OT: OJ Convicted
(too old to reply)
Sue H
2008-10-04 11:42:24 UTC
They'll appeal... but he was convicted on everything....

He could go to jail for the rest of his life.
2008-10-04 13:43:43 UTC
If he did even half of what he was convicted of, then that's a
little thing called Karma. I'm among many, including cops,
lawyers, average Joes, who feel that the Justice System was abused
in ON pt.1. At least one Simpson associate has come forward to
apologize for the cover-up. It's obvious that Or's world tour of
every golf course, Putt-Putt center, pro shop and 19th hole, in
the attempt to find the real killer, just failed to do it's job.
Besides, with this case, even if ON was only trying to get his
alleged property back, there are legal avenues that he could have
taken to accomplish it. Was he, and his goons, really intending
on harming his former friend? That there proves that he has
always has the inclination towards taking the law into his own
hand and finishing it the way he wants to done. Besides, he has
shown his disregard for the law before. True, his murder case was
thrown out, but he did lose a Civil Case and was ordered to make
financial compensations to the Nichole's family. All these years
later, he has only made a small dent in the amount. The only good
thing about this is that if the conviction sticks, this celeb
isn't going to get a ridiculous 84 minutes in jail.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Sue H
They'll appeal... but he was convicted on everything....
He could go to jail for the rest of his life.
2008-10-04 14:24:13 UTC
I'm sure that you can figure it out, but the spell check changed all
of the OJ to ON. Now that I've cracked that massive code, you should
be able to decipher the message properly. :-)
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Gummby3
If he did even half of what he was convicted of, then that's a
little thing called Karma. I'm among many, including cops,
lawyers, average Joes, who feel that the Justice System was abused
in ON pt.1. At least one Simpson associate has come forward to
apologize for the cover-up. It's obvious that Or's world tour of
every golf course, Putt-Putt center, pro shop and 19th hole, in
the attempt to find the real killer, just failed to do it's job.
Besides, with this case, even if ON was only trying to get his
alleged property back, there are legal avenues that he could have
taken to accomplish it. Was he, and his goons, really intending
on harming his former friend? That there proves that he has
always has the inclination towards taking the law into his own
hand and finishing it the way he wants to done. Besides, he has
shown his disregard for the law before. True, his murder case was
thrown out, but he did lose a Civil Case and was ordered to make
financial compensations to the Nichole's family. All these years
later, he has only made a small dent in the amount. The only good
thing about this is that if the conviction sticks, this celeb
isn't going to get a ridiculous 84 minutes in jail.
Post by Sue H
They'll appeal... but he was convicted on everything....
He could go to jail for the rest of his life.
Sue H
2008-10-04 19:27:51 UTC
That's what I said ... Karma. It took me forever to get over the
murder case (he did it and we all know it and he got off scott free).
Anyway, he's been in trouble like 10 times.... he deserves the three
strikes law anyway. So no, even if excessive, he deserves it because
he's always felt like he's above the law. not anymore!
Post by Gummby3
If he did even half of what he was convicted of, then that's a
little thing called Karma. I'm among many, including cops,
lawyers, average Joes, who feel that the Justice System was abused
in ON pt.1. At least one Simpson associate has come forward to
apologize for the cover-up. It's obvious that Or's world tour of
every golf course, Putt-Putt center, pro shop and 19th hole, in
the attempt to find the real killer, just failed to do it's job.
Besides, with this case, even if ON was only trying to get his
alleged property back, there are legal avenues that he could have
taken to accomplish it. Was he, and his goons, really intending
on harming his former friend? That there proves that he has
always has the inclination towards taking the law into his own
hand and finishing it the way he wants to done. Besides, he has
shown his disregard for the law before. True, his murder case was
thrown out, but he did lose a Civil Case and was ordered to make
financial compensations to the Nichole's family. All these years
later, he has only made a small dent in the amount. The only good
thing about this is that if the conviction sticks, this celeb
isn't going to get a ridiculous 84 minutes in jail.
2008-10-05 00:27:22 UTC
Post by Sue H
They'll appeal... but he was convicted on everything....
He could go to jail for the rest of his life.
What about his graph ?
Will he sign in the big house ?
Will we care ?
Are the Buffalo Bills embarrased ?
Do they care ?
What's next Sue...
2008-10-05 03:39:58 UTC
Honestly, I wouldn't take his autograph if it was given away. Maybe
in prison, without his "yes men" with him, he might reflect on his
life and where it went into the crapper. Since convicts are not
allowed to make a profit in prison, I doubt OJ will sign for no fee.
