Autograph Stories from NYC!
(too old to reply)
2008-07-16 01:57:21 UTC
Sorry we don't keep you fully up to date but it's Summer time and all work
and no play makes for a dull life. My sister once told me "No one ever sat
at their death bed wishing they worked more". Of course this was just after
I had worked non-stop at this business for the past 10 years. Anyhow, it
was off to NYC again in hopes of scoring some more autographs.

The main draw of the day for me was Kenny Chesney so I immediately arrived
at NBC Studios for a chance to meet Kenny going into the Conan Obrien show.
Unfortunately after hours of waiting we were left to realize he had gone in
the garage without anyone having any access to them. From my understanding
that's how a lot of the stars are going in these days due to some unruly
graphers. Next up was Abe Vigoda, most popularly known as Fish on the
Barney Miller show. That guy was old on the show even back then so to see
him up and around was a blessing. Sadly he was not willing to sign even for
me in a 1 on 1 atmosphere. The movie "Grumpy Old Men" did come to mind.

After his entrance, next up was Gary Oldman. Gary played part as the Police
Chief in "The Professional", one of my top favorite movies so I was excited
to meet him. He also is blowing up in popularity right now having just
played the Police Commissioner in the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight".
Gary immediately put marker to photos and signed for everything including
multiples and taking photos with. We got some great signed 8x10 photos with
videos of him signing them. After that we immediately headed over to ABC

Upon arriving to ABC Studios we set up our spot at the Conan Obrien show to
get Jason Mraz on some guitars, baseball's Commissioner Bud Selig, and
Pierce Brosnan. As soon as I arrived I got a tip that Reggie Jackson would
be coming out of his hotel in 15 minutes so half my staff stayed at Conan
and the rest of us went over to Reggie's hotel. Apparently George
Steinbrenner had just gone into the hotel stiffing everyone however Alex
Rodriguez best known as A-Rod signed a few photos for one of my guys on the
way out. The drive to get us there took almost all of the 15 minutes and
true to the information, Reggie came out after only a few minutes wait. Now
what happened next was a bit interesting.

One of the NY regulars who is very vocal to the stars started really pushing
Reggie on to start signing. So much so that I really think he guilted
Reggie into signing. I'm not really sure as these situations are often
tough to say for sure. All I know is the last thing this kid said to Reggie
was "Thanks for nothing". Just after that Reggie put his stuff down in his
SUV and came back to lecture this kid. He said "It really hurts me that you
would act this way. I'm not a custom to having people behave the way you
people are behaving and it saddens me". It was an awkward and unique
moment however the grapher did explain that he was just trying to get him to
sign. Just after that came 3 Reggie Jackson signed baseball bats and a
pinstripe jersey signed by "Mr. October" himself. This all comes with EXACT
PHOTO PROOF of him signing each item!

Just after that I ran back to my truck only to find a nice $95 parking
ticket just written so recent that the ink wasn't dry. Oh well, take the
good with the bad in that situation. NY is always brutal on the parking. I
remember I got 3 parking tickets in one day, 2 on the same street! Price we
pay when time is really $. Now it was back to try for Jason Mraz and the
rest at Letterman. While we were gone my guys posted up there were able to
get 1 Pierce Brosnan autograph. He only signed 4 out of all the crowd. Not
sure how nice he was going in as we got there only for his going out. Also
while my guys were there and I was getting Reggie, Bud Selig was super nice
signing for everyone. We were able to get a bat signed and a baseball both
with VIDEO PROOF of him signing each!

As soon as I had arrived back not even 5 minutes went by and Jason Mraz came
out. He wasn't really that accommodating but we did manage to get a couple
guitars signed, again with FLAWLESS VIDEO PROOF of him signing each. He
stiffed quite a few people. The guitars are really nice, one is a nice USA
Flag one and one was a nice vintage sunburst SG style guitar. Signatures
were nice and full too! Next it was off to get Gary Oldman coming out of
Conan again and also got to get Joe Buck, a premier play-by-play
broadcasters, and he was nice enough to sign whatever anyone asked and also
did photos with.

