Happy Days Signed Photo-Is it really real?
(too old to reply)
2009-05-29 00:08:08 UTC
Come on, now. Really $10??? If no one bids??!!

I'm seeing to many of these pop up on eBay...makes me wonder if it's real.

I do know my vintage "Da Fonz is Cool" poster is signed by Winkler himself,
Thanks to Todd's autograph arena dot com!!! Thanks, pal!

Happy Hunting-

Sue H
2009-05-29 12:09:42 UTC
I am not good at those sigs so I could not say, but sometimes deals
CAN be had and sometimes, if you research and all seems good, for 10
bucks it would be worth a shot? I do that once in a while. I check
out the feedback, Google the seller (and I contemplate things like
what they've previously sold/what they sell now to determine if
anything else is suspect). If all looks good and I've tried to find
the real sig to compare, I would bid .... providing the sig "appears"
good and I can afford to lose the money. I figure 10 bucks and under
is worth a shot...I spend more than that on Starbucks and Lottery
ticets (well not really but you get the drift).
Post by pe2
Come on, now. Really $10??? If no one bids??!!
I'm seeing to many of these pop up on eBay...makes me wonder if it's real.
I do know my vintage "Da Fonz is Cool" poster is signed by Winkler himself,
Thanks to Todd's autograph arena dot com!!! Thanks, pal!
Happy Hunting-
bill haverchuck
2009-06-07 21:18:44 UTC
Post by pe2
Come on, now. Really $10??? If no one bids??!!
I'm seeing to many of these pop up on eBay...makes me wonder if it's real.
I do know my vintage "Da Fonz is Cool" poster is signed by Winkler
himself, Thanks to Todd's autograph arena dot com!!! Thanks, pal!
Happy Hunting-
don't but it,they didnt include chuck
2009-06-10 20:24:18 UTC
yeah, the Mrs. pe2 and I was watching Happy Days the other night on
familynet channel (Cox 260), and they show re-runs of HD.

it was an early episode with Chuck, and she didn't realize Richie had an
older brother. I said yep. she also didn't like fonzie during the first 2
seasons because of his tough guy image. she liked him when he exploded to
stardom and could fix everything during the 3rd season!

Sue H
2009-06-11 00:05:31 UTC
Yeah, chuck just "disappeared" one day never to return.
Post by pe2
yeah, the Mrs. pe2 and I was watching Happy Days the other night on
familynet channel (Cox 260), and they show re-runs of HD.
it was an early episode with Chuck, and she didn't realize Richie had an
older brother. I said yep. she also didn't like fonzie during the first 2
seasons because of his tough guy image. she liked him when he exploded to
stardom and could fix everything during the 3rd season!
Todd F.
2009-06-12 06:46:45 UTC
You're Welcome :). I will be going to the July Hollywood Show. Once again,
Henry Winkler, Erin Moran, Anson Williams, Donny Most, Tom Bosely are coming
and this time also bringing Marion Ross. This will complete most cast photos
with the exception of Ron Howard. So if anyone wants me to get them sigs let
me know.

Todd F.
Todd's Autograph Arena
Post by pe2
Come on, now. Really $10??? If no one bids??!!
I'm seeing to many of these pop up on eBay...makes me wonder if it's real.
I do know my vintage "Da Fonz is Cool" poster is signed by Winkler
himself, Thanks to Todd's autograph arena dot com!!! Thanks, pal!
Happy Hunting-