Will we care? Hell yeah. Like Al Capone, he wasn't convicted on the
major crime, but got convicted on a lower crime. Again, Karma. Do
"they" care? The Goldman family and Nicole's family might just feel
that they finally received a bit of over due justice.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by NoAce
Post by Sue H
They'll appeal... but he was convicted on everything....
He could go to jail for the rest of his life.
What about his graph ?
Will he sign in the big house ?
Will we care ?
Are the Buffalo Bills embarrased ?
Do they care ?
What's next Sue...
2008-10-05 03:42:16 UTC
I do hope that the court doesn't let his lawyers drag the appeals into
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Sue H
They'll appeal... but he was convicted on everything....
He could go to jail for the rest of his life.
Sue H
2008-10-05 13:48:04 UTC
My guess is the only thing they can overturn is the kidnapping. No
matter what, he'll be in jail into his 70's at least. He'll get the
rest of his judgment from God.
Post by Gummby3
I do hope that the court doesn't let his lawyers drag the appeals into
2008-10-05 18:53:03 UTC
Post by Sue H
My guess is the only thing they can overturn is the kidnapping. No
matter what, he'll be in jail into his 70's at least. He'll get the
rest of his judgment from God.
Post by Gummby3
I do hope that the court doesn't let his lawyers drag the appeals into
Please don't let OJ turn to religion,he's messed up enough.
Sue H
2008-10-05 13:49:52 UTC
Wouldn't want it.
Possibly; he's always been desperate for the public to love him.
I won't.
Is a fly in crap happy?
I'm sure they do...
Whatever you want baby.
Post by NoAce
What about his graph ?
Will he sign in the big house ?
Will we care ?
Are the Buffalo Bills embarrased ?
Do they care ?
What's next Sue...
2008-10-05 18:51:40 UTC
Post by Sue H
Wouldn't want it.
Possibly; he's always been desperate for the public to love him.
I won't.
Is a fly in crap happy?
I'm sure they do...
Whatever you want baby.
Post by NoAce
What about his graph ?
Will he sign in the big house ?
Will we care ?
Are the Buffalo Bills embarrased ?
Do they care ?
What's next Sue...
um...what was the question

Does O.J listen to Journey ?
Maybe if he did he would be calmer.
Where is Steve Perry when you need him ?
Where do washed up 80's singers go ?
Sue H
2008-10-05 19:01:47 UTC
Post by NoAce
Does O.J listen to Journey ?
If he's not, he's missing out. Really he should be listenign to the
Highway to Hell album!
Post by NoAce
Maybe if he did he would be calmer.
No such thing; he already looks drugged out.
Post by NoAce
Where is Steve Perry when you need him ?
I don't know, but if you find him, bring him to me!
Post by NoAce
Where do washed up 80's singers go ?
Well I hope you're not referring to Steve Perry but if so, I am sure
he's living off his millions in a nice life somewhere...
2008-10-05 19:13:08 UTC
Ace, or whoever you are this week, I sincerely hope that you are just
playing dumb now. Why are you "acting" confused in your response to
Sue's post? Take a look at your original post. See those little
curved things at the end of your sentences? Those are question marks.
That indicates that you were asking a question, or in your case, six
questions. If responses confuse you, don't ask questions.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by NoAce
Post by Sue H
Wouldn't want it.
Possibly; he's always been desperate for the public to love him.
I won't.
Is a fly in crap happy?
I'm sure they do...
Whatever you want baby.
Post by NoAce
What about his graph ?
Will he sign in the big house ?
Will we care ?
Are the Buffalo Bills embarrased ?
Do they care ?
What's next Sue...
um...what was the question
2008-10-05 19:50:20 UTC
Post by Gummby3
Ace, or whoever you are this week, I sincerely hope that you are just
playing dumb now. Why are you "acting" confused in your response to Sue's
post? Take a look at your original post. See those little curved things
at the end of your sentences? Those are question marks. That indicates
that you were asking a question, or in your case, six questions. If
responses confuse you, don't ask questions.
Gummy..what a cool name,no really I mean it,how many women would come up
with a name like that.
Thanks for making things clear to me,your explanation of question marks was
very enlightning.You are
very wise.
You are very good at straightening me out,keep up the good work !
Could I have your "graph",you seem to be a big wheel in here.
Sometimes I do get confused,like when I see someone writing to every woman
ever slapped on a baseball glove (now I'm scratching my head,as if I'm
confused ),that
confuses me .
