates in signatures.

so here...here's another damon from starbrite autographs

it's much older (from bourne supremacy) and it's right on the money
with the one from a world...

i can keep going...unless anyone is bored.
2008-03-23 17:43:32 UTC
oh, and sue, i wasn't pointing anything at you...i don't even know
what you have to do with this subject. sorry if you think i'm
implicating you with anything...
Sue H
2008-03-23 20:45:21 UTC
Sometimes it's hard to know which things are responded to. Part of it
is my own fault as when I am done with posts, I delete them so can't
follow the thread if the messages above are taken out by the poster
(as ni the case here). I can't keep all the threads; it's just too
much to sift through; I spend too much time on here as is.

Glad it wasn't me. I don't have time to analyze yet. But seems others
are upset too by this as I got another email. I'll probably just
remove links to avoid the crap.

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:43:32 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
oh, and sue, i wasn't pointing anything at you...i don't even know
what you have to do with this subject. sorry if you think i'm
implicating you with anything...
2008-03-23 20:15:45 UTC
Most of these autograph dealers are selling questionable autographs
when it comes to the A list celebrities.
Even on sites that everyone seems to regard highly, like AutographPros
and AutographWorld, one has to wade through a mile of rubbish and the
only signatures to be trusted are the ones on personal checks and
AutographWorld used to put up a new Jodie Foster signed photo every
week. Were they living with her?
Post by barefoot
i'll start moving on...
1) link from autographworld...>
2) link from strickler -
Sue H
2008-03-23 20:47:32 UTC
They do have a lot of the same ones up a lot. Maybe nobody bought it
and it's for sale again. Who knows. Till proof of wrongdoing, they
are the best as far as I am concerned.

I've bought most of my stuff I've ever bought with them (them and Mick
from MSPG and Autographica).
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Most of these autograph dealers are selling questionable autographs
when it comes to the A list celebrities.
Even on sites that everyone seems to regard highly, like AutographPros
and AutographWorld, one has to wade through a mile of rubbish and the
only signatures to be trusted are the ones on personal checks and
AutographWorld used to put up a new Jodie Foster signed photo every
week. Were they living with her?
Post by barefoot
i'll start moving on...
1) link from autographworld...>
2) link from strickler -
2008-03-23 21:56:54 UTC
Post by barefoot
4) link from strickler's- damon
That looks horrible

I have a few

What do you think to these then. Yes I know where they came from Dealerwise
and trust the source 100%

2008-03-23 22:35:45 UTC

find no fault in ANY of this...all looks good...the other stuff on the
page sent looks excellent as well...
1 problem though...

it's not that it's a forgery..it's misrepresented. this photo is
signed by matt damon and ANDY GARCIA- not brad pitt like it's

other stuff this seller is selling looks good too..
i'm not going to go through the entire site...
but this depp looks great as well..

some of the other stuff looks great as well...this looks like a good
but this further goes into my point...if so many people have damons
that look like these (and the ones i've shown) why does strickler's
looks SO FAR DIFFERENT?? because it's not real.

and he even said that why does his look like the other stuff on the
net...didn't he even ask "does that mean i've forged every one out
there for sale?" or something to that effect?

IT DOESN'T...his are the only ones that look screwey!
Sue H
2008-03-23 20:42:17 UTC
Listen, I agree with Lee and you. First, you are right; he's not got
a copyright on it. HOWEVER... he puts in a lot of time and effort to
do that for people (like I do a lot on my site and others do on
theirs) and for someone to copy it and then just not give credit is
pretty sad. It's not the neighborly way of doing things. You should
ask firt. I have a link to his site on mine. But it goes directly to
him... I don't just copy and paste.

Someone did ask me the other day if they could copy my convention info
down. I guess not in a way though I was divided. I mean I put all
that work in. They graciously said I could take theirs too (no time
though for it) and it's for the benefit of all which is correct. So
that was the right thing to do. Remember though; do it for the right
reasons. Not because you want to have the only site people come to
etc. taht's selfish. It should be for all the collectors. At times
though I feel like throwing in the towel too because of all the crap
going on.

Personally, people should have their OWN website ideas and not copy
info from anyone. If you can't come up with your own deal, don't do

Gee whiz

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:55:35 -0500, "medieval"
Post by medieval
Lee...book signing dates are PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and not copyright worthy. I
wish you'd get off of the soapbox and stop crying the blues. Besides,
there are several references other than your site. I would have been more
than happy to place a link on my site to your website if you wouldn't have
acted high and mighty and INSISTED on the recognition from the beginning.
Sue H
2008-03-23 20:37:20 UTC
I agree with that. And you can't just "take" them; you have to ask

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:37:20 -0500, "Lee Cochenour"
Post by Lee Cochenour
Post by Sue H
I think strictler's sports is on a link on my site... . If there are
forgeries, I wouldn't have it there. I don't appreciate people saying
I help people sell forgeries...... so don't start a war with me.
PS I don't want to hear about him using wire images photos. that's
not proof of anything other than he borrowed images (though I would
urge under the wire image photos and any other photos he borrowed,, to
say what it is or where it came from as that's the right thing to do).
Well, it isn't just the right thing to do, it is the legal thing to
do. The problem wih Strickler's site is that he continues to post
copywritten material without giving credit to where he is copying it from. I
don't mind people posting the information that I come up with as long as it
is attributed back to my site. It just isn't right when others post it as
their own.
The Celebrity Book Signings & Events Site
2008-03-23 23:26:06 UTC


-We are proud members of the Universal Autograph Collectors Club (UACC) &
The Manuscript Society and hold ourselves to their strict code of ethics.
-American Philatelic Society
-Autograph appraiser at Whatsitworthtoyou.com strategic partner with
eBay.com & eBay.ca
-Antiques and Collectibles National Dealers Association
-Maryland Historical Society
-Association of Online Appraisers

Whatsitworthtoyou.com is proud to be the online appraisers of choice for
eBay.com and eBay.ca

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
2008-03-24 00:23:31 UTC
well, then they should fire you too...
and i don't see where ebay uses you...

just because you are a registered dealer with uacc means NOTHING...
i bet if i actually send your stuff to autograph world, you won't be a
registered dealer for long (isn't he still on the board over there?)

keep touting all your sources of companies that no one has ever hard
of EVER...please...it actually detracts from your argument...

i think we've (other people on this board) have pretty much been
nailing you on the head with your stuff...but you keep plugging
away...that grave is getting deeper!
2008-03-24 03:05:59 UTC
I just checked and they are NOT a UACC Registered Dealer, they are just a
paid member of the UACC which everyone and anyone can do.
Post by barefoot
well, then they should fire you too...
and i don't see where ebay uses you...
just because you are a registered dealer with uacc means NOTHING...
i bet if i actually send your stuff to autograph world, you won't be a
registered dealer for long (isn't he still on the board over there?)
keep touting all your sources of companies that no one has ever hard
of EVER...please...it actually detracts from your argument...
i think we've (other people on this board) have pretty much been
nailing you on the head with your stuff...but you keep plugging
away...that grave is getting deeper!
Bill Plenge
2008-03-24 03:22:18 UTC
Post by Sign4Me
I just checked and they are NOT a UACC Registered Dealer, they are
just a paid member of the UACC which everyone and anyone can do.
Post by barefoot
well, then they should fire you too...
and i don't see where ebay uses you...
just because you are a registered dealer with uacc means NOTHING...
i bet if i actually send your stuff to autograph world, you won't be
a registered dealer for long (isn't he still on the board over
there?) keep touting all your sources of companies that no one has ever
of EVER...please...it actually detracts from your argument...
i think we've (other people on this board) have pretty much been
nailing you on the head with your stuff...but you keep plugging
away...that grave is getting deeper!
Just to keep things straight, medieval never claimed to be a UACC registered
dealer, that was added in barefoots post. Medievals original statement was,
"-We are proud members of the Universal Autograph Collectors Club (UACC)

And yes anyone can be a member, however remaining a member is difficult if
you deal dishonestly with UACC members. Contrary to what seems to be a
popular belief the UACC can't help you with a complaint against a member
unless you're a member also. This only makes sense, they aren't a legal
system or the police, they have no influence over nonmembers.

