Autographs Real or Fake ??
(too old to reply)
2008-06-13 09:44:06 UTC
Hi, anybody know anything about this place ? http://www.wherestarsgo.com/main.sc

Authentic Autographs or not ?
2008-06-13 14:10:36 UTC
$20 Michael Jackson autograph and $20 Madonna autograph huh.
Michael Kasmar
UACC Registered Dealer #237
Accredited Better Business Member with a lifetime flawless record

"Have you joined our emailer yet? If not, please do so immediately by going
to http://www.autographpros.com/newsletter.php
Post by 1711mark
Hi, anybody know anything about this place ?
Authentic Autographs or not ?
2008-06-13 14:49:27 UTC
$20 each? bwahahahahahaha
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by AutographPros.com
$20 Michael Jackson autograph and $20 Madonna autograph huh.
Michael Kasmar
UACC Registered Dealer #237
Accredited Better Business Member with a lifetime flawless record
"Have you joined our emailer yet? If not, please do so immediately
by going to http://www.autographpros.com/newsletter.php
Post by 1711mark
Hi, anybody know anything about this place ?
Authentic Autographs or not ?
2008-06-13 18:25:54 UTC
well, i'll start here..



these three items are supposed to be signed by eva longoria...before i
would even start looking at other websites to compare, i would just
point out that these 3 items are obviously different handwriting. if
they were really signed by eva, at least they'd be in the same
same with these that are "signed" by evangelline lilly.


niceness and opporitunity to sign, as well as how many people are
around aside...isn't it strange that these are all in different
2008-06-13 18:42:14 UTC
Some of the sigs do look legit, like Charlton Heston, Judith Light and
Kim Alexis. But yes, at those GIVEAWAY prices, one should beware.

2008-06-13 20:28:56 UTC
meanwhile, something this simple, you can check out...

rr auctions jessica alba

their jessica alba


this person's alba's look nothing like ones i have gotten over the
years and look nothing like anyone else's alba autographs that i have
seen. and even the separate alba's that this seller has look like they
were done in different handwriting
and i can safely say, this guy has a LOT of autographs in red marker,
and it's been my experience with over thousands of events and knowing
a lot of collectors around the world...no one deals with red marker.

i will admit that the heston looks good. but i have to say
this...there is so much questionable stuff on here, that it seems like
a one off authentic (or the forger is REALLY good at what they do).
Mr Black
2008-06-13 21:19:08 UTC
multi signed photo including brad pitt for $10.....you tell me if you think
its real????

<><><> ANNOYING USENET SINCE 1996 <><><>
Post by 1711mark
Hi, anybody know anything about this place ?
Authentic Autographs or not ?
2008-06-14 11:04:06 UTC
Or better yet-the Charlie Sheen doesn't look anything like the Donruss's
"Fans of the Game" authentic insert trading card.
2008-06-14 15:33:13 UTC
i got tiger woods three times at the u.s. open this week. so he does
Mr Black
2008-06-15 02:30:42 UTC
Post by barefoot
i got tiger woods three times at the u.s. open this week. so he does
Did he actually sign for you, or did you have a team of kids working the
Arnold Quarry
2008-06-15 17:24:42 UTC
Post by barefoot
i got tiger woods three times at the u.s. open this week. so he does
Yeah right, and you probably got Gandhi to sign from beyond the grave this
week too huh?
2008-06-15 15:32:53 UTC
Post by Arnold Quarry
Post by barefoot
i got tiger woods three times at the u.s. open this week. so he does
Yeah right, and you probably got Gandhi to sign from beyond the grave this
week too huh?
Who are you?
2008-06-15 15:58:33 UTC
no, he actually signed for me...
i spent a few days at the us open...
see, the thing is, no one actually goes for tiger...everyone just
talks about how tough he is...
but on tuesday, he signed after practicing several holes. wednesday
and thursday, he signed after he was done.

now, i'm not saying that he signed good things...he skipped photos and
golf balls (has NEVER SIGNED golf balls since he went pro)...i can't
truly say what he was going after and what he wasn't. but i wouldn't
doubt to say that he didn't sign like 5-600 items in the days i went
though...but it was mostly programs and flags. i saw someone get a
scorecard from the club signed. i know i tried to get single signed
flags and he blew by those, but the flags that i had other golfers on,
he went right to.
he basically walked and signed too...it's not like he stopped and
signed for the crowd...he just grabbed what he felt like grabbing and
signed. on tuesday, after practicing on the putting green, he did sign
for the crowd.

when i helpd co write the "10 best/worst sports signers" for autograph
collector magazine, the guy who originally wrote the first draft
wanted tiger woods on the top 10..but it's not like he doesn't sign,
it's just that the dealers (most of them anyway) invest in stupid
things to get signed by tiger, see that he won't sign them and get
upset that they wasted their money...
but if you have programs, hats, flags (not all the time though), he
signs...he's not easy, you have to be kind of pushy and you have to
have a thick skin...but he signs those things.

meanwhile, phil mickelson signs everything except golf balls...and if
he notices you working the crowd (like he did me), he'll ask you to
cool it for a while, but after the round entirely, he'll try to take
care of you...and he'll only do one master's flag for you, and he
eyeballs you on that one. but he didn't even care that i busted out 2
16x20's on him in less than 10 minutes (and the 16x20's were the only
reason i went to the open as i printed them like a few years ago and
HATE to waste money if i can avoid it).

have fun, i don't really put my collecting stories on here just
because some stupid lurker will just call me some sort of liar...
but i'm out for autographs everyday...and if you want to read my
autograph collecting stories, i do blog a lot of them on my myspace
page. if you want to read them, here you go:


or, just look me up, my name (url) is http://www.myspace.com/hollywoodstuffsdotcom..

on some sad news, my best friend in high school, and the one who got
me started collecting autographs seriously when we were kids, killed
himself last week, my dad just called me with the news today...so i'm
pretty sad.

have fun,
Sue H
2008-06-15 22:14:54 UTC
Sorry about your friend mike; I know it's a rough thing to
contemplate. I only knew one person who killed themselves and I
remember it clearly to this day...