Confusion, of a pathological degree, usually refers to loss of orientation
(ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location, and
personal identity) and often memory (ability to correctly recall previous
events or learn new material).
Now that's clear.
Now my dear Ms. Gummy3 my confusion stems from strange and weird behavior
from obsessed "graph" collectors.
But alas I see that you don't grasp my sarcasm (Sarcasm is stating the
opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly,
jest or mock a person, situation or thing. It is strongly associated with
irony, with some definitions classifying it as a type of verbal irony
intended to insult or wound. Sarcasm can also be used in a humorous or
jesting way depending on the intent of the person speaking.
Now is that clear ?
2008-10-05 20:29:54 UTC
Yeah, screen names can be confusing regarding the sex of the poster.
Any other time, I would give that too you, but seeing as my first name
has always been included in my signature for the last 10 years, you
are not confused. You are just not observant. Also, my screen name
is Gummby. If you're going to try to belittle, please, PLEASE be
observant so that it will at least make sense. It will greatly aid
you in communication correctly with others. Your attempt with the
female jab just resonates in the air with no reasoning and/or
substance. Nice try though, but it's basically a cyber version of
someone left hanging there with an unanswered high five. Finally, as
for a "big wheel", I'm simply a collector that actually comes to an
autograph message group to **GASP** talk about the hobby of autograph
collecting. Nothing more, nothing less.

I also appreciate your attempt at trying to make others look dumb, but
as with your "sarcasm", you simply are not talented enough to pull it
off... If you would actually attempt to communicate with the people
on here, that you obviously are anxious to be with, we might be able
to discern the difference between your communication and your "humor".
In my case, if you feel that you have to AGAIN try to belittle me, for
no reason, then I guess that's that. I have done nothing but try to
talk with you, several times, but you seem to be the one with a
pathological tendency. There's no other explanation for someone, as
yourself, who claims to be interested in autographs, in some odd
fashion, but tries to feel like a BMOC in putting others down. As for
what I collect, I honestly have no reason. obligation, whatever to
explain my collecting to someone like you. Take that comment as you
will. You're really just not worth the trouble or bandwidth.

"Confusion, of a pathological degree, usually refers to loss of
Post by NoAce
(ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location,
and personal identity) and often memory (ability to correctly recall
previous events or learn new material)."
So, is the above definition your attempt at explaining why you were
not comprehending why Sue responded to your questions with answers?
That is enlightening. Thank you for clearing that up for us. ;-)

Again, I have not belittled you. I have not put you down as a person.
I have simply responded to your post like an adult. I bet that you
can't, or won't, return the favor.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by NoAce
Post by Gummby3
Ace, or whoever you are this week, I sincerely hope that you are
just playing dumb now. Why are you "acting" confused in your
response to Sue's post? Take a look at your original post. See
those little curved things at the end of your sentences? Those are
question marks. That indicates that you were asking a question, or
in your case, six questions. If responses confuse you, don't ask
Gummy..what a cool name,no really I mean it,how many women would
come up with a name like that.
Thanks for making things clear to me,your explanation of question
marks was very enlightning.You are
very wise.
You are very good at straightening me out,keep up the good work !
Could I have your "graph",you seem to be a big wheel in here.
Sometimes I do get confused,like when I see someone writing to every
woman that
ever slapped on a baseball glove (now I'm scratching my head,as if
I'm confused ),that
confuses me .
Confusion, of a pathological degree, usually refers to loss of
orientation (ability to place oneself correctly in the world by
time, location, and personal identity) and often memory (ability to
correctly recall previous events or learn new material).
Now that's clear.
Now my dear Ms. Gummy3 my confusion stems from strange and weird
behavior from obsessed "graph" collectors.
But alas I see that you don't grasp my sarcasm (Sarcasm is stating
the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to
sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing. It is
strongly associated with irony, with some definitions classifying it
as a type of verbal irony intended to insult or wound. Sarcasm can
also be used in a humorous or jesting way depending on the intent of
the person speaking.
Now is that clear ?
Sue H
2008-10-05 21:49:46 UTC
hehe; nothing wrong with being a woman... but I think he was taking a
dig (at least I read it that way). If so, those are childish retorts;
and so not worthy of worrying about.

Personally, I've taken the light hearted approach lately. If nothing
good is going to be said, then at least have fun with it. It seem to
be working a little better.
Post by Gummby3
Yeah, screen names can be confusing regarding the sex of the poster.