2008-03-24 04:22:43 UTC
yeah sorry...my mistake. uacc is the uacc...lots of people are
members..but why be a member if you're not going to uphold the uacc
guidelines or regualtions.

by the way, i would LOVE to be totally wrong about this guy...but the
simple fact of the matter is, is that i am not...i would totally love
to rally around the people doing it right...but instead of addressing
the accusations, he chooses to try and discredit me...and i'm all for
that...but when the truth comes out and other people see it like i see
it...he's going to have a hard time discrediting EVERYONE!
Sue H
2008-03-24 15:04:43 UTC
I am guessing that's a good question to discuss... why be a member of
the UACC if you are not going to abide by their code/mantra or
whatever. I would assume that when you join, you take an oath of
sorts (at least agree somewhere to follow); however it's up to the
organization to make sure their members are kosher. Applicants should
go through a screening process and then after, they should
occasionally police their members. Otherwise, what are you paying for
other than the privledge of having a name attached to legally sell
forgeries etc? I am sure a lot of forgers squeaked by or at least try
to. It's obvious the entity probably started somewhere with two
people starting a group (like any two of us) and had ideas. Just like
the owners of this newsgroup... where are they? What's the history?
I haven't looked but hopefully they have an archive somewhere; a file
cabinet with all their stuff. One day who knows, could grow to be
like Masons, Elks, or any other type organization where history will
be important (for staying power, longevity and documentation will be

But they aren't big enough (probably just a few guys running it?
Maybe even one or two?) to police everything. You do need to do what
my hubby had to do for his job... it's called QAE or Quality Assurance
Evaluations. You spot check say quarterly x amount of people to spot
check and then give them warnings etc as needed.

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:22:43 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
yeah sorry...my mistake. uacc is the uacc...lots of people are
members..but why be a member if you're not going to uphold the uacc
guidelines or regualtions.
by the way, i would LOVE to be totally wrong about this guy...but the
simple fact of the matter is, is that i am not...i would totally love
to rally around the people doing it right...but instead of addressing
the accusations, he chooses to try and discredit me...and i'm all for
that...but when the truth comes out and other people see it like i see
it...he's going to have a hard time discrediting EVERYONE!
Bill Plenge
2008-03-24 21:28:51 UTC
Post by Sue H
I am guessing that's a good question to discuss... why be a member of
the UACC if you are not going to abide by their code/mantra or
whatever. I would assume that when you join, you take an oath of
sorts (at least agree somewhere to follow); however it's up to the
organization to make sure their members are kosher. Applicants should
go through a screening process and then after, they should
occasionally police their members. Otherwise, what are you paying for
other than the privledge of having a name attached to legally sell
forgeries etc? I am sure a lot of forgers squeaked by or at least try
to. It's obvious the entity probably started somewhere with two
people starting a group (like any two of us) and had ideas. Just like
the owners of this newsgroup... where are they? What's the history?
I haven't looked but hopefully they have an archive somewhere; a file
cabinet with all their stuff. One day who knows, could grow to be
like Masons, Elks, or any other type organization where history will
be important (for staying power, longevity and documentation will be
But they aren't big enough (probably just a few guys running it?
Maybe even one or two?) to police everything. You do need to do what
my hubby had to do for his job... it's called QAE or Quality Assurance
Evaluations. You spot check say quarterly x amount of people to spot
check and then give them warnings etc as needed.
On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:22:43 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
They do expect their members to follow the code of ethics, the hall of shame
at their website shows what happens when they don't. I use to be a member,
but stopped renewing when I became inactive in the hobby. If I ever gt back
to collecting I'll probably rejoin. The peace of mind of knowing a dispute
on an item with another party can be arbitrated is worth it. I also enjoyed
attending their shows and did my best not to drool on too many autographs
when I did :) Unfortunately the last show of their I wanted to attend I
didn't go to, and think it was canceled, it was in NYC the weekend after
9/11. Now that I relocated to Minnesota I doubt I'll ever have the chance
to attend another.

Post by Sue H
Post by barefoot
yeah sorry...my mistake. uacc is the uacc...lots of people are
members..but why be a member if you're not going to uphold the uacc
guidelines or regualtions.
by the way, i would LOVE to be totally wrong about this guy...but the
simple fact of the matter is, is that i am not...i would totally love
to rally around the people doing it right...but instead of addressing
the accusations, he chooses to try and discredit me...and i'm all for
that...but when the truth comes out and other people see it like i
see it...he's going to have a hard time discrediting EVERYONE!
2008-03-24 05:59:32 UTC
Thanks for checking that. I thought that it didn't read right
either when I read the previous message. I thought Strickler said
that he was a member only. That is a very common misconception
about a member and a registered dealer.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.

"Bill Plenge" <***@NoSpam.com> wrote in message news:fs76p3$jcv$***@aioe.org...
Sign4Me wrote:
Just to keep things straight, medieval never claimed to be a
UACC registered
dealer, that was added in barefoots post. Medievals original
statement was,
"-We are proud members of the Universal Autograph Collectors
Club (UACC)

And yes anyone can be a member, however remaining a member is
difficult if
you deal dishonestly with UACC members. Contrary to what seems
to be a
popular belief the UACC can't help you with a complaint against
a member
unless you're a member also. This only makes sense, they aren't
a legal
system or the police, they have no influence over nonmembers.

Sue H
2008-03-24 15:05:49 UTC
IS there a designation fo dealer compared to member? In another
words, is there a letter or different sort of number or something that
we can know who is a dealer versus just a member?

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:59:32 -0500, "Gummby3"
Post by Gummby3
Thanks for checking that. I thought that it didn't read right
either when I read the previous message. I thought Strickler said
that he was a member only. That is a very common misconception
about a member and a registered dealer.
2008-03-24 15:31:43 UTC
There are less than 300 UACC Registered Dealers in the world and these
companies are held to the highest standards, ESPECIALLY when it comes to
authenticity. Each organization had to have been a member of the UACC
iteself for years and then have references to be even considered. Each
member gets their own unique RD #, and a link on the UACC Registered Dealers
page. It's widely recognized as the most trusted group of dealers in the
world. It's far from just a 'pay for membership' organization like all the
Michael Kasmar
UACC Registered Dealer #237
Accredited Better Business Member with a lifetime flawless record

"Have you joined our emailer yet? If not, please do so immediately by going
to http://www.autographpros.com/newsletter.php
Post by Sue H
IS there a designation fo dealer compared to member? In another
words, is there a letter or different sort of number or something that
we can know who is a dealer versus just a member?
On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:59:32 -0500, "Gummby3"
Post by Gummby3
Thanks for checking that. I thought that it didn't read right
either when I read the previous message. I thought Strickler said
that he was a member only. That is a very common misconception
about a member and a registered dealer.
2008-03-24 17:02:51 UTC
i was gonna say....it's my understanding that to be a UACC registered
dealer is DIFFICULT...they are highly motivated on their dealers and
spend time looking up a lot of evaluations on the dealers that even
try to become registered. meanwhile, the regular members aren't
supposed to be dealers i think they are supposed to just be members
and get all the info on dealers and other members as need be. there is
definately a distinction as you can say you are a member, but as a
registered dealer you have an id # and your business is made public
within the business.. but if you claim to be a registered dealer and
are only a member, you can get the boot.

i imagine this is all kind of common sense.. i don't know though.
if anyone wants to start a conv. about the UACC, let's start a new
sue, did you pull strickler off your sites?
Sue H
2008-03-24 19:09:42 UTC
So a RD is the dealer designation and any other numbers reported
would not be valid? So, I imagine then the UACC would allow anyone,
member or not to confirm a dealer ID and a RD number match with what's
in their database? I have heard that some people claim to be dealers
and members of UACC but aren't...

