Jumpcon or Chumpcon
(too old to reply)
Lord Vader III
2008-07-10 18:14:44 UTC
I think someone asked about the Jumpcon shows a while ago:


Sue H
2008-07-10 20:07:15 UTC
That was me. I just don't see how one could afford to start a whole
set of conventions (that many) with THAT many actors and have it work.
You can't jump into stuff like that unless you have a LOT of capital
and it seems to me that the capital needed for something this large
would be several HUNDRED THOUSAND? I say that because of the halls to
be booked/reserved; actors appearance fees, advertising, rentals,
sinage, worker fees... I don't see ANYTHING like pages where people
can volunteer to work, or heard anything about people helping the
guests, hotel bookings or anything. Hell, I don't even see anyone
renting tables... so what are they doing? Even if they only need say
50k for each convention but they have at least 10 that need prepay,
that's a half million bucks. I am not sure how much it costs to run a
convention but I'd think 20 actors at minimum need hotel/per
diem/transportation and appearance fees... even if that totals only 2
grand a person, that's 40k right there? Plus renting hall, paying
some people, advertising and such? No way they can probably escape a
larger one for under 50k? Even Creation didn't start out of the gate
with a bang like that.

Certainly, they aren't advertising or even reading their boards. Hell,
I offered free advertising and offered to call local stations to get
publicity. As well as putting it on other boards etc and my site.
They could be emailing larger fan sites with banners and they're not.

Say you have 10 cons going (and they've a LOT more than that) and you
have to deal daily with issues like actors, travel, transportation,
volunteers, paid workers, and various other issues that arise (setting
up the places, rental tables, chairs, organizing events etc) if you
think you are going to handle ONE con at a time, you got another thing
coming because even 2 years down the road if you've advertised
something, people will be emailing and calling always... everyone has
a problem and thinks that theirs is the most important even if it
isn't. So you'd be delusional to do more than two or three cons at a
time. Or more than a year ahead in three major cities.

To run this thing, they'd probably need a good 20 people at least plus
volunteers at the events along with many thousands per show? The 20
would need to be paid probably. They'd need a publicity person, an
accountant, a planner (organizing events/booking), several people to
set up, clean, security, someone to run the website/be on top of their
boards etc, someone to be the project manager, and probably a couple
gophers etc and someone to supervise workers. They will have to
prepay hotels, transportation, rentals, advertising and the hall. WHO
are these people? Nobody seems to know who they are and where they
came from? I thought this is either people (small group of 5 or 6 or
less) thinking they can handle it or a scam from the beginning to see
how far they can take it. But it was a gut feeling based on the lack
of responses from them and the lack of publicity or anyone knowing
about them.

I felt it in my bones whoever it is got over zealous and overbooked
too many events and too many people. It was probably someone who
worked for say Creation or someone else who thought "gee, I can do
this" with little experience. Anyone with any brains realizes
business only gets good by growing slowing and establishing yourself

If anyone has info, please share it.

On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 11:14:44 -0700 (PDT), Lord Vader III
Post by Lord Vader III
2008-07-11 16:55:21 UTC
Lord Vader III
2008-07-18 12:10:30 UTC
Post by Lord Vader III
Looks like Jumpcon is now completely dead:


Sue H
2008-07-19 13:03:35 UTC
This was not surprising. Nobody has as much capital as needed for
that many. Not even the bigger, more experienced cons.

Business works like this: you start small and with one (like
restaurants, a national retail chain or even flipping houses) and you
take the proceeds of the first one (hopefully you made SOMETHING but
many take two or three years to get out of the red) and you put it
towards number 2. Then by the end of the second, you now should be in
black at least and if possible, take a SMALL low pay (below normal)
salary and put the rest towards the third. If you did it right, by
the third try, you should be rolling..... it's just common sense.

I think they should have done ONE con in a known place with lots of
advertising and made sure before they did that, they had a good 10k to
"lose". Because it could happen. If they didn't, which I believe
they did not, then they should have let it go.