Now having learned our lesson earlier in the day, we knew not to bother for
Kenny Chesney at the entrance to Conan and instead headed off to his hotel.
Once he arrived he was very accommodating signing up to 2 each for each
person. We got a nice USA Flag guitar, a gorgeous gold Les Paul body style
guitar, and a nice wood grain fancy body guitar. Must see guitars for sure,
and all with FLAWLESS VIDEO PROOF of each being signed. Sorry to use the
caps but to have this kind of proof on these types of items is just about
unheard of and it's something we try to do to keep our customer excited
about our products.

In the end, you have to love it when a plan comes together. Of all the
names up from morning to night that we went for, we got. We should have
these products up and running within the next week. Don't forget to read my
other post about the Derek Jeter and Michael Jordan after-party that same
night! That will be posted in a few days and features encounters with over
20 stars including my 1 on 1 with Jordan.
Michael Kasmar
UACC Registered Dealer #237
Accredited Better Business Member with a lifetime flawless record

"Have you joined our emailer yet? If not, please do so immediately by going
to http://www.autographpros.com/newsletter.php
Sue H
2008-07-16 02:32:49 UTC
Well congrats on what you did manage. Damn it, I've been trying to
get Gary Oldman's sig for a while; as you may know he was Sirius Black
in Harry Potter and is my third most wanted. Sorry to see Vigoda
wouldn't sign. I wasn't sure he was still alive! LOL
I am a bit surprised about A-Rod signing; I'd of thought he'd want
cash (especially NOW as he'll need it for his divorce)! LOL only one
from Pierce Brosnan? I still find him attractive though I hear in
person he's looking pretty old.

I guess I'll have to read about your Jordan...

Sorry about your ticket man, that's horrible. I haven't driven in NYC
(we drove through one time only and never stopped). But I know it's
gotta be crazy (with towing there too).

