Star Collector Mailbox - 7/19
(too old to reply)
2008-07-20 02:20:34 UTC
Today brought a long-forgotten request from Mark Hamill. Either he,
or his assistant, is catching up on a lot of fan mail. The picture
that I sent was returned unsigned. An 8x10 b&w signed picture was
included with a Xeroxed form letter, ad for a comic company and a form
to join the Mark Hamill Fan Club. For $15.00, you are a member for a
year. You get a membership card, 4 issues of a newsletter and access
to the fan club website. Ironically, nowhere is it listed that you
get an autograph for your money.

Mark Hamill
(address so old, I don't have it in records)
return address:
c/o The International Mark Hamill Fan Club
PO Box 287
Grand Blanc, MI 48480-0287
(sent 8x10 color picture, SASE; picture returned unsigned + 8x10 b&w
signed picture was included with a Xeroxed form letter, ad for a comic
company and a form to join the Mark Hamill Fan Club he sent)
(mailed November 13, 2003! - received 7/19/08) - 1710 days (4 years, 8
months, 6 days)
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Mr Black
2008-07-20 04:29:55 UTC
He has always been hit and miss.

During that period about 10 where no one was getting him ttm, i got my jedi
headshot 8x10 back signed and inscribed...although it did take about 2

<><><> ANNOYING USENET SINCE 1996 <><><>
Today brought a long-forgotten request from Mark Hamill. Either he, or
his assistant, is catching up on a lot of fan mail. The picture that I
sent was returned unsigned. An 8x10 b&w signed picture was included with
a Xeroxed form letter, ad for a comic company and a form to join the Mark
Hamill Fan Club. For $15.00, you are a member for a year. You get a
membership card, 4 issues of a newsletter and access to the fan club
website. Ironically, nowhere is it listed that you get an autograph for
your money.
Mark Hamill
(address so old, I don't have it in records)
c/o The International Mark Hamill Fan Club
PO Box 287
Grand Blanc, MI 48480-0287
(sent 8x10 color picture, SASE; picture returned unsigned + 8x10 b&w
signed picture was included with a Xeroxed form letter, ad for a comic
company and a form to join the Mark Hamill Fan Club he sent)
(mailed November 13, 2003! - received 7/19/08) - 1710 days (4 years, 8
months, 6 days)
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
2008-07-20 04:55:44 UTC
Mark Hamill's autograph has definitely been hard to get. That's one
of the reasons that it slipped my mind I even sent it. :-) I figured
it was in the circular filing cabinet years ago. I'm definitely not
naive. I know that the odds of this being genuine are about as good
as Fox News NOT dedicating any time to Obama's trip to Iraq. I did do
comparisons to IPs and known authentics and they did match. That
said, Bob Hope was interviewed once stating that his
assistant/secretary was so good at his signature that he hard a hard
time telling the difference. :-)
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Mr Black
He has always been hit and miss.
During that period about 10 where no one was getting him ttm, i got
my jedi headshot 8x10 back signed and inscribed...although it did
take about 2 years.
Sue H
2008-07-20 14:20:39 UTC
Mark has not been hard to get for like the first 20 years. When I
wrote to him back in like 2000, I got nothing then wrote a couple more
times and eventually got stamped (rubber stamped items). I gave up.
Then he started signing again so I wrote again but got back an item
saying sorry you got a rubber stamp but he's not signing and hope this
helps (blank photo with a handwritten note, I believe to be Mary Lou's
handwriting). Then he didn't sign for a year or two and then reports
of "big" ticket items being signed and others returned or not sent
back. Then another report of him not signing, then signing again,
then not signing and charging HUGE money up till now. Then a few
reports this week of more sigs. It's quite possible he's trying a
secretary now, but historically, it's been him himming and hawing on
the sigs (and he has always signed personally).

I gave up. Ended up getting an inscribed legit photo to someone else
I knew who I traded for it, then I ended up buying one of his signed
comics. I would eventually like the perfect one item signed to me or
not dedicated but really, it IS hard to know what you are getting for
Post by Gummby3
Mark Hamill's autograph has definitely been hard to get. That's one
of the reasons that it slipped my mind I even sent it. :-) I figured
it was in the circular filing cabinet years ago. I'm definitely not
naive. I know that the odds of this being genuine are about as good
as Fox News NOT dedicating any time to Obama's trip to Iraq. I did do
comparisons to IPs and known authentics and they did match. That
said, Bob Hope was interviewed once stating that his
assistant/secretary was so good at his signature that he hard a hard
time telling the difference. :-)
2008-07-21 18:07:47 UTC
doesn't mark post on his own website that he can not sign any more
autographs due to the proliferation of forgeries on ebay? i know i
read that on some website that he puts out SEVERAL years ago. i would
imagine that's still his stance..

he mostly insists on personalizing in person though. i have SEVERAL
that i've gotten myself...only once did he not personalize. i've tried
taking personalization off some photos, but he writes so hard that it
leaves an indentation on the photos EVERYTIME (including when i got
him on a table.)
i paid $80 each a few years ago at comic con and he wanted to
personalize then..it was the only time i got him to write luke
skywalker on the items. he's actually really friendly, and if you want
something other than star wars, he's all over it...

