(too old to reply)
2008-08-27 22:34:45 UTC
Plonk is a Usenet jargon term for adding a particular poster to one's kill
file such that the poster's future postings are completely ignored. It was
first used in 1989 and by 1994 was a commonly used term on Usenet regarding
kill file additions.

Lets thank Sue H bringing these great terms in out ng lingo.

We bow to you.

Thanks ! :)
Sue H
2008-08-27 19:59:51 UTC
I never gave definitions or alluded to definitions or alluded to
anything about them... all I said was I plonked you from trying to
join the group. By the way, the lesbian thing led us to think the
old Lesbian at the ATM story may be involved here; if not and you are
not Barefoot, then sorry to Barefoot. Actually, I don't think you
are; he give a harder fight and is harder to take down.
Post by 2008ny
Plonk is a Usenet jargon term for adding a particular poster to one's kill
file such that the poster's future postings are completely ignored. It was
first used in 1989 and by 1994 was a commonly used term on Usenet regarding
kill file additions.
Lets thank Sue H bringing these great terms in out ng lingo.
We bow to you.
Thanks ! :)
2008-08-28 01:01:12 UTC
Chip and I have a GREAT group, where its moderated, and we have 85 of
the best members that help each other whenever possible..

Sue, is also one of our members and we just love her and her postings.
The lady is a real collector.

If anyone would like a group where people are your friends and not
your enemies, then....... JOIN US!



Sue H
2008-08-28 01:12:34 UTC
thanks Dennis.
Post by ***@aol.com
Chip and I have a GREAT group, where its moderated, and we have 85 of
the best members that help each other whenever possible..
Sue, is also one of our members and we just love her and her postings.
The lady is a real collector.
If anyone would like a group where people are your friends and not
your enemies, then....... JOIN US!
Kenneth Zinger
2008-08-28 04:57:56 UTC
"***@aol.com" <***@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message news:4c5182a4-ddf4-40c7-8217-***@w7g2000hsa.googlegroups.com...
Chip and I have a GREAT group, where its moderated

Your group is censored.
2008-08-28 02:04:41 UTC
You say censored, I say peaceful place to converse.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by ***@aol.com
Chip and I have a GREAT group, where its moderated
Your group is censored.
Kenneth Zinger
2008-08-28 04:56:56 UTC
"Sue H" <***@cox.net> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
By the way, the lesbian thing led us to think the
old Lesbian at the ATM story may be involved here; if not and you are not

It is Barefoot.
2008-08-28 10:01:20 UTC
I doubt its barefoot. You can tell one of his posts a mile away.
2008ny spells better and uses caps.