On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 21:57:21 -0400, "AutographPros.com"
Post by AutographPros.com
Sorry we don't keep you fully up to date but it's Summer time and all work
and no play makes for a dull life. My sister once told me "No one ever sat
at their death bed wishing they worked more". Of course this was just after
I had worked non-stop at this business for the past 10 years. Anyhow, it
was off to NYC again in hopes of scoring some more autographs.
The main draw of the day for me was Kenny Chesney so I immediately arrived
at NBC Studios for a chance to meet Kenny going into the Conan Obrien show.
Unfortunately after hours of waiting we were left to realize he had gone in
the garage without anyone having any access to them. From my understanding
that's how a lot of the stars are going in these days due to some unruly
graphers. Next up was Abe Vigoda, most popularly known as Fish on the
Barney Miller show. That guy was old on the show even back then so to see
him up and around was a blessing. Sadly he was not willing to sign even for
me in a 1 on 1 atmosphere. The movie "Grumpy Old Men" did come to mind.
After his entrance, next up was Gary Oldman. Gary played part as the Police
Chief in "The Professional", one of my top favorite movies so I was excited
to meet him. He also is blowing up in popularity right now having just
played the Police Commissioner in the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight".
Gary immediately put marker to photos and signed for everything including
multiples and taking photos with. We got some great signed 8x10 photos with
videos of him signing them. After that we immediately headed over to ABC
Upon arriving to ABC Studios we set up our spot at the Conan Obrien show to
get Jason Mraz on some guitars, baseball's Commissioner Bud Selig, and
Pierce Brosnan. As soon as I arrived I got a tip that Reggie Jackson would
be coming out of his hotel in 15 minutes so half my staff stayed at Conan
and the rest of us went over to Reggie's hotel. Apparently George
Steinbrenner had just gone into the hotel stiffing everyone however Alex
Rodriguez best known as A-Rod signed a few photos for one of my guys on the
way out. The drive to get us there took almost all of the 15 minutes and
true to the information, Reggie came out after only a few minutes wait. Now
what happened next was a bit interesting.
One of the NY regulars who is very vocal to the stars started really pushing
Reggie on to start signing. So much so that I really think he guilted
Reggie into signing. I'm not really sure as these situations are often
tough to say for sure. All I know is the last thing this kid said to Reggie
was "Thanks for nothing". Just after that Reggie put his stuff down in his
SUV and came back to lecture this kid. He said "It really hurts me that you
would act this way. I'm not a custom to having people behave the way you
people are behaving and it saddens me". It was an awkward and unique
moment however the grapher did explain that he was just trying to get him to
sign. Just after that came 3 Reggie Jackson signed baseball bats and a
pinstripe jersey signed by "Mr. October" himself. This all comes with EXACT
PHOTO PROOF of him signing each item!
Just after that I ran back to my truck only to find a nice $95 parking
ticket just written so recent that the ink wasn't dry. Oh well, take the
good with the bad in that situation. NY is always brutal on the parking. I
remember I got 3 parking tickets in one day, 2 on the same street! Price we
pay when time is really $. Now it was back to try for Jason Mraz and the
rest at Letterman. While we were gone my guys posted up there were able to
get 1 Pierce Brosnan autograph. He only signed 4 out of all the crowd. Not
sure how nice he was going in as we got there only for his going out. Also
while my guys were there and I was getting Reggie, Bud Selig was super nice
signing for everyone. We were able to get a bat signed and a baseball both
with VIDEO PROOF of him signing each!
As soon as I had arrived back not even 5 minutes went by and Jason Mraz came
out. He wasn't really that accommodating but we did manage to get a couple
guitars signed, again with FLAWLESS VIDEO PROOF of him signing each. He
stiffed quite a few people. The guitars are really nice, one is a nice USA
Flag one and one was a nice vintage sunburst SG style guitar. Signatures
were nice and full too! Next it was off to get Gary Oldman coming out of
Conan again and also got to get Joe Buck, a premier play-by-play
broadcasters, and he was nice enough to sign whatever anyone asked and also
did photos with.
Now having learned our lesson earlier in the day, we knew not to bother for
Kenny Chesney at the entrance to Conan and instead headed off to his hotel.
Once he arrived he was very accommodating signing up to 2 each for each
person. We got a nice USA Flag guitar, a gorgeous gold Les Paul body style
guitar, and a nice wood grain fancy body guitar. Must see guitars for sure,
and all with FLAWLESS VIDEO PROOF of each being signed. Sorry to use the
caps but to have this kind of proof on these types of items is just about
unheard of and it's something we try to do to keep our customer excited
about our products.
In the end, you have to love it when a plan comes together. Of all the
names up from morning to night that we went for, we got. We should have
these products up and running within the next week. Don't forget to read my
other post about the Derek Jeter and Michael Jordan after-party that same
night! That will be posted in a few days and features encounters with over
20 stars including my 1 on 1 with Jordan.
2008-07-16 02:47:16 UTC
Very cool, grats!
Post by AutographPros.com
Sorry we don't keep you fully up to date but it's Summer time and all work