I had bad news too. My brother in law is dying. He's in the hospital
now and his liver, kindeys and brain are shutting down. He's got some
brain damage too and they say they doubt he'll make it. Sad for my
hubby as it's the third brother he's lost (one was only 21, another 35
and this one 42; leaving him only one brother and one sister left).
Glad I married the healthy one who doesn't ride motorcycles (the other
two died in motorcycle crashes). So it's rough.

All that aside, I hope every dad on here had a nice father's day (hey
my hubby won a recliner today!).

On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 08:58:33 -0700 (PDT), barefoot
Post by barefoot
no, he actually signed for me...
i spent a few days at the us open...
see, the thing is, no one actually goes for tiger...everyone just
talks about how tough he is...
but on tuesday, he signed after practicing several holes. wednesday
and thursday, he signed after he was done.
now, i'm not saying that he signed good things...he skipped photos and
golf balls (has NEVER SIGNED golf balls since he went pro)...i can't
truly say what he was going after and what he wasn't. but i wouldn't
doubt to say that he didn't sign like 5-600 items in the days i went
though...but it was mostly programs and flags. i saw someone get a
scorecard from the club signed. i know i tried to get single signed
flags and he blew by those, but the flags that i had other golfers on,
he went right to.
he basically walked and signed too...it's not like he stopped and
signed for the crowd...he just grabbed what he felt like grabbing and
signed. on tuesday, after practicing on the putting green, he did sign
for the crowd.
when i helpd co write the "10 best/worst sports signers" for autograph
collector magazine, the guy who originally wrote the first draft
wanted tiger woods on the top 10..but it's not like he doesn't sign,
it's just that the dealers (most of them anyway) invest in stupid
things to get signed by tiger, see that he won't sign them and get
upset that they wasted their money...
but if you have programs, hats, flags (not all the time though), he
signs...he's not easy, you have to be kind of pushy and you have to
have a thick skin...but he signs those things.
meanwhile, phil mickelson signs everything except golf balls...and if
he notices you working the crowd (like he did me), he'll ask you to
cool it for a while, but after the round entirely, he'll try to take
care of you...and he'll only do one master's flag for you, and he
eyeballs you on that one. but he didn't even care that i busted out 2
16x20's on him in less than 10 minutes (and the 16x20's were the only
reason i went to the open as i printed them like a few years ago and
HATE to waste money if i can avoid it).
have fun, i don't really put my collecting stories on here just
because some stupid lurker will just call me some sort of liar...
but i'm out for autographs everyday...and if you want to read my
autograph collecting stories, i do blog a lot of them on my myspace
or, just look me up, my name (url) is http://www.myspace.com/hollywoodstuffsdotcom..
on some sad news, my best friend in high school, and the one who got
me started collecting autographs seriously when we were kids, killed
himself last week, my dad just called me with the news today...so i'm
pretty sad.
have fun,
2008-06-15 16:00:37 UTC
and i don't have a team of kids mr. black...i've never hired anyone
under the age of 19...but i didn't take the crew with me to the open.
i only took the guy who does rock and roll with me, and he's like 40.
and it was quite last minute...and in total, i have 5 tiger woods
autographs...3 on flags (with other people) 1 program from the event
and one espn magazine that he actually personalized...
maybe i'll stick a scan of this stuff on my myspage page.
Sue H
2008-06-15 22:16:10 UTC
I know; all these newbies coming out here for attacks... obviously
trolls or former problems using new ID's.
Post by ***@MGMemorabilia
Post by Arnold Quarry
Post by barefoot
i got tiger woods three times at the u.s. open this week. so he does
Yeah right, and you probably got Gandhi to sign from beyond the grave this
week too huh?
Who are you?
2008-06-15 22:34:20 UTC
The funny part is that the "new" people aren't even coming up with
original jabs any more. Just more of the same BS. They've actually
become boring with their comments.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Sue H
I know; all these newbies coming out here for attacks... obviously
trolls or former problems using new ID's.
Post by ***@MGMemorabilia
Post by Arnold Quarry
Post by barefoot
i got tiger woods three times at the u.s. open this week. so he does
Yeah right, and you probably got Gandhi to sign from beyond the grave this
week too huh?
Who are you?
2008-06-14 11:02:59 UTC
Tiger Woods for $20.00 HA HA HA HA!!!!!


I took a glance, and being a part timer in the hobby since 1989-a majority
of the 'graphs look like they were done by the same person.

Whoever posted the link-go to Upper Deck's website, and you will probably
find a legit Tiger Woods autograph. He has a contract with Upper Deck, and
almost signs exclusively with them.

My thing-STAY AWAY!!!