I hate to say this...so where did barefoot go??
Sue H
2008-08-28 14:35:16 UTC
Yeah, as we've been discussing behind the scenes, Barefoot also gives
a much more feisty fight. this is just a bored young man with a chip
on his shoulder.
Post by Bob
I doubt its barefoot. You can tell one of his posts a mile away.
2008ny spells better and uses caps.
I hate to say this...so where did barefoot go??
2008-08-28 22:41:32 UTC
Post by Sue H
Yeah, as we've been discussing behind the scenes, Barefoot also gives
a much more feisty fight. this is just a bored young man with a chip
on his shoulder.
Post by Bob
I doubt its barefoot. You can tell one of his posts a mile away.
2008ny spells better and uses caps.
I hate to say this...so where did barefoot go??
Better than being a tired old lady with nothing to say.
Shooting blanks into the night.
Sue H
2008-08-28 19:56:56 UTC
Well besides that not even making sense, if you are referring to me, I
am not that old. Old enough to tell you to put your jammies on and go
to bed perhaps. Tired yes... tired of the children on here who can't
play nice.... but certainly can hit that bullseye apparently.
Post by 2008ny
Better than being a tired old lady with nothing to say.
Shooting blanks into the night.
2008-08-29 04:29:45 UTC
Post by Sue H
Well besides that not even making sense, if you are referring to me, I
am not that old. Old enough to tell you to put your jammies on and go
to bed perhaps. Tired yes... tired of the children on here who can't
play nice.... but certainly can hit that bullseye apparently.
Post by 2008ny
Better than being a tired old lady with nothing to say.
Shooting blanks into the night.
I t seems that Sue has some kind of obsession or anger with kids,teenagers
or anyone
under the age of 50.That happens apparently when you get old.She certainly
can hit the
target,when the target is dropping a pebble in the ocean.Well done,game and
match !
She hits it every time.So true that she has nothing relavant to say other
that telling us
tired old stories (par for her),or giving us the latest postal info,thank
you for that,we could
never reach the USPS without her help.
If you feel the need to be needed,give help where no help is needed.Its good
for the empty
How could I make sense to her,you would need some sense in order understand
another persons
But keep dropping those pebbles in the ocean,in 50 years they may (or may
not) amount to something.
Sue H
2008-08-29 03:13:29 UTC
Post by 2008ny
I t seems that Sue has some kind of obsession or anger with kids,teenagers
or anyone
under the age of 50.That happens apparently when you get old.She certainly
can hit the
target,when the target is dropping a pebble in the ocean.Well done,game and
match !
Nope, I have a problem with children who had poor parents. Anyone who
acts and belittles others and starts problems out of boredom and who
can't respect others, obviously wasn't raised right. Yeah, that's
right, I am resorting to your mama... didn't have a dad? Divorced
parents? Or just a kid with an attitude who thinks they're entitled?
Post by 2008ny
She hits it every time.So true that she has nothing relavant to say other
that telling us
tired old stories (par for her),or giving us the latest postal info,thank
you for that,we could
never reach the USPS without her help.
My "stories" are related to autograph collecting ; unlike your rants.
The concerts and other things where autographs are indeed tried/gotten
at help others (to know who signs, who doesn't or how hard a venue is,
or what was done in order to get the graph or how nice the celeb was).
Unlike you where EVERYTHING that comes out of your fingertips is VILE.
Post by 2008ny
If you feel the need to be needed,give help where no help is needed.Its good
for the empty
My soul is far from empty but your life seems empty. You apparently
have no good things in your life; you are so negative and nasty. GROW
Post by 2008ny
How could I make sense to her,you would need some sense in order understand
another persons
WHAT OPINION? YOU"VE not given ANY OPINION relevant to anything. You
hide your identity, you post NOTHING ON HERE RELEVANT and you attack
everyone (only me moreso because I respond, but make no mistake,
anyone else who responds gets attacked too; so far by count is at
least three or four people you've attacked). GROW UP.
Post by 2008ny
But keep dropping those pebbles in the ocean,in 50 years they may (or may
not) amount to something.
You keep making ridiculous analogies and metaophors which don't even
make sense. Apparently your mind is a little warped. May I suggest
something? Get an education. Instead of typing this when a historic
speech was just made that could affect the world's future, go back to
school, watch the news, do some volunteer work, join the military, or
read a book; in other words find a way to be a productive member of
society! GROW UP!

PS Tell your mom about your posts here; I am sure she'll be proud.
Sue H
2008-08-29 03:45:40 UTC
And for those interested, Percy Sledge will be performing up north
Virginia (if you are interested, let me know and I'll find the link),
Bruce Hornsby will be at Hampton Bay Days and Debbie Reynolds will be
performing at the Sandler center (all of these are in the first couple
weeks of September). I may go to the Hornsby concert. He's playing
with someone else but I forgot.

And what follows here is for the troll only so those of you sick of
reading this crap we've got going back and forth, please just exit out

Oh yeah, another oldie concert tomorrow. After I go, I'll be sure to
report on it... just because I know NY2008's day won't be complete
without a dose of my "Stories"! By the way NY, let me know some of
your stories? Oh maybe you can't because you've no experience and
that's why you don't post about it. Been to any plays, concerts, wine
tastings, art shows, ballets, fairs, or ANYWHERE ever? Doubtful.
Been travelling? Let me guess, that answer would probably be no?
Moved around state to state or gone to a few colleges or maybe was
involved in many activities at the schools you attended? You seem to
lack experience in everything and are so frustrated by it you bash
anyone that posts anything you see as not being on your level ... but
what level is that exactly eh?

. If you hate your life so much CHANGE it instead of being the
asshole nobody likes; you know the guy everyone talks about behind his
back. GET OFF YOUR ASS AND do someting; get a life for crying out

Maybe this whole thing about people getting slammed because of their
mail successes or my concert reports, or because they are selling
something and making some money etc are because you are jealous? Why
slam Gummby for posting about the women's leaque successes? Why cut
KC down about his garage sale post? Or the other post about a
concert/in person report? Because you've still not answered why you
just came on this group overnight and started slamming people for NO
reason other than to be nasty (definition of troll; thanks for posting
that definition by the way, you showed people I was indeed right to
characterize you that way). Because you don't like my taste in rock
bands is NOT a difference of opinion. You misstated... that's simply
a difference in taste. Why the need to slam it? Your mom probably
like Lawrence Welk; you slam her too? WHY DO YOU DO THIS?

