Anyone in VA area go to see Obama speak?
(too old to reply)
Sue H
2008-08-21 02:12:08 UTC
Well, a few places around here Obama is speaking (sold out crowds they
say so no going to Oscar Smith high school in Chesapeake tomorrow) so
did anyone go? I guess about now, there's no way to get a graph.

Also, Heard the Jonas Brothers were here and over 5,000 teens came to
see them at the Navy base so they all put their names in a box and
they drew out 150 to meet them. The funniest thing was this radio
host said her daughter hated them and so on air, she called the
daughter and said "good news, we can go tonight to the concert because
I am covering it" and her 13 year old said something along the lines
of hope you have fun cause there's no way I am going! LOL

Also has anyone ever written to Tim Kaine (our gov?)? Word has it
he's very high on the short list for VP. Might be time to try to
get a graph before he's impossible to reach.

Oh, got one today too, forgot to mention it here (posted address on
the groups): Jenna Fisher from the Office.
2008-08-21 21:12:13 UTC
Post by Sue H
Well, a few places around here Obama is speaking (sold out crowds they
say so no going to Oscar Smith high school in Chesapeake tomorrow) so
did anyone go? I guess about now, there's no way to get a graph.
Also, Heard the Jonas Brothers were here and over 5,000 teens came to
see them at the Navy base so they all put their names in a box and
they drew out 150 to meet them. The funniest thing was this radio
host said her daughter hated them and so on air, she called the
daughter and said "good news, we can go tonight to the concert because
I am covering it" and her 13 year old said something along the lines
of hope you have fun cause there's no way I am going! LOL
Also has anyone ever written to Tim Kaine (our gov?)? Word has it
he's very high on the short list for VP. Might be time to try to
get a graph before he's impossible to reach.
Oh, got one today too, forgot to mention it here (posted address on
the groups): Jenna Fisher from the Office.
Anyone's autograph you don't want ?
The guy that cut lawns around here is having a signing on Saturday,but he is
only signing his book,
no lawn mowers.
Sorry !!!
Sue H
2008-08-21 18:23:22 UTC
Well, I never said I wanted any of those... if I had, I'd be down
there. Of course you are hearing from your brother in arms about the
janitor... yeah, I know you and find it very sad you resorted to this
attack; thought you might have had some class you brother in arms
doesn't; however, yep I want the Janitor's autograph who scrubbed the
floors and toilets on the Star Wars sets... (just in case you are
dense, that was sarcasm).

Go back to your usual hobby of taking advantage of your peers; it's
what you are best at.
Post by 2008ny
Post by Sue H
Well, a few places around here Obama is speaking (sold out crowds they
say so no going to Oscar Smith high school in Chesapeake tomorrow) so
did anyone go? I guess about now, there's no way to get a graph.
Also, Heard the Jonas Brothers were here and over 5,000 teens came to
see them at the Navy base so they all put their names in a box and
they drew out 150 to meet them. The funniest thing was this radio
host said her daughter hated them and so on air, she called the
daughter and said "good news, we can go tonight to the concert because
I am covering it" and her 13 year old said something along the lines
of hope you have fun cause there's no way I am going! LOL
Also has anyone ever written to Tim Kaine (our gov?)? Word has it
he's very high on the short list for VP. Might be time to try to
get a graph before he's impossible to reach.
Oh, got one today too, forgot to mention it here (posted address on
the groups): Jenna Fisher from the Office.
Anyone's autograph you don't want ?
The guy that cut lawns around here is having a signing on Saturday,but he is
only signing his book,
no lawn mowers.
Sorry !!!
2008-08-21 20:49:38 UTC
Let us know how the signing goes when he signs your book. I'm sure
you'll be first in line.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by 2008ny
Anyone's autograph you don't want ?
The guy that cut lawns around here is having a signing on
Saturday,but he is only signing his book,
no lawn mowers.
Sorry !!!
Sue H
2008-08-21 21:17:25 UTC
I'd actually NOT vote for Obama but would want his graphs. I started a
President/First Lady book collection. It's just started, but If he
becomes President, I'd like to have it.

Jonas brothers and all these celebs of now are not my thing.... the
janitor though, hey count me in!
Post by Gummby3
Let us know how the signing goes when he signs your book. I'm sure
you'll be first in line.
Tony Evans
2008-08-22 00:59:36 UTC
Post by Sue H
I'd actually NOT vote for Obama but would want his graphs. I started a
President/First Lady book collection.
Well don't vote for McCain unless you want to see the country completely
destroyed. Bush already has the US halfway to 3rd world status.....McCain
will finish the job of driving the middle class to extinction and allowing
the infrastructure to further crumble into dust. Also, do you have the
First Ladies Fact Book by Bill Harris and The American President by the
Kunhardts? They are must haves for your collection.
Sue H
2008-08-21 22:25:15 UTC
To be honest, both suck and today just really made me see how moronic
and disassociated these two really are.

Here you have Obama dissing McCain on the question of how many homes
he has (four residences and 3 for income investments). He seemed to
be joking that McCain thinks 5 million is rich and here HE is too,
making 4 million last year and buying a million plus dollar home from
a shady character...