Actually, i have emailed them only a couple times ever and found them
to be the most helpful people ever. SO I am assuming that since I am
not a member, they still offer some assistance.

As for pulling them, not yet. I am soooo far behind on everything. I
was trying to catch up on emails too and have been unable to even do
that today as I get them as fast as I delete them. Granted, a lot are
spam and freecycle and group messages, but I managed to get down to
like 20 messages and a couple I don't want to deal with right now....
so this week I'll TRY to catch up. But I am out most of the day
tomorrow and Thursday I'll be gone half the day for dinner and a
concert (America/Christopher Cross). I didn't even send out my Easter
cards and feel guilty. Oh well, I am trying! But I'll be checking
all the dealer links on my site... and some may disappear. We shall

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:02:51 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
i was gonna say....it's my understanding that to be a UACC registered
dealer is DIFFICULT...they are highly motivated on their dealers and
spend time looking up a lot of evaluations on the dealers that even
try to become registered. meanwhile, the regular members aren't
supposed to be dealers i think they are supposed to just be members
and get all the info on dealers and other members as need be. there is
definately a distinction as you can say you are a member, but as a
registered dealer you have an id # and your business is made public
within the business.. but if you claim to be a registered dealer and
are only a member, you can get the boot.
i imagine this is all kind of common sense.. i don't know though.
if anyone wants to start a conv. about the UACC, let's start a new
sue, did you pull strickler off your sites?
2008-03-25 00:52:14 UTC
Unfortuntely, the UACC has fallen under a lot of suspicion the past few
years. A few of the officers and others have been accused of misconduct
which has led to many people, including some registered dealers, to leave
the club. As well, the rules for registered dealer admission and other
were changed arbitrally at a national meeting where a quoram was not
present. Much of this is documented at

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
2008-03-25 01:03:08 UTC
Here's another link that has more articles about the UACC and it's

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
2008-03-24 19:16:05 UTC
If I understand it correctly, if you are a member, it's basically
like joining a Yahoo message group. You get to see/read what's
going on within the group, etc. A registered dealer pays for the
privilege of that status. To use the club's name/unique serial
number, they are bound by some sort of "contract" that they will
follow the guidelines established by the club and are held to a
higher level. In a way, it does sound like the Masons. If I am
mistaken, someone please clarify.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.

"Sue H" <***@cox.net> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
IS there a designation fo dealer compared to member? In another
words, is there a letter or different sort of number or
something that
we can know who is a dealer versus just a member?

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:59:32 -0500, "Gummby3"
Post by Gummby3
Thanks for checking that. I thought that it didn't read right
either when I read the previous message. I thought Strickler
Post by Gummby3
that he was a member only. That is a very common misconception
about a member and a registered dealer.
Bill Plenge
2008-03-24 21:37:48 UTC
Post by Sue H
IS there a designation fo dealer compared to member? In another
words, is there a letter or different sort of number or something that
we can know who is a dealer versus just a member?
On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:59:32 -0500, "Gummby3"
Post by Gummby3
Thanks for checking that. I thought that it didn't read right
either when I read the previous message. I thought Strickler said
that he was a member only. That is a very common misconception
about a member and a registered dealer.
All the UACC registered dealers are listed at their site uacc.org They do
actively pursue people who falsely claim to be UACC registered dealers.
Posting the list on their site was part of the campaig to combat people
claiming to be UACC RDs who weren't, many weren't even UACC members. On the
last page of the Hall of Shame is a list of people who have falsely claimed
to be UACC members and/or registered dealers.

Sue H
2008-03-25 02:34:41 UTC
All helpful info; thanks for all the input. It may not be perfect but
at the time it's all we have.

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 16:37:48 -0500, "Bill Plenge"
Post by Bill Plenge
Post by Sue H
IS there a designation fo dealer compared to member? In another
words, is there a letter or different sort of number or something that
we can know who is a dealer versus just a member?
On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:59:32 -0500, "Gummby3"
Post by Gummby3
Thanks for checking that. I thought that it didn't read right
either when I read the previous message. I thought Strickler said
that he was a member only. That is a very common misconception
about a member and a registered dealer.
All the UACC registered dealers are listed at their site uacc.org They do
actively pursue people who falsely claim to be UACC registered dealers.
Posting the list on their site was part of the campaig to combat people
claiming to be UACC RDs who weren't, many weren't even UACC members. On the
last page of the Hall of Shame is a list of people who have falsely claimed
to be UACC members and/or registered dealers.
2008-03-25 05:49:55 UTC
i think it's funny how in strickler's mind, everyone is accused of
misconduct...but not his, he's infallable.
2008-03-25 06:52:13 UTC
Ultimately, nobody is guilty unless there is evidence that can not be
disputed. Keep in mind that people have put your reputation on task
several times, but I discard those too as nobody has every provided
evidence that is more than hearsay. I know that you have provided the
"a" is the same avenue, but that is far from concrete. I showed that
with the Hall IP compared to his Hall for sale. I personally know
people that have an "a" at the beginning of one of their names that
makes that basic design. Celebs, I can name one more off the top of
my head: Arsenio Hall. If I recall, his signature was even part of
the opening credits of his talk show, at one time. I understand that
you feel that you are doing the collecting community a service, and I
applaud you for that, but all I'm reading right now is inconclusive
assumptions, just as they were with you.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by barefoot
i think it's funny how in strickler's mind, everyone is accused of
misconduct...but not his, he's infallable.
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2008-03-25 07:04:11 UTC
Sorry Mike (gummby3), but you are wrong here. Over 80% of autographs out
there are fake and ALL sellers need to be held to high standards, so while
you say there is no solid evidence, what gives you the right to stand up for
this guy. Did you go and look at his 15 Harrison Ford autographs to compare
to known in-person ones or did you just assume he must have done signings
with all of Star Wars and Harry Potter, etc? Did you look at his dozen Star
Wars cast signed photos to see if they were even remotely close? You're
wrong here. No seller deserves a defense unless you take the time to
confirm they are one of the 20% of the good guys out there. Until then,
Sue, Barefoot, and anyone else who wants to call out forgers, please keep
doing so. None of the references this guy touted about has come on here in
his defense. Let's hear from them! If you bought even 1 autograph from
Strickler Sports, get it looked at by your favorite trusted source and let
us know what they say. If you haven't, go look at this guys stuff. Enough
is enough! This one is a no brainer.
Post by Gummby3
Ultimately, nobody is guilty unless there is evidence that can not be
disputed. Keep in mind that people have put your reputation on task
several times, but I discard those too as nobody has every provided
evidence that is more than hearsay. I know that you have provided the "a"
is the same avenue, but that is far from concrete. I showed that with the
Hall IP compared to his Hall for sale. I personally know people that have
an "a" at the beginning of one of their names that makes that basic
design. Celebs, I can name one more off the top of my head: Arsenio Hall.
If I recall, his signature was even part of the opening credits of his
talk show, at one time. I understand that you feel that you are doing the
collecting community a service, and I applaud you for that, but all I'm
reading right now is inconclusive assumptions, just as they were with you.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by barefoot
i think it's funny how in strickler's mind, everyone is accused of
misconduct...but not his, he's infallable.
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2008-03-25 07:34:56 UTC
I'm not defending or condemning anybody. I'm giving the benefit of
the doubt, which I provide to anybody. We're in a community of
faceless screen names where anybody can say anything about anyone and
not have to suffer the consequences. Unless there is hard evidence
that Strickler is forging or has forged anything, it's unfounded.
Have I purchased anything from him? No. I can't afford the
extravagant prices that come with some of the autographs. I'm simply
reading what's being posted, which seems to have come out of left
field very recently. Just as I read all of the posts about Barefoot
and the very odd accusations (non-autograph related) with a grain of
salt, I'm doing the same here. It's just my opinion. Unless there is
hard evidence: complaints, police reports, investigations (that are
provable), then it's he said/he said and I'm just as right as the next
person. I have been in this hobby, not the business that it's morphed
into, for almost 30 years. I know that there are a lot of forged
autographs out there. Anybody that claims otherwise is mislead. Did
I go look at the autographs? No. Why should I. I am not an expert
and my findings would be baseless. I definitely am not posting this
to get into a dispute. I am simply posting my opinion. Everyone is
entitled to an opinion until facts prove otherwise. :-)
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Sign4Me
Sorry Mike (gummby3), but you are wrong here. Over 80% of
autographs out there are fake and ALL sellers need to be held to
high standards, so while you say there is no solid evidence, what
gives you the right to stand up for this guy. Did you go and look
at his 15 Harrison Ford autographs to compare to known in-person
ones or did you just assume he must have done signings with all of
Star Wars and Harry Potter, etc? Did you look at his dozen Star
Wars cast signed photos to see if they were even remotely close?
You're wrong here. No seller deserves a defense unless you take the
time to confirm they are one of the 20% of the good guys out there.
Until then, Sue, Barefoot, and anyone else who wants to call out
forgers, please keep doing so. None of the references this guy
touted about has come on here in his defense. Let's hear from them!
If you bought even 1 autograph from Strickler Sports, get it looked
at by your favorite trusted source and let us know what they say. If
you haven't, go look at this guys stuff. Enough is enough! This
one is a no brainer.
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Sue H
2008-03-25 14:28:42 UTC
Actually, there are less than 300 members here. At least 200 are not
here anymore (signed up and never came back or signed up and looked
and never came back; or posted once for a specific reason, got no
response and never came back). Problably more I bet. Then another 50
members rarely ever view this. It's probably their emergency place to
get questions answered, hawk items or troll. then the remaining 50,
about half of those just lurk. they never post. Most likely they
hope for addresses and use them to post elsewhere.