You haven't answered that question because you've got major issues
with yourself. GROW UP.

You prove you will always be NOTHING. Nasty people never go anywhere
in life. Want a life? Try being a decent human being. And if you
can't bring yourself to do that, it might be better to not say
anything at all. You waste everyone's time. Throw out the pot (after
a certain age, it's not really cool anymore you know), open the window
once in a while and maybe join in what life has to offer.

As for my long posts, they are only to you... the postage thing was a
tutorial for those that want it. I have a site devoted to all things
of this sort. It's on there for those who want it and whether you
think so or not, there are many people who visit my site and
appreciate that stuff. It's my contribution to the hobby. You slam
me for helping people.... and are concerned that I feel the need to be
"needed" or whatever. Why do you care if my post was long and seemed
"common sense". By the way, it's not. A lot of people are new and
don't understand the conversions of dollars to other currencies and
weights etc. I am sorry to inform you, but I don't need to be
"needed" by people I don't know personally. I do what I do because
it's better than what YOU do.... NOTHING. It's also better than the
PEOPLE FOR NO REASON. If I am at fault for trying to be a decent
human being, so be it! YOU do not affect anything I will ever do...
you can say what you want but I'll still post about what I want, when
I want. So keep coming underacheiver, I am here for you. I can keep
this up till whenever your fat little greasy fingers get tired of
typing! See ya tomorrow.

PS This isn't defensive or angry. It's just a statement of fact. If
it comes across that way, it's not meant that way. As I type, I have a
small little smile on my face because I know, I've affected you in
some way. If there is a iota that once sentence makes you take a look
at your self, I've done my job. And should nothing I say affect you,
so be that too. It's a shame though; but it's in God's hands now.
There's nothing more I can tell you... you will do what you will and
your karma will be my payback.
2008-08-29 08:17:26 UTC

You know I love you and I’ll always defend yeah, but you have to
realize that 2008NY or anyone else who slams you, is more then likely
only revving you up. Their opinions and insults are only to provoke
you to respond further.

The only way to beat them is to ignore them. Do you really care if
some kid or guy in NY thinks you’re a pain or overzealous?

I’m not part of Chip’s group but I’m on the other TTM group. Just post
there, the heck with this site, I know you want to help people, but
sometimes the best way to help is to back off. Troll the site, see who
steps up and tries to help people, at this point if you and a few
others stop posting the site is washed up. To many people have left
and gone elsewhere and there is no relevant information here, no one
willing to share or help.

Try watching and see what happens. You can always chime in later if
need be. Or just post your info on your site and drop notes on this
site to see your site. People can’t post or comment directly there,
Just keep doing the diary.

Just my thoughts.

Sue H
2008-08-29 13:16:17 UTC
I know you do Bob, but my problem is I feel compelled to help jerks so
the world can be a better place for everyone. Ultruistic and maybe
unrealistic I know, but that's part of my personality. I hope the
trolls examanine why they do what they do because doing stuff like
that (and other things) is always beased on their own self-image.

Thank Goodness there's no problems on the other groups.
You know I love you and I’ll always defend yeah, but you have to
realize that 2008NY or anyone else who slams you, is more then likely
only revving you up. Their opinions and insults are only to provoke
you to respond further.
The only way to beat them is to ignore them. Do you really care if
some kid or guy in NY thinks you’re a pain or overzealous?
I’m not part of Chip’s group but I’m on the other TTM group. Just post
there, the heck with this site, I know you want to help people, but
sometimes the best way to help is to back off. Troll the site, see who
steps up and tries to help people, at this point if you and a few
others stop posting the site is washed up. To many people have left
and gone elsewhere and there is no relevant information here, no one
willing to share or help.
Try watching and see what happens. You can always chime in later if
need be. Or just post your info on your site and drop notes on this
site to see your site. People can’t post or comment directly there,
Just keep doing the diary.
Just my thoughts.
2008-08-30 05:36:04 UTC

You sound like a good person, and we would love to have you in our
group, that Chip started.

Im the owner and would welcome you in. Also if others would like to
be with some nice people whod love the hobby and respect each other
and not provoke arguments. Join me! We post addresses every single
day. We build each others collections and help as much as possible.

The group...........