So all this bickering back and forth just gets on my nerves. Stop
talking crap and tell me exactly how I will be able to retire and not
work till 80. Tell me how my grandbaby will get help for college
because we can't afford it. Tell me how my sick mother who'll end up
in a state hell hole of a nursing home can be taken care of the
correct way. Tell me how there won't be a WWIII. That's what I wanna

I am voting for anyone but these two. Hell, Hilary sucks too and I'd
pick her over them.
Post by Tony Evans
Post by Sue H
I'd actually NOT vote for Obama but would want his graphs. I started a
President/First Lady book collection.
Well don't vote for McCain unless you want to see the country completely
destroyed. Bush already has the US halfway to 3rd world status.....McCain
will finish the job of driving the middle class to extinction and allowing
the infrastructure to further crumble into dust. Also, do you have the
First Ladies Fact Book by Bill Harris and The American President by the
Kunhardts? They are must haves for your collection.
2008-08-21 23:47:10 UTC
I honestly don't think either candidate is worthy to head the local
PTA, much less the most important position in the country. On top of
that, both candidates have been wearing this summer's fashion way too
easily - the flip flops.

Obama's relatively short term in Senate doesn't show me how he's
qualified to be the leader of the country, other than he's over the
required age. His sudden rise from "who is he" to where he is now
seems WAY too fast to be on the up and up. Just because he has
celebrities backing him, or he has replaced Dr. Phil
as Oprah's puppet, does not mean he knows what to do with this

McCain, I'm afraid, is too stuck in the past to lead us into the
future. I'm not hearing much different in his plans for the country
that are not already in place. Just a new coat of paint has been
added to make it seem new. True, he is a veteran and a POW and I
respect him for fighting for this country, but that just shows that he
knows how to be a part of war. Does he know how to wage peace?

I support the troops, but not the war. Obama is saying "get out now".
McCain is saying we'll stay there for the duration. How much longer
the war will last or how long the troops will be there is not the
problem. We need to be looking at ways to make Iraqi people stand up
and defend themselves and decide whether they want freedom. We need
to stop holding their hand. Regardless, today's news that there is a
4-year plan for removing the troops is just going to put a feather in
whoever is elected. Since the troops will supposedly return during
their term, they will surprisingly take credit for it as being their
plan all along.

This has been on my mind for months now. Who the candidate's running
mates are going to be is going to determine a lot of how I may vote
because THAT person is going to be the President. To be honest, I'm
afraid that if Obama is elected, some close-minded racist with a gun
will end his career. If McCain is elected, his health/age will most
likely determine the length of his career. Either way, I feel that
the VP is the one that is going to be leading the country by the end
of the term.