The remaining 25, of those, only half post here and there and don't
care about all this and probably just delete threads. There is
probably a dozen people at most who read this. About half of those
just laugh and occasionally put a one liner in or something.

It's the remainnig half dozen that care and keep going back and forth.
I hardly call it making a dent in the autograph world.

PS the grain of salt thing is the right thing to do.

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:34:56 -0500, "Gummby3"
Post by Gummby3
I'm not defending or condemning anybody. I'm giving the benefit of
the doubt, which I provide to anybody. We're in a community of
faceless screen names where anybody can say anything about anyone and
not have to suffer the consequences. Unless there is hard evidence
that Strickler is forging or has forged anything, it's unfounded.
Have I purchased anything from him? No. I can't afford the
extravagant prices that come with some of the autographs. I'm simply
reading what's being posted, which seems to have come out of left
field very recently. Just as I read all of the posts about Barefoot
and the very odd accusations (non-autograph related) with a grain of
salt, I'm doing the same here. It's just my opinion. Unless there is
hard evidence: complaints, police reports, investigations (that are
provable), then it's he said/he said and I'm just as right as the next
person. I have been in this hobby, not the business that it's morphed
into, for almost 30 years. I know that there are a lot of forged
autographs out there. Anybody that claims otherwise is mislead. Did
I go look at the autographs? No. Why should I. I am not an expert
and my findings would be baseless. I definitely am not posting this
to get into a dispute. I am simply posting my opinion. Everyone is
entitled to an opinion until facts prove otherwise. :-)
2008-03-25 16:06:32 UTC
sue..i did give you the links to the star wars stuff...
his star wars, harry potter and lord of the rings have direct links on
the front page of his website...right hand side. this stuff is a

and harrison ford has only done the handful of signings...and it's
only like 50 items at a time. there aren't even 3-400 signed items
that have come from a private signing out there. but like i said, he
has 5+ natalie portman items and she DOES NOT sign star wars stuff
(and like i've been saying, she doesn't sign much anyway)..
i've offered all kinds of prrof that just about everything is fake
that he is selling (the admin at anthony michael hall's site told me
that he doesn't feel that the anthony signature is real either,
pointing out that the slant in the a is in a different direction than
the slant on the autographs he's watched michael sign- but until i get
a final word, i'm not going to claim anything, i just still think it's
funny that it's the EXACT SAME A on all three of those people's
signatures and it's supposed to be 3 different people.) and the matt
damon/clint eastwood thing should be a really good jumping point to
KNOWING that strickler's stuff is fake...funny how he has no answer
for that one.

i don't know where i'm going with this right now...so i'm gonna stop.
Sue H
2008-03-25 16:40:41 UTC
could ya find it again; so sorry, I must've accidentally deleted (I am
disorganized last two weeks). If not, no biggie; I'll look by Friday

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 09:06:32 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
sue..i did give you the links to the star wars stuff...
his star wars, harry potter and lord of the rings have direct links on
the front page of his website...right hand side. this stuff is a
and harrison ford has only done the handful of signings...and it's
only like 50 items at a time. there aren't even 3-400 signed items
that have come from a private signing out there. but like i said, he
has 5+ natalie portman items and she DOES NOT sign star wars stuff
(and like i've been saying, she doesn't sign much anyway)..
i've offered all kinds of prrof that just about everything is fake
that he is selling (the admin at anthony michael hall's site told me
that he doesn't feel that the anthony signature is real either,
pointing out that the slant in the a is in a different direction than
the slant on the autographs he's watched michael sign- but until i get
a final word, i'm not going to claim anything, i just still think it's
funny that it's the EXACT SAME A on all three of those people's
signatures and it's supposed to be 3 different people.) and the matt
damon/clint eastwood thing should be a really good jumping point to
KNOWING that strickler's stuff is fake...funny how he has no answer
for that one.
i don't know where i'm going with this right now...so i'm gonna stop.
2008-03-25 17:33:15 UTC
Post by barefoot
sue..i did give you the links to the star wars stuff...
his star wars, harry potter and lord of the rings have direct links on
the front page of his �website...right hand side. this stuff is a
and harrison ford has only done the handful of signings...and it's
only like 50 items at a time. there aren't even 3-400 signed items
that have come from a private signing out there. but like i said, he
has 5+ natalie portman items and she DOES NOT sign star wars stuff
(and like i've been saying, she doesn't sign much anyway)..
i've offered all kinds of prrof that just about everything is fake
that he is selling (the admin at anthony michael hall's site told me
that he doesn't feel that the anthony signature is real either,
pointing out that the slant in the a is in a different direction than
the slant on the autographs he's watched michael sign- but until i get
a final word, i'm not going to claim anything, i just still think it's
funny that it's the EXACT SAME A on all three of those people's
signatures and it's supposed to be 3 different people.) and the matt
damon/clint eastwood thing should be a really good jumping point to
KNOWING that strickler's stuff is fake...funny how he has no answer
for that one.
i don't know where i'm going with this right now...so i'm gonna stop.
I forwarded an email to several people on here how I acquire and my
sources...specifically my personal and business relationships. It is
NOT something I'm going to publish on these threads. My 'about me'
page gives a general idea of how we acquire. True, I rarely (anymore)
go out and obtain personally because I am now disabled. I have
trusted associates, some I have known for almost 30 years, who find
these pieces. That is the privilage for having very good contacts.
But I do know where the signatures were acquired and any other
provenance of importance. I always explain to customers, if you do
not feel comfortable buying from me I'd rather you look elsewhere....I
want them to be absolutely satisfied with their purchase and buying
experience. If my reputation was not solid, I would not have gotten
as far as I have. I am a bonded seller....do you release the scrutiny
involved with that? Very few autograph dealers can get
bonded...that's a fact. I am not a registered UACC dealer because the
by-laws have changed and they have a limit of the number of registered
dealers...I must wait for an sponsor when there is an opening. Some
of the queries on here wondered why I have so many 'A" list
celebrities well, it wasn't from hounding. I assume Sue understands
the studio and production systems and how many unique signed pieces
end up in private collections. Let's put it this way, very few
production employees and individual investors are autograph
collectors. I have a lot of respect for those who obtain on the
street and go to conventions, premieres, junkets, etc. I used to do
it myself and I realize what is involved.
2008-03-25 17:54:06 UTC
there's always something huh strickler???