Any other time, I would give that too you, but seeing as my first name
has always been included in my signature for the last 10 years, you
are not confused. You are just not observant. Also, my screen name
is Gummby. If you're going to try to belittle, please, PLEASE be
observant so that it will at least make sense. It will greatly aid
you in communication correctly with others. Your attempt with the
female jab just resonates in the air with no reasoning and/or
substance. Nice try though, but it's basically a cyber version of
someone left hanging there with an unanswered high five. Finally, as
for a "big wheel", I'm simply a collector that actually comes to an
autograph message group to **GASP** talk about the hobby of autograph
collecting. Nothing more, nothing less.
I also appreciate your attempt at trying to make others look dumb, but
as with your "sarcasm", you simply are not talented enough to pull it
off... If you would actually attempt to communicate with the people
on here, that you obviously are anxious to be with, we might be able
to discern the difference between your communication and your "humor".
In my case, if you feel that you have to AGAIN try to belittle me, for
no reason, then I guess that's that. I have done nothing but try to
talk with you, several times, but you seem to be the one with a
pathological tendency. There's no other explanation for someone, as
yourself, who claims to be interested in autographs, in some odd
fashion, but tries to feel like a BMOC in putting others down. As for
what I collect, I honestly have no reason. obligation, whatever to
explain my collecting to someone like you. Take that comment as you
will. You're really just not worth the trouble or bandwidth.
"Confusion, of a pathological degree, usually refers to loss of
Post by NoAce
(ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location,
and personal identity) and often memory (ability to correctly recall
previous events or learn new material)."
So, is the above definition your attempt at explaining why you were
not comprehending why Sue responded to your questions with answers?
That is enlightening. Thank you for clearing that up for us. ;-)
Again, I have not belittled you. I have not put you down as a person.
I have simply responded to your post like an adult. I bet that you
can't, or won't, return the favor.
2008-10-05 23:13:46 UTC
Yeah, screen names can be confusing regarding the sex of the poster. Any
other time, I would give that too you, but seeing as my first name has
always been included in my signature for the last 10 years, you are not
confused. You are just not observant. Also, my screen name is Gummby.
If you're going to try to belittle, please, PLEASE be observant so that it
will at least make sense. It will greatly aid you in communication
correctly with others. Your attempt with the female jab just resonates in
the air with no reasoning and/or substance. Nice try though, but it's
basically a cyber version of someone left hanging there with an unanswered
high five. Finally, as for a "big wheel", I'm simply a collector that
actually comes to an autograph message group to **GASP** talk about the
hobby of autograph collecting. Nothing more, nothing less.
I also appreciate your attempt at trying to make others look dumb, but as
with your "sarcasm", you simply are not talented enough to pull it off...
If you would actually attempt to communicate with the people on here, that
you obviously are anxious to be with, we might be able to discern the
difference between your communication and your "humor". In my case, if you
feel that you have to AGAIN try to belittle me, for no reason, then I
guess that's that. I have done nothing but try to talk with you, several
times, but you seem to be the one with a pathological tendency. There's
no other explanation for someone, as yourself, who claims to be interested
in autographs, in some odd fashion, but tries to feel like a BMOC in
putting others down. As for what I collect, I honestly have no reason.
obligation, whatever to explain my collecting to someone like you. Take
that comment as you will. You're really just not worth the trouble or
"Confusion, of a pathological degree, usually refers to loss of
Post by NoAce
(ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location, and
personal identity) and often memory (ability to correctly recall previous
events or learn new material)."
So, is the above definition your attempt at explaining why you were not
comprehending why Sue responded to your questions with answers? That is
enlightening. Thank you for clearing that up for us. ;-)
Again, I have not belittled you. I have not put you down as a person. I
have simply responded to your post like an adult. I bet that you can't,
or won't, return the favor.
Thank you again...zzzzz....sorry....dozed off a sec...you were saying...
2008-10-05 23:22:27 UTC
LOL You're a riot. Gang, we really should be writing down his words
of wisdom. Anybody have a post it note? Stop while you're behind.
You're outclassed.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by NoAce
Thank you again...zzzzz....sorry....dozed off a sec...you were saying...
Sue H
2008-10-05 23:27:01 UTC
Post by Gummby3
LOL You're a riot. Gang, we really should be writing down his words
of wisdom. Anybody have a post it note? Stop while you're behind.
You're outclassed.
Hehe; I think you'd need one of those mini post-its to find the words
of wisdome. And cut that in quarters for the other trolls to use as