Finally, my leaning is more towards a write-in vote. I still think
Fred Thompson has made more sense than either of these two guys have
since their nominations. I don't think that a write-in vote has ever
been elected, but at least I know that I will have a clear conscious
with my vote.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Sue H
To be honest, both suck and today just really made me see how
and disassociated these two really are.
Here you have Obama dissing McCain on the question of how many homes
he has (four residences and 3 for income investments). He seemed to
be joking that McCain thinks 5 million is rich and here HE is too,
making 4 million last year and buying a million plus dollar home from
a shady character...
So all this bickering back and forth just gets on my nerves. Stop
talking crap and tell me exactly how I will be able to retire and not
work till 80. Tell me how my grandbaby will get help for college
because we can't afford it. Tell me how my sick mother who'll end up
in a state hell hole of a nursing home can be taken care of the
correct way. Tell me how there won't be a WWIII. That's what I wanna
I am voting for anyone but these two. Hell, Hilary sucks too and I'd
pick her over them.
On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 17:59:36 -0700, "Tony Evans"
Post by Tony Evans
Post by Sue H
I'd actually NOT vote for Obama but would want his graphs. I
started a
President/First Lady book collection.
Well don't vote for McCain unless you want to see the country
destroyed. Bush already has the US halfway to 3rd world
will finish the job of driving the middle class to extinction and allowing
the infrastructure to further crumble into dust. Also, do you have the
First Ladies Fact Book by Bill Harris and The American President by the
Kunhardts? They are must haves for your collection.
Sue H
2008-08-22 02:16:24 UTC
Post by Gummby3
I support the troops, but not the war. Obama is saying "get out now".
McCain is saying we'll stay there for the duration. How much longer
the war will last or how long the troops will be there is not the
problem. We need to be looking at ways to make Iraqi people stand up
and defend themselves and decide whether they want freedom. We need
to stop holding their hand. Regardless, today's news that there is a
4-year plan for removing the troops is just going to put a feather in
whoever is elected. Since the troops will supposedly return during
their term, they will surprisingly take credit for it as being their
plan all along.
Here's the problem though Mike (I hate to say, I have to agree with
McCain on this one)... we HAVE to stay there. It's not about holding
the Iraqi's hands. But remember too we PUT THEM in this predicament
(unrest and bombed out areas etc). So we have a moral obligation to
get it put back in full. That aside, even if you don't buy that,
think for a minute... what would happen to the entire region if the US
wasn't there as a stablizer? You know in a second Iran and other
areas would all be crossing borders etc. It would dramatically
backslide. It's our might (or perceived might from past) that has
made those other countries think before leaping. And now that there
is some income coming to the Iraqi's, the others want to spoil that
much like the Russia/Georgia thing. I think to leave is detrimental.
HOWEVER, we have too many there, the Iraqis's need to be more
self-sufficient and we need to come up with some ways of containing
the little fractions in the hills. Why don't we go back to the old
days where we sent in CIA assassins? Knock off the heads of the big
guys and as they fracture, then sweep in with our surge. it'd been a
lot more quick I think.
Post by Gummby3
This has been on my mind for months now. Who the candidate's running
mates are going to be is going to determine a lot of how I may vote
because THAT person is going to be the President. To be honest, I'm
afraid that if Obama is elected, some close-minded racist with a gun
will end his career. If McCain is elected, his health/age will most
likely determine the length of his career. Either way, I feel that
the VP is the one that is going to be leading the country by the end
of the term.
I sort of agree with you here. Screw the President. There are only a
couple duties the President can do without an act of congress. Think
about it... you should be VERY VERY worried if Barack becomes
President. He said in a magazine article (Ladies Home Journal,
September issue this year - they pre date them I guess) that he never
makes a decision (pesonal, professional or political) without
consulting his wife! And she's radical ... and is warped in her
thinking. What you all need to be voting for is who will pick the
best cabinet and won't listen to their friggin' crazy wives, preachers
etc! The cabinet will decide war strategy, help pick your justices
(vet them) etc. And those judges.... they will make laws that affect
EVERYONE. So when you vote for president, don't listen to them.
Listen to who they'll pick for those lifetimes robes.... and who'll be
attorney general or Secretary of State... all those things. It's
Important! And fear Obama; he has advisors that are whack jobs (or
had; he's not distance himself from the controversial Reverand Wright
and that other nut job whose name escapes me. ). McCain's problem is
he's has the worst quality Bush possesses: the "stay the course no
matter what" quality. (sound of cussing going on here). Ugh; it
sounded all so good in the beginning didn't it? A white old man, a
black man and a woman... great stuff. NOT
Sue H
2008-08-21 22:27:47 UTC
PS No, never heard of that book. I only have a few signed books from
First ladies: Barbara Bush, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan and Hilary
Clinton so far.
Post by Tony Evans
Post by Sue H
I'd actually NOT vote for Obama but would want his graphs. I started a
President/First Lady book collection.
Well don't vote for McCain unless you want to see the country completely
destroyed. Bush already has the US halfway to 3rd world status.....McCain
will finish the job of driving the middle class to extinction and allowing
the infrastructure to further crumble into dust. Also, do you have the
First Ladies Fact Book by Bill Harris and The American President by the
Kunhardts? They are must haves for your collection.
Tony Evans
2008-08-22 01:59:36 UTC
Post by Sue H
PS No, never heard of that book. I only have a few signed books from
First ladies: Barbara Bush, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan and Hilary
Clinton so far.
Oh, I understand. Neither of the books I mentioned are signed. Just great
references and good reading. I only have a Barbara Bush signed book, but
would like to have the other first ladies signed books. I do have a White
House card signed by Grace Coolidge and a Betty Ford signed photo.
I am not voting for McCain or Obama. But would have voted for Ron Paul
since he wanted to abolish the IRS, NAFTA and dismantle the Federal Reserve
which keeps bailing out its wealthy friends in the mortgage and banking
industry while letting the little people lose their pensions, savings, etc.
Sue H
2008-08-22 02:20:34 UTC
Oh, Coolidge... now that would be hard to get! I guess not many of
those would be around. Good one!

Ron Paul I am not too familiar with other than he's way radical than
both standard parties...doesn't he want to get rid of most Government
and put everything back into the state?

Guess you heard, the government is gonna bail out Freddie and Fannie
and possibly dismantle them and take it over entirely. BAD IDEA. Oh
well. It's beyond our control. It's insane. We're all gonna go to
the poor house. It's bad when you see an ad (forget which bank) and
it's advertising 3% on the savings and said they were 9 times the
national average for giving you interest on your savings? LOL 3%
percent? Yeah, let me go buy a stick of gum with that.
Post by Tony Evans
Post by Sue H
PS No, never heard of that book. I only have a few signed books from
First ladies: Barbara Bush, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan and Hilary
Clinton so far.
Oh, I understand. Neither of the books I mentioned are signed. Just great
references and good reading. I only have a Barbara Bush signed book, but
would like to have the other first ladies signed books. I do have a White
House card signed by Grace Coolidge and a Betty Ford signed photo.
I am not voting for McCain or Obama. But would have voted for Ron Paul
since he wanted to abolish the IRS, NAFTA and dismantle the Federal Reserve
which keeps bailing out its wealthy friends in the mortgage and banking
industry while letting the little people lose their pensions, savings, etc.