Glenn (SBfan2000)
2008-03-25 22:59:01 UTC
I'm giving the benefit of the doubt, which I provide to anybody.
Good for you. :-)
faceless screen names where anybody can say anything about anyone and not
have to suffer the consequences. Unless there is hard evidence that
Strickler is forging or has forged anything, it's unfounded. Have I
purchased anything from him? No. I can't afford the extravagant prices
that come with some of the autographs. I'm simply reading what's being
posted, which seems to have come out of left field very recently. Just as
I read all of the posts about Barefoot and the very odd accusations
(non-autograph related) with a grain of salt, I'm doing the same here.
It's just my opinion. Unless there is hard evidence: complaints, police
reports, investigations (that are provable), then it's he said/he said and
I'm just as right as the next person. I have been in this hobby, not the
business that it's morphed into, for almost 30 years. I know that there
are a lot of forged autographs out there. Anybody that claims otherwise
is mislead. Did I go look at the autographs? No. Why should I. I am
not an expert and my findings would be baseless. I definitely am not
posting this to get into a dispute. I am simply posting my opinion.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion until facts prove otherwise. :-)
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Sign4Me
Sorry Mike (gummby3), but you are wrong here. Over 80% of autographs out
there are fake and ALL sellers need to be held to high standards, so
while you say there is no solid evidence, what gives you the right to
stand up for this guy. Did you go and look at his 15 Harrison Ford
autographs to compare to known in-person ones or did you just assume he
must have done signings with all of Star Wars and Harry Potter, etc? Did
you look at his dozen Star Wars cast signed photos to see if they were
even remotely close? You're wrong here. No seller deserves a defense
unless you take the time to confirm they are one of the 20% of the good
guys out there. Until then, Sue, Barefoot, and anyone else who wants to
call out forgers, please keep doing so. None of the references this guy
touted about has come on here in his defense. Let's hear from them! If
you bought even 1 autograph from Strickler Sports, get it looked at by
your favorite trusted source and let us know what they say. If you
haven't, go look at this guys stuff. Enough is enough! This one is a no
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Sue H
2008-03-25 14:22:52 UTC
I know all the dealers who do signings with Star Wars and harry Potter
people. I would agree he's not one. ESPECIALLY Ford. That's a hard
one to get and only two have done it. Three if you count Master
Replicas a few years ago. Still, that is not to say he didn't get
them at cons or in person. However, I still have not looked (have a
lot of people coming today for pickups on items I've given away and
out later so probably not time today either). But with all the
controversy, it's been my mantra that if your gut tells you something,
it's probably true. When you first look at something you get this
feeling within seconds... first it COULD be excitement, but then you
get this "red flag" thing that if you ignore, you're pretty much

PS Send me a link to a specific Star Wars item that you think is bad;
I can quickly look at that probably.
Post by Sign4Me
Sorry Mike (gummby3), but you are wrong here. Over 80% of autographs out
there are fake and ALL sellers need to be held to high standards, so while
you say there is no solid evidence, what gives you the right to stand up for
this guy. Did you go and look at his 15 Harrison Ford autographs to compare
to known in-person ones or did you just assume he must have done signings
with all of Star Wars and Harry Potter, etc? Did you look at his dozen Star
Wars cast signed photos to see if they were even remotely close? You're
wrong here. No seller deserves a defense unless you take the time to
confirm they are one of the 20% of the good guys out there. Until then,
Sue, Barefoot, and anyone else who wants to call out forgers, please keep
doing so. None of the references this guy touted about has come on here in
his defense. Let's hear from them! If you bought even 1 autograph from
Strickler Sports, get it looked at by your favorite trusted source and let
us know what they say. If you haven't, go look at this guys stuff. Enough
is enough! This one is a no brainer.
Post by Gummby3
Ultimately, nobody is guilty unless there is evidence that can not be
disputed. Keep in mind that people have put your reputation on task
several times, but I discard those too as nobody has every provided
evidence that is more than hearsay. I know that you have provided the "a"
is the same avenue, but that is far from concrete. I showed that with the
Hall IP compared to his Hall for sale. I personally know people that have
an "a" at the beginning of one of their names that makes that basic
design. Celebs, I can name one more off the top of my head: Arsenio Hall.
If I recall, his signature was even part of the opening credits of his
talk show, at one time. I understand that you feel that you are doing the
collecting community a service, and I applaud you for that, but all I'm
reading right now is inconclusive assumptions, just as they were with you.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by barefoot
i think it's funny how in strickler's mind, everyone is accused of
misconduct...but not his, he's infallable.
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Glenn (SBfan2000)
2008-03-25 22:57:18 UTC
So is this guilty until proven innocent then? Because there are alot of
forgers out there we should assume everyone is guilty? I'm sorry but I find
it easier to live with myself if I give someone the benefit of the doubt
until they prove that they can't be trusted.

There are a couple people on here and other groups that I consider friends
and are top notch people. These are people (Sue included) that I would not
have met or dealt with if I had the "everyone is a forger" mentality.

I don't want to imply that you trust everyone but you don't assume the worst
unless you have something alittle more damning than one bad review.


P.S. I could be mistaken but Gummby didn't seem to be standing up for
anyone specifically.
Post by Sign4Me
Sorry Mike (gummby3), but you are wrong here. Over 80% of autographs out
there are fake and ALL sellers need to be held to high standards, so while
you say there is no solid evidence, what gives you the right to stand up
for this guy. Did you go and look at his 15 Harrison Ford autographs to
compare to known in-person ones or did you just assume he must have done
signings with all of Star Wars and Harry Potter, etc? Did you look at his
dozen Star Wars cast signed photos to see if they were even remotely
close? You're wrong here. No seller deserves a defense unless you take
the time to confirm they are one of the 20% of the good guys out there.
Until then, Sue, Barefoot, and anyone else who wants to call out forgers,
please keep doing so. None of the references this guy touted about has
come on here in his defense. Let's hear from them! If you bought even 1
autograph from Strickler Sports, get it looked at by your favorite trusted
source and let us know what they say. If you haven't, go look at this guys
stuff. Enough is enough! This one is a no brainer.
Post by Gummby3
Ultimately, nobody is guilty unless there is evidence that can not be
disputed. Keep in mind that people have put your reputation on task
several times, but I discard those too as nobody has every provided
evidence that is more than hearsay. I know that you have provided the
"a" is the same avenue, but that is far from concrete. I showed that
with the Hall IP compared to his Hall for sale. I personally know people
that have an "a" at the beginning of one of their names that makes that
Arsenio Hall. If I recall, his signature was even part of the opening
credits of his talk show, at one time. I understand that you feel that
you are doing the collecting community a service, and I applaud you for
that, but all I'm reading right now is inconclusive assumptions, just as
they were with you.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by barefoot
i think it's funny how in strickler's mind, everyone is accused of
misconduct...but not his, he's infallable.
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Sue H
2008-03-25 23:35:33 UTC
I too agree with everyone gets a chance. You just can't go taking
words of people... especially when there is dealer competition and
suspect reasons for slamming someone.

The problem arises is once the cat is out of the bag, even a hint of
it, there always remains a shroud. Sad I think.