2008-08-30 02:37:18 UTC
Post by Sue H
And for those interested, Percy Sledge will be performing up north
Virginia (if you are interested, let me know and I'll find the link),
Bruce Hornsby will be at Hampton Bay Days and Debbie Reynolds will be
performing at the Sandler center (all of these are in the first couple
weeks of September). I may go to the Hornsby concert. He's playing
with someone else but I forgot.
And what follows here is for the troll only so those of you sick of
reading this crap we've got going back and forth, please just exit out
Oh yeah, another oldie concert tomorrow. After I go, I'll be sure to
report on it... just because I know NY2008's day won't be complete
without a dose of my "Stories"! By the way NY, let me know some of
your stories? Oh maybe you can't because you've no experience and
that's why you don't post about it. Been to any plays, concerts, wine
tastings, art shows, ballets, fairs, or ANYWHERE ever? Doubtful.
Been travelling? Let me guess, that answer would probably be no?
Moved around state to state or gone to a few colleges or maybe was
involved in many activities at the schools you attended? You seem to
lack experience in everything and are so frustrated by it you bash
anyone that posts anything you see as not being on your level ... but
what level is that exactly eh?
. If you hate your life so much CHANGE it instead of being the
asshole nobody likes; you know the guy everyone talks about behind his
back. GET OFF YOUR ASS AND do someting; get a life for crying out
Maybe this whole thing about people getting slammed because of their
mail successes or my concert reports, or because they are selling
something and making some money etc are because you are jealous? Why
slam Gummby for posting about the women's leaque successes? Why cut
KC down about his garage sale post? Or the other post about a
concert/in person report? Because you've still not answered why you
just came on this group overnight and started slamming people for NO
reason other than to be nasty (definition of troll; thanks for posting
that definition by the way, you showed people I was indeed right to
characterize you that way). Because you don't like my taste in rock
bands is NOT a difference of opinion. You misstated... that's simply
a difference in taste. Why the need to slam it? Your mom probably
like Lawrence Welk; you slam her too? WHY DO YOU DO THIS?
You haven't answered that question because you've got major issues
with yourself. GROW UP.
You prove you will always be NOTHING. Nasty people never go anywhere
in life. Want a life? Try being a decent human being. And if you
can't bring yourself to do that, it might be better to not say
anything at all. You waste everyone's time. Throw out the pot (after
a certain age, it's not really cool anymore you know), open the window
once in a while and maybe join in what life has to offer.
As for my long posts, they are only to you... the postage thing was a
tutorial for those that want it. I have a site devoted to all things
of this sort. It's on there for those who want it and whether you
think so or not, there are many people who visit my site and
appreciate that stuff. It's my contribution to the hobby. You slam
me for helping people.... and are concerned that I feel the need to be
"needed" or whatever. Why do you care if my post was long and seemed
"common sense". By the way, it's not. A lot of people are new and
don't understand the conversions of dollars to other currencies and
weights etc. I am sorry to inform you, but I don't need to be
"needed" by people I don't know personally. I do what I do because
it's better than what YOU do.... NOTHING. It's also better than the
PEOPLE FOR NO REASON. If I am at fault for trying to be a decent
human being, so be it! YOU do not affect anything I will ever do...
you can say what you want but I'll still post about what I want, when
I want. So keep coming underacheiver, I am here for you. I can keep
this up till whenever your fat little greasy fingers get tired of
typing! See ya tomorrow.
PS This isn't defensive or angry. It's just a statement of fact. If
it comes across that way, it's not meant that way. As I type, I have a
small little smile on my face because I know, I've affected you in
some way. If there is a iota that once sentence makes you take a look
at your self, I've done my job. And should nothing I say affect you,
so be that too. It's a shame though; but it's in God's hands now.
There's nothing more I can tell you... you will do what you will and
your karma will be my payback.
Hope against hope but no one cares.
You are sad and angry,maybe the collecting will make you a more likable
human being.
I doubt it