and no play makes for a dull life. My sister once told me "No one ever
sat at their death bed wishing they worked more". Of course this was just
after I had worked non-stop at this business for the past 10 years.
Anyhow, it was off to NYC again in hopes of scoring some more autographs.
The main draw of the day for me was Kenny Chesney so I immediately arrived
at NBC Studios for a chance to meet Kenny going into the Conan Obrien
show. Unfortunately after hours of waiting we were left to realize he had
gone in the garage without anyone having any access to them. From my
understanding that's how a lot of the stars are going in these days due to
some unruly graphers. Next up was Abe Vigoda, most popularly known as
Fish on the Barney Miller show. That guy was old on the show even back
then so to see him up and around was a blessing. Sadly he was not willing
to sign even for me in a 1 on 1 atmosphere. The movie "Grumpy Old Men"
did come to mind.
After his entrance, next up was Gary Oldman. Gary played part as the
Police Chief in "The Professional", one of my top favorite movies so I was
excited to meet him. He also is blowing up in popularity right now having
just played the Police Commissioner in the new Batman movie "The Dark
Knight". Gary immediately put marker to photos and signed for everything
including multiples and taking photos with. We got some great signed 8x10
photos with videos of him signing them. After that we immediately headed
over to ABC Studios.
Upon arriving to ABC Studios we set up our spot at the Conan Obrien show
to get Jason Mraz on some guitars, baseball's Commissioner Bud Selig, and
Pierce Brosnan. As soon as I arrived I got a tip that Reggie Jackson
would be coming out of his hotel in 15 minutes so half my staff stayed at
Conan and the rest of us went over to Reggie's hotel. Apparently George
Steinbrenner had just gone into the hotel stiffing everyone however Alex
Rodriguez best known as A-Rod signed a few photos for one of my guys on
the way out. The drive to get us there took almost all of the 15 minutes
and true to the information, Reggie came out after only a few minutes
wait. Now what happened next was a bit interesting.
One of the NY regulars who is very vocal to the stars started really
pushing Reggie on to start signing. So much so that I really think he
guilted Reggie into signing. I'm not really sure as these situations are
often tough to say for sure. All I know is the last thing this kid said
to Reggie was "Thanks for nothing". Just after that Reggie put his stuff
down in his SUV and came back to lecture this kid. He said "It really
hurts me that you would act this way. I'm not a custom to having people
behave the way you people are behaving and it saddens me". It was an
awkward and unique moment however the grapher did explain that he was just
trying to get him to sign. Just after that came 3 Reggie Jackson signed
baseball bats and a pinstripe jersey signed by "Mr. October" himself.
This all comes with EXACT PHOTO PROOF of him signing each item!
Just after that I ran back to my truck only to find a nice $95 parking
ticket just written so recent that the ink wasn't dry. Oh well, take the
good with the bad in that situation. NY is always brutal on the parking.
I remember I got 3 parking tickets in one day, 2 on the same street!
Price we pay when time is really $. Now it was back to try for Jason Mraz
and the rest at Letterman. While we were gone my guys posted up there
were able to get 1 Pierce Brosnan autograph. He only signed 4 out of all
the crowd. Not sure how nice he was going in as we got there only for his
going out. Also while my guys were there and I was getting Reggie, Bud
Selig was super nice signing for everyone. We were able to get a bat
signed and a baseball both with VIDEO PROOF of him signing each!
As soon as I had arrived back not even 5 minutes went by and Jason Mraz
came out. He wasn't really that accommodating but we did manage to get a
couple guitars signed, again with FLAWLESS VIDEO PROOF of him signing
each. He stiffed quite a few people. The guitars are really nice, one is
a nice USA Flag one and one was a nice vintage sunburst SG style guitar.
Signatures were nice and full too! Next it was off to get Gary Oldman
coming out of Conan again and also got to get Joe Buck, a premier
play-by-play broadcasters, and he was nice enough to sign whatever anyone
asked and also did photos with.
Now having learned our lesson earlier in the day, we knew not to bother
for Kenny Chesney at the entrance to Conan and instead headed off to his
hotel. Once he arrived he was very accommodating signing up to 2 each for
each person. We got a nice USA Flag guitar, a gorgeous gold Les Paul body
style guitar, and a nice wood grain fancy body guitar. Must see guitars
for sure, and all with FLAWLESS VIDEO PROOF of each being signed. Sorry
to use the caps but to have this kind of proof on these types of items is
just about unheard of and it's something we try to do to keep our customer
excited about our products.
In the end, you have to love it when a plan comes together. Of all the
names up from morning to night that we went for, we got. We should have
these products up and running within the next week. Don't forget to read
my other post about the Derek Jeter and Michael Jordan after-party that
same night! That will be posted in a few days and features encounters
with over 20 stars including my 1 on 1 with Jordan.
Michael Kasmar
UACC Registered Dealer #237
Accredited Better Business Member with a lifetime flawless record
"Have you joined our emailer yet? If not, please do so immediately by
going to http://www.autographpros.com/newsletter.php
2008-07-16 22:51:18 UTC
funnny how living in the big celeb cities, we can tell these stories
and they are REAL!!!
good ones michael.