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 22:57:18 GMT, "Glenn \(SBfan2000\)"
Post by Glenn (SBfan2000)
So is this guilty until proven innocent then? Because there are alot of
forgers out there we should assume everyone is guilty? I'm sorry but I find
it easier to live with myself if I give someone the benefit of the doubt
until they prove that they can't be trusted.
There are a couple people on here and other groups that I consider friends
and are top notch people. These are people (Sue included) that I would not
have met or dealt with if I had the "everyone is a forger" mentality.
I don't want to imply that you trust everyone but you don't assume the worst
unless you have something alittle more damning than one bad review.
P.S. I could be mistaken but Gummby didn't seem to be standing up for
anyone specifically.
Post by Sign4Me
Sorry Mike (gummby3), but you are wrong here. Over 80% of autographs out
there are fake and ALL sellers need to be held to high standards, so while
you say there is no solid evidence, what gives you the right to stand up
for this guy. Did you go and look at his 15 Harrison Ford autographs to
compare to known in-person ones or did you just assume he must have done
signings with all of Star Wars and Harry Potter, etc? Did you look at his
dozen Star Wars cast signed photos to see if they were even remotely
close? You're wrong here. No seller deserves a defense unless you take
the time to confirm they are one of the 20% of the good guys out there.
Until then, Sue, Barefoot, and anyone else who wants to call out forgers,
please keep doing so. None of the references this guy touted about has
come on here in his defense. Let's hear from them! If you bought even 1
autograph from Strickler Sports, get it looked at by your favorite trusted
source and let us know what they say. If you haven't, go look at this guys
stuff. Enough is enough! This one is a no brainer.
Post by Gummby3
Ultimately, nobody is guilty unless there is evidence that can not be
disputed. Keep in mind that people have put your reputation on task
several times, but I discard those too as nobody has every provided
evidence that is more than hearsay. I know that you have provided the
"a" is the same avenue, but that is far from concrete. I showed that
with the Hall IP compared to his Hall for sale. I personally know people
that have an "a" at the beginning of one of their names that makes that
Arsenio Hall. If I recall, his signature was even part of the opening
credits of his talk show, at one time. I understand that you feel that
you are doing the collecting community a service, and I applaud you for
that, but all I'm reading right now is inconclusive assumptions, just as
they were with you.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by barefoot
i think it's funny how in strickler's mind, everyone is accused of
misconduct...but not his, he's infallable.
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2008-03-26 07:12:15 UTC
i'm really not trying to give the "everyone is a forger" vibe...
i'm just pointing out that this guy seems to have NOTHING that is
real. i pointed out that his damons and eastwoods look nothing like
EVERYONE elses stuff...and i was showing a point that whoever is
selling him his stuff, it's all in the same handwriting (thuse the A's
in the three signatures i pointed out.)
but this is a VERY SMALL group. and i'm sure what i showed was passed
over pretty quickly. and i know that even thought it's obvious to me,
i'm sure that to other people, it's not so obvious.
i can go on to point out a lot of falsehoods in both his statements
AND his items. and i probably will...but this all starts out with me
asking him to really, hardcore, question his source. he does seem to
be trying to be an honest person stuck in a bad situation...but i'm
pretty sure that i could point out that EVERYTHING he is selling IS
and i'm also trying to show people that even the people who think they
know what they are buying, really aren't all that informed and that
the buying public really isn't up to par. and that's how these people
get away with it.

Sadly, a person like strickler is looking to make a quick buck. so
he's buying cheap and trusting a few sources that just aren't giving
him an honest deal. and i do totally believe that...and i wouldn't
attack him like i am, but he's lied about me AND threatened physical
violence...so this is my recourse...i'm BEGGING HIM to prove to me
that his stuff is real. but he can not. he wouldn't even dare send one
thing into the authenticators, much less the 100 that i'm asking him.
i'll state my own money that i'm correct. which is not something he's
willing to do.

and i'm not going to back off...when i have more time, i'll show some
other instances.
2008-03-26 12:57:56 UTC
Wow.. wish I got back in here a day or two earlier to jump in on some
of this. As this certainly seems on going.

Raeding back through more of the more recent posts. Someone had
mentioned (something like) why become a UACC member. Some folks.. and
those who I have talked to at conventions have said.. they want to
sell some autographs they have on E-Bay. Of course I go through me "Oh
Lord.. E-Bay..." speach. But they tell me they want to be a UACC
member just for the name. And recognition.

I have also talked to a couple of dealers in the past about issues
over the phone.. and they had said if it wasn't for just having the
UACC name behind them.. they would drop out. There is good and bad in
every organization. There's always going to be name calling, acusing
of wrong doings. Usuall politics.

Quickly, as I know this has long passed now.. Becoming a UACC RD is
quite tougher. Very much so. In the beginning anyone could be a UACC
RD if they paid for it. Very leaniant guidelines. I attened a UACC
board meeting in NJ a few years back now.. And the talks were about
making it MUCH harder to be a UACC RD and making it that more special.
As well as having a cap, and then a waiting list if you wanted to be
in it. I will not go through all the guidelines here as I am sure it
is up on the UACC site.

Now the on going battle... And I am sooooo nuetral in this as I do not
even know Strickler Sports. But I am curious as to what proff Mike
(Barefoot) is looking for? Mike you I know.. and I know you are out
there on the streets and you see the signatures. But to me here it
seems like you are banging your head against a wall.

i.e. Strickler says he got "said" photo in person from "said source"
say...8-9 months ago. At this point it seems like a "he said / she
said" battle. What extra proof would put it over the top for you?
Sure, he could get a guy to say.. "yeah.. I'm the guy who got it in
person." Now the battle goes over to the new guy. Prove it.

The post is making an intersting read for me.. and for those who may
want to slap me :-D I hope I am reading and have read enough to make a
somewhat intellengent post here. I am just not sure what end result or
where Mike will end up happy in this.

Well.. in the immortal words of Stan Lee

'nuff said

Ed Bedrick
Member of the U.A.C.C.
U.A.C.C. Registered Dealer #049
Former U.A.C.C. Regional Director (Region #1)
2008-03-26 18:26:44 UTC
Post by Scorpio741
Wow.. wish I got back in here a day or two earlier to jump in on some
of this. As this certainly seems on going.
Raeding back through more of the more recent posts. Someone had
mentioned (something like) why become a UACC member. Some folks.. and
those who I have talked to at conventions have said.. they want to
sell some autographs they have on E-Bay. Of course I go through me "Oh
Lord.. E-Bay..." speach. But they tell me they want to be a UACC
member just for the name. And recognition.
I have also talked to a couple of dealers in the past about issues
over the phone.. and they had said if it wasn't for just having the
UACC name behind them.. they would drop out. There is good and bad in
every organization. There's always going to be name calling, acusing
of wrong doings. Usuall politics.
Quickly, as I know this has long passed now.. Becoming a UACC RD is
quite tougher. Very much so. In the beginning anyone could be a UACC
RD if they paid for it. Very leaniant guidelines. I attened a UACC
board meeting in NJ a few years back now.. And the talks were about
making it MUCH harder to be a UACC RD and making it that more special.
As well as having a cap, and then a waiting list if you wanted to be
in it. I will not go through all the guidelines here as I am sure it
is up on the UACC site.
Now the on going battle... And I am sooooo nuetral in this as I do not
even know Strickler Sports. But I am curious as to what proff Mike
(Barefoot) is looking for? Mike you I know.. and I know you are out
there on the streets and you see the signatures. But to me here it
seems like you are banging your head against a wall.
i.e. Strickler says he got "said" photo in person from "said source"
say...8-9 months ago. At this point it seems like a "he said / she
said" battle. What extra proof would put it over the top for you?
Sure, he could get a guy to say.. "yeah.. I'm the guy who got it in
person." Now the battle goes over to the new guy. Prove it.
The post is making an intersting read for me.. and for those who may
want to slap me :-D I hope I am reading and have read enough to make a
somewhat intellengent post here. I am just not sure what end result or
where Mike will end up happy in this.
Well.. in the immortal words of Stan Lee
'nuff said
Ed Bedrick
Member of the U.A.C.C.
U.A.C.C. Registered Dealer #049
Former U.A.C.C. Regional Director (Region #1)
Hi Ed,

I notice you didnt visit the eBay autograph collectors group again! ;-)