Rock On !!!
Sue H
2008-08-30 14:44:43 UTC
Again, hides... and doesn't respond to the pertinent stuff. YOU are
the unlikeable one with your nasty attitude and attacking people for
no reason other than either Jealousy or pettiness.
Post by 2008ny
Hope against hope but no one cares.
You are sad and angry,maybe the collecting will make you a more likable
human being.
I doubt it
Rock On !!!
2008-08-31 00:56:51 UTC
Post by Sue H
Again, hides... and doesn't respond to the pertinent stuff. YOU are
the unlikeable one with your nasty attitude and attacking people for
no reason other than either Jealousy or pettiness.
Post by 2008ny
Hope against hope but no one cares.
You are sad and angry,maybe the collecting will make you a more likable
human being.
I doubt it
Rock On !!!
So sad,but you are what you are,that's all you'll ever be.
Woooooooooooooooosh !!!
Hold the phone,there goes rock icon Mickey Thomas.
My gosh,me must be gettin' his valuable "graph"
Oh I forgot I already got it at the last time the Jefferson Whatever group
was in town.
When does KC and the Sunshine Band get here,they are true legends !!!
Sue H
2008-08-30 22:27:24 UTC
You have NO class... none at all.
Post by 2008ny
So sad,but you are what you are,that's all you'll ever be.
Woooooooooooooooosh !!!
Hold the phone,there goes rock icon Mickey Thomas.
My gosh,me must be gettin' his valuable "graph"
Oh I forgot I already got it at the last time the Jefferson Whatever group
was in town.
When does KC and the Sunshine Band get here,they are true legends !!!
2008-08-31 03:37:41 UTC
Post by Sue H
You have NO class... none at all.
Post by 2008ny
So sad,but you are what you are,that's all you'll ever be.
Woooooooooooooooosh !!!
Hold the phone,there goes rock icon Mickey Thomas.
My gosh,me must be gettin' his valuable "graph"
Oh I forgot I already got it at the last time the Jefferson Whatever group
was in town.
When does KC and the Sunshine Band get here,they are true legends !!!
This must be the thing that turned Grace Slick's hair snow white.
Now you know why she stays home.
JS stinks,have for a long time.
So harsh,but still the truth.

If you want a scare,
go here :


Not for the faint hearted.
Sue H
2008-08-31 00:53:13 UTC
Well gee, I am so honored you took more time out of your day for me.
For your info though, that's not the same band. Only Paul Kanter
offspring... and the least of the bunch.
Post by 2008ny
Post by 2008ny
So sad,but you are what you are,that's all you'll ever be.
Woooooooooooooooosh !!!
Hold the phone,there goes rock icon Mickey Thomas.
My gosh,me must be gettin' his valuable "graph"
Oh I forgot I already got it at the last time the Jefferson Whatever group
was in town.
When does KC and the Sunshine Band get here,they are true legends !!!
This must be the thing that turned Grace Slick's hair snow white.
Now you know why she stays home.
JS stinks,have for a long time.
So harsh,but still the truth.
If you want a scare,
Not for the faint hearted.
2008-08-31 00:16:27 UTC
Here you go. I knew you wanted the info, so I looked it up for you.
I hope you find the info useful.

September 2008 Buy Tickets

Date Venue City
1 Booked Private Date
5-6 Club A Sao Paulo, Brazil
12 Silver Legacy Reno, NV
13 LA County Fair Pomona, CA
17 Arena Monterey Monterey, MX
18 Auditorio Josefa Fortez Querataro, MX
19 Complejo Siglo XXI Puebla, MX
20 Auditoria Telmex Guadaljara, MX
25 CD and Me Frankfort, IL
26 Lubbock Music Fair Lubbock TX
27 Booked Private Date

October 2008 Buy Tickets

Date Venue City
3 Gretna Heritage Festival Gretna, LA
17 Mary Ross Park Brunswick, GA
18 Cumberland County Civic Center Fayetteville, NC
20 Booked Private Date
25 Egyptian Room Indianapolis, IN
29 Teatro Caupolican Santiago, CHILE
31 Casino Vina Del Mar Vina Del Mar, CHILE

November 2008 Buy Tickets

Date Venue City
Estadio Municial De Concepcio Concepcion, CHILE
7 Paragon Casino Marksville, LA
9 Lyric Theatre Stuart, FL

December 2008 Buy Tickets

Date Venue City
31 Borgota Spa and Resort Atlantic City, NJ
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by 2008ny
Post by Sue H
Again, hides... and doesn't respond to the pertinent stuff. YOU are
the unlikeable one with your nasty attitude and attacking people for
no reason other than either Jealousy or pettiness.
Post by 2008ny
Hope against hope but no one cares.
You are sad and angry,maybe the collecting will make you a more likable
human being.
I doubt it
Rock On !!!
So sad,but you are what you are,that's all you'll ever be.
Woooooooooooooooosh !!!
Hold the phone,there goes rock icon Mickey Thomas.
My gosh,me must be gettin' his valuable "graph"
Oh I forgot I already got it at the last time the Jefferson Whatever
group was in town.
When does KC and the Sunshine Band get here,they are true legends !!!