All the best Mate

2008-03-27 10:37:57 UTC
Post by Max
Post by Scorpio741
Wow.. wish I got back in here a day or two earlier to jump in on some
of this. As this certainly seems on going.
Raeding back through more of the more recent posts. Someone had
mentioned (something like) why become a UACC member. Some folks.. and
those who I have talked to at conventions have said.. they want to
sell some autographs they have on E-Bay. Of course I go through me "Oh
Lord.. E-Bay..." speach. But they tell me they want to be a UACC
member just for the name. And recognition.
I have also talked to a couple of dealers in the past about issues
over the phone.. and they had said if it wasn't for just having the
UACC name behind them.. they would drop out. There is good and bad in
every organization. There's always going to be name calling, acusing
of wrong doings. Usuall politics.
Quickly, as I know this has long passed now.. Becoming a UACC RD is
quite tougher. Very much so. In the beginning anyone could be a UACC
RD if they paid for it. Very leaniant guidelines. I attened a UACC
board meeting in NJ a few years back now.. And the talks were about
making it MUCH harder to be a UACC RD and making it that more special.
As well as having a cap, and then a waiting list if you wanted to be
in it. I will not go through all the guidelines here as I am sure it
is up on the UACC site.
Now the on going battle... And I am sooooo nuetral in this as I do not
even know Strickler Sports. But I am curious as to what proff Mike
(Barefoot) is looking for? Mike you I know.. and I know you are out
there on the streets and you see the signatures. But to me here it
seems like you are banging your head against a wall.
i.e. Strickler says he got "said" photo in person from "said source"
say...8-9 months ago. At this point it seems like a "he said / she
said" battle. What extra proof would put it over the top for you?
Sure, he could get a guy to say.. "yeah.. I'm the guy who got it in
person." Now the battle goes over to the new guy. Prove it.
The post is making an intersting read for me.. and for those who may
want to slap me :-D I hope I am reading and have read enough to make a
somewhat intellengent post here. I am just not sure what end result or
where Mike will end up happy in this.
Well.. �in the immortal words of Stan Lee
'nuff said
Ed Bedrick
Member of the U.A.C.C.
U.A.C.C. Registered Dealer #049
Former U.A.C.C. Regional Director (Region #1)
Hi Ed,
I notice you didnt visit the eBay autograph collectors group again! �;-)
All the best Mate
Max- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hey Max,

I am actually surprised I am back in here.. I will visit the group now
that I have a bit more time. I did a show a couple of weekends ago
(right before Easter) and the prior 2 weeks before that.. I am going
crazy just preparing for hte show and getting all the stuff I want to
take with me to the show.

I have stuff all over here in my office (not very organized) and
envelopes of stuff that I don'
t even get around to opening that I have to go through. Never mind
just my stuff. PLus my auctions.. bottom line.. I'm a mess for at
least 2.5 week with upcoming shoes :-D

I will pop pback in... definilty..

2008-03-26 12:57:39 UTC
You know, the most interesting thing about this entire situation is "why do
I need to prove anything to barefoot?".

Like I stated, I am in an unique position when acquiring and any serious
dealer would understand what I'm getting at. I had come on these boards
originally to discusss the hobby....see where it has gotten me. Frankly,
I've had several dealers who have read these threads over the many months
and have advised to me to just stop posting and ignore barefoot because of
his bad reputation.

I think I'm going to heed that advice. This merry-go-round is going

Message posted using http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/group/alt.collecting.autographs/
More information at http://www.talkaboutcollecting.com/faq.html
2008-03-26 16:48:59 UTC
strickler, you aren't getting advice from anyone...or else you would
stop...you keep going on because you are interested...and it's
damaging your your fragile reputation...

as for what scorpio said...
i ask you to just look at the above mentioned posts (i know you'll
have to go back through all the crud, but you'll find it...where i
posted matt damons from several really good sources (and someone else
came on here and showed more and said that strickler's damons were
crap!) and then i posted stricklers that wasn't remotely in the
ballpark. i also posted a really good clint eastwood from another good
dealer, and strickler's (again, wasn't even remotely close)...
i also posted his star wars items that have natalie portman and noted
that it's almost common knowledge that she doesn't sign star wars
stuff (and that she really doesn't sign at all)...and finally
(actually the first piece of proof) where i showed that he had 3
different celebrity autographs who started with an A and how, on
strickler's site, they were all the same- even though it's supposed to
be 3 different people...it's all pretty simple...like i said, i can go
further...but i am trying to not post saying "this doesn't look like
any of my autographs" type argument and give in to the other
dealers...strickler hasn't even come back with anything on that...
i have even went so far as to just say that strickler needs to test
his sources. and re test. that he's trusting people who are screwing
him over. so it is what it is, but i bet i can damage absolutely
everything he has...and i can prove it...i even offered to put my
money where my mouth is.
Sue H
2008-03-27 14:20:13 UTC
You are right and good suggestion. After a while, it's so old and
stale your eyes start glossing over and rolling in your head and you
sigh... and you just can't take it and finally it just is ignored
because if you don't, it'll just keep on keepin' on with never a

Sometimes, it feels like no matter how wrong, there'll never be a
party to back down.

At this point all it's done for me is make me not trust either.

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:57:39 -0500, "medieval"
Post by medieval
You know, the most interesting thing about this entire situation is "why do
I need to prove anything to barefoot?".
Like I stated, I am in an unique position when acquiring and any serious
dealer would understand what I'm getting at. I had come on these boards
originally to discusss the hobby....see where it has gotten me. Frankly,
I've had several dealers who have read these threads over the many months
and have advised to me to just stop posting and ignore barefoot because of
his bad reputation.
I think I'm going to heed that advice. This merry-go-round is going
2008-03-27 17:58:31 UTC
today i was told by peter mayhew's wife and son in low that this item
is not really signed by peter...they are considering making a "dark
side" section to their website like anthony daniels and told me they
are glad that i brought this to their attention.
maybe you can shed some light on your views sue, you've seen enough
mayhew autographs (so have i, but like i said, i'm trying to avoid the
"it doesn't look like mine" argument.)..

have a look at the link. it's also from stricklers...


Sue H
2008-03-27 18:20:44 UTC
I would love to see Peter do an area on his site like Anthony Daniels
has. I will email him later to tell him it's a great idea. yes,
something is definately amiss with the signatures (plural) on that
photo; on that you have my consensus. Peter's actually looks the
beest on there followed by Carrie but they are all a bit odd aren't
they? The Hamill and Ford are horrible I'll say. i'd not buy it.
And if by chance we are all wrong about this not looking good and it
IS good, I still would never buy it. There's a such thing as legit
sigs run amuck... not legible and worth the money and for 349.00 this
isn't worth 1/4 of the money.

Sorry Strickler; it pains me so very much to agree with Barefoot. You
know I can't do it... but that's horrible and if Peter says his sig is
bad too (that would be the one I'd be on the fence about the most),
then it's a bad thing and I hope you don't continue to sell it.

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:58:31 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
today i was told by peter mayhew's wife and son in low that this item
is not really signed by peter...they are considering making a "dark
side" section to their website like anthony daniels and told me they
are glad that i brought this to their attention.
maybe you can shed some light on your views sue, you've seen enough
mayhew autographs (so have i, but like i said, i'm trying to avoid the
"it doesn't look like mine" argument.)..
have a look at the link. it's also from stricklers...
2008-03-27 18:35:04 UTC
anthony michael hall's people are on the fence about the one i pointed
out too (but they can't say specifically as it's REALLY close, but i
was told the slant in the a is unacceptable)..
trust me, i wouldn't call out a forger unless i was 100% certain.

there are many places on the internet where you can locate certain
people like this..especially if this is how they make their money to
pay mortgage, health insurance etc. someone like mayhew, his livlihood
depends on this stuff (and i also understand this makes for a conflict
of interest.).
Sue H
2008-03-27 18:44:26 UTC
while it is true people want to make a living at forging or selling
stuff they have no clue may be forged, it's wrong to do so. to out
them may be taking money out of their kids mouths, but why not get a
LEGITIMATE job instead of selling your soul?

In addition, they are ripping hardworking people off. My husband
makes good money. aBout 35.00 an hour which I guess is decent. Even
that autograph would take him more than a day to earn. Imagine
someone who makes that amount in a WEEK which is realistically what a
lot of people are actually taking home. That graph was nearly 400
dollars. That's a rent payment for someone.... or groceries for a
month (for me, it'a almost groceries for a month). That's a LOT of
money to get ripped off on!

PS I already emailed Peter. I've spoken with him a long time ago and
he probably doesn't know me from Adam, but he is probably aware of my
site (he emailed me before about it I believe and I got a Christmas
card from him so...I hope he takes the suggestion; it would be good
for him and the fans).

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:35:04 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
anthony michael hall's people are on the fence about the one i pointed
out too (but they can't say specifically as it's REALLY close, but i
was told the slant in the a is unacceptable)..
trust me, i wouldn't call out a forger unless i was 100% certain.
there are many places on the internet where you can locate certain
people like this..especially if this is how they make their money to
pay mortgage, health insurance etc. someone like mayhew, his livlihood
depends on this stuff (and i also understand this makes for a conflict
of interest.).
2008-03-27 19:58:08 UTC
i wasn't saying that people make their money by selling (or forging
autographs) i meant more that there are a number of CELEBRITIES earing
their living doing various shows and the like. and those people
DEFINATELY have an interest in someone selling forged autographs for
far below the value that they sell it for. so i'm sure that many of
them have websites as well and you can contact them and ask if an
autograph looks like the one that they themselves sign.

and i have to say, other than the accusatory way this thread has
started (and keeps going) it's interesting for me to start inquiring
at other places to see if stuff is legit and see if other people are
willing to do the same...

and yes, i do agree with your above post, the mayhew is the CLOSEST to
an actual signature on that item...all the other one are FAR OFF from
what a real autograph should look like, even in extreme
i also see that official pix is taking orders for harrison ford as we
speak. and i'm sure NONE of those will look like the several items
that strickler has on his site.
Sue H
2008-03-27 21:39:20 UTC
Official Pix wants 450 for a sig.. insanity...even if I could afford
it, I'd not do it.

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 12:58:08 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
i wasn't saying that people make their money by selling (or forging
autographs) i meant more that there are a number of CELEBRITIES earing
their living doing various shows and the like. and those people
DEFINATELY have an interest in someone selling forged autographs for
far below the value that they sell it for. so i'm sure that many of
them have websites as well and you can contact them and ask if an
autograph looks like the one that they themselves sign.
and i have to say, other than the accusatory way this thread has
started (and keeps going) it's interesting for me to start inquiring
at other places to see if stuff is legit and see if other people are
willing to do the same...
and yes, i do agree with your above post, the mayhew is the CLOSEST to
an actual signature on that item...all the other one are FAR OFF from
what a real autograph should look like, even in extreme
i also see that official pix is taking orders for harrison ford as we
speak. and i'm sure NONE of those will look like the several items
that strickler has on his site.
2008-03-27 21:16:38 UTC
Sue...these signatures were obtained in the early 80's....look again



I have a lot of inventory from the 70's and 80's and signatures have
changed. As well, many of these were done privately.
Sue H
2008-03-27 22:12:25 UTC
That four signed was done in the 70's or 80's? Look again... take all
of them side by side. NOTHING alike at all. Look even at the F in
Fisher...and espcially Mark's sig on that 4 signed one. HORRIBLE in
any decade.

I am on my way out the door now. you got them signing that on a
photo? The photo is one that's been around I think that long but

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:16:38 -0700 (PDT), stricklercelebs
Post by stricklercelebs
Sue...these signatures were obtained in the early 80's....look again
I have a lot of inventory from the 70's and 80's and signatures have
changed. As well, many of these were done privately.
2008-03-28 00:11:48 UTC
these items are not real...and i'm sure that if mayhew says it's not
real, it's not real...i guess strickler can send hidden messages on
these...but this is not a legit item.
2008-03-28 00:10:45 UTC
this item is not mine...it's strickler's..i don't know what kind of
defense he has on these items...everyone has excuses...

Sue H
2008-03-28 14:17:41 UTC
I know it was not yours. He showed his drawings from the 70's-80's
and then the four signed one. The drawings looked ok but the four
signed one didn't. People can click the two links. The 70-s-80's
drawings and the other from the same error don't look to me like the
sigs have changed through the years as the drawings are quite like

I can't say with 100% certainty that that is a forgery (the 4 signed)
but I certainly would not bid/buy it if I were purusing the net for
something to buy. So between that and the Harry Potter poster
before... I have to now wonder.

Maybe sports dealers should stick with sports and people should
specialize. And quite possible that if you are getting things from
your other dealer friends, there needs to be a little more
verification and questioning instead of taking them at their word.

As for the sports items, I am out of that. I know NOTHING. And I am
glad my hubby didn't attempt to hard to get me that Brady sig... I
would be awfully upset if I ended up with NOT the real deal.

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:10:45 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
this item is not mine...it's strickler's..i don't know what kind of
defense he has on these items...everyone has excuses...
2008-03-30 21:17:24 UTC
see what i mean though...this post will disappear...
but people need to know that all strickler sells is FORGERIES...stay
away from strickler's sports!
Sue H
2008-03-30 23:40:23 UTC
Time to let it be Mike; it's gone on long enough. People should judge
for themselves before buying anything from anyone including you and I.

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 14:17:24 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
see what i mean though...this post will disappear...
but people need to know that all strickler sells is FORGERIES...stay
away from strickler's sports!
2008-03-31 03:10:57 UTC
probably true...
this is just a cautionary tale to get people who are buying, to
ratchet up their skills in knowing what's good and what's bad out

2008-03-28 00:30:34 UTC
is it really $450? wow...that's insane...but i think harrison is
charging a lot for his charity (like i said, he's not really
interested, nor does he need the money)...

you should see the high costs going down for this stuff these days...
i saw a tom brady signing for about $600 a signature, $549 for your 8
x 10 (so technically, they are charging $50 for a photo as
well)...i'll pop the link for this in a new post later on...that's
also an interesting topic.
Sue H
2008-03-28 14:11:56 UTC
My hubby wanted to get me a Tom Brady sig for Xmas but couldn't afford
it. I could buy a pair of diamond earrings for that price! Hmmm; sig
or jewelry...

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:30:34 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
is it really $450? wow...that's insane...but i think harrison is
charging a lot for his charity (like i said, he's not really
interested, nor does he need the money)...
you should see the high costs going down for this stuff these days...
i saw a tom brady signing for about $600 a signature, $549 for your 8
x 10 (so technically, they are charging $50 for a photo as
well)...i'll pop the link for this in a new post later on...that's
also an interesting topic.
2008-03-24 00:25:56 UTC
yes sue, neeson signed SOME star wars stuff at the new york premiere
of the last star wars movie...haven't heard of him doing that
since...he's since backed away from all bat man items and may have
stopped with his non star wars stance...

but portman hasn't...she still insists that star wars is something
special and continues to not sign that stuff (she really doesn't sign
at all, but she has been willing in the past- but star wars is a
definate NO) and this guy has 5 or more.

and like i said, it's funny how his stuff doesn't compare to ANY other
dealers or even in person folk who just collect.

Sue H
2008-03-24 14:57:18 UTC
Is it Star Wars is "special" to her or she's "embarrassed" by it? I
noticed how quickly she did "other types" of films and how she doesn't
even talk about it on shows (they never bring that up and like some
actors, that would be a standard thing to mention). I just saw her in
Mr. Magorium's Magic Emporium and my husband hates her (he can't stand
her and Nicole Kidman for some reason). I personally don't care for
her much either and only like her for my collection and that's all...
she won't even consider a signing.

On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 17:25:56 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
yes sue, neeson signed SOME star wars stuff at the new york premiere
of the last star wars movie...haven't heard of him doing that
since...he's since backed away from all bat man items and may have
stopped with his non star wars stance...
but portman hasn't...she still insists that star wars is something
special and continues to not sign that stuff (she really doesn't sign
at all, but she has been willing in the past- but star wars is a
definate NO) and this guy has 5 or more.
and like i said, it's funny how his stuff doesn't compare to ANY other
dealers or even in person folk who just collect.