FYI- the television up fronts were here the last few weeks and ewan
mcgregor was in town...he's REFUSING star wars now. i had his flight
coming in from london and he stiffed the star wars...i got him on
trainspotting and shallow grave, then went back to the star wars and
he only signed 1 16x20 after i told him that i spent $100 each on
them. and he personalized that...and he told everyone at the up fronts
that he will not sign star wars under any circumstance. i think i put
this in my blog on myspace ( http://www.myspace.com/hollywoodstuffsdotcom
i know when he was on jay leno a few months ago, he got out of the car
to sign and take pictures with...he signed star wars then but refused
certain items like toys and some guy had star wars breakfast cereal
boxes and he wouldn't sign them either.
so there's a star wars update.
2008-07-21 18:18:10 UTC
Has there been a reason stated why he changed his signing habits
related to the movie? I know that Neeson is an odd one. He has
refused to sign SW items for years now. He's also not signing
anything Batman related. I haven't heard of Portman signing. Period.
Do all of these actors acquire some beef with George Lucas? Star Wars
did nothing but catapult, or at least build up, their careers. It
would be like the original cast of Star Trek refusing to sign anything
related to the show.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
doesn't mark post on his own website that he can not sign any more
autographs due to the proliferation of forgeries on ebay? i know i
read that on some website that he puts out SEVERAL years ago. i would
imagine that's still his stance..
he mostly insists on personalizing in person though. i have SEVERAL
that i've gotten myself...only once did he not personalize. i've tried
taking personalization off some photos, but he writes so hard that it
leaves an indentation on the photos EVERYTIME (including when i got
him on a table.)
i paid $80 each a few years ago at comic con and he wanted to
personalize then..it was the only time i got him to write luke
skywalker on the items. he's actually really friendly, and if you want
something other than star wars, he's all over it...
FYI- the television up fronts were here the last few weeks and ewan
mcgregor was in town...he's REFUSING star wars now. i had his flight
coming in from london and he stiffed the star wars...i got him on
trainspotting and shallow grave, then went back to the star wars and
he only signed 1 16x20 after i told him that i spent $100 each on
them. and he personalized that...and he told everyone at the up fronts
that he will not sign star wars under any circumstance. i think i put
this in my blog on myspace (
i know when he was on jay leno a few months ago, he got out of the car
to sign and take pictures with...he signed star wars then but
certain items like toys and some guy had star wars breakfast cereal
boxes and he wouldn't sign them either.
so there's a star wars update.
Sue H
2008-07-21 20:31:15 UTC
Sir Alec Guinness probably said what they wouldn't... that he thought
Star Wars was a joke basically; beneath him and he just did it for the
money. I think Neeson probably was in a lull about the time Star Wars
came into his lap and he could have used the dough. But he considers
himself to above such mainstream films. Portman is just a stuck up
bitch from what I hear. It's not just about Star Wars; she's tough
but is like most, that when cameras are around her, she'll sign.

Also, her and Hayden Christensen SUCKED in Phantom Meanace didn't
they? It wasn't only a jar jar binks and crazy underwater cities that
made the movie suck; it was their acting. Neeson was in that one too.
It was a pretty horrible film when all things considered and you break
it down to certain elements. I mean good effects yeah and good make
up... but that's about it. I just don't think they want to be
reminded of a film they didn't do that well personally in.
Post by Gummby3
Has there been a reason stated why he changed his signing habits
related to the movie? I know that Neeson is an odd one. He has
refused to sign SW items for years now. He's also not signing
anything Batman related. I haven't heard of Portman signing. Period.
Do all of these actors acquire some beef with George Lucas? Star Wars
did nothing but catapult, or at least build up, their careers. It
would be like the original cast of Star Trek refusing to sign anything
related to the show.
2008-07-21 21:10:31 UTC
Just a point, but Hayden didn't start until the second movie. :-)
You're probably right about their reasons for not signing, but it
still seems petty. Portman's case is simply that she became famous
too early, and too quickly, in her career. I know that some
collectors that I know are watching today's young stars for signs of
"Hollywoodidous". I really hope that Dakota Fanning does not contract
it. She seems so humble. I think a lot of that has to do with the
way that her parents raised her too.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Sue H
Sir Alec Guinness probably said what they wouldn't... that he
Star Wars was a joke basically; beneath him and he just did it for the
money. I think Neeson probably was in a lull about the time Star Wars
came into his lap and he could have used the dough. But he
himself to above such mainstream films. Portman is just a stuck up
bitch from what I hear. It's not just about Star Wars; she's tough
but is like most, that when cameras are around her, she'll sign.
Also, her and Hayden Christensen SUCKED in Phantom Meanace didn't
they? It wasn't only a jar jar binks and crazy underwater cities that
made the movie suck; it was their acting. Neeson was in that one too.
It was a pretty horrible film when all things considered and you break
it down to certain elements. I mean good effects yeah and good make
up... but that's about it. I just don't think they want to be
reminded of a film they didn't do that well personally in.
On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 13:18:10 -0500, "Gummby3"
Post by Gummby3
Has there been a reason stated why he changed his signing habits
related to the movie? I know that Neeson is an odd one. He has
refused to sign SW items for years now. He's also not signing
anything Batman related. I haven't heard of Portman signing.
Do all of these actors acquire some beef with George Lucas? Star Wars
did nothing but catapult, or at least build up, their careers. It
would be like the original cast of Star Trek refusing to sign
related to the show.
Sue H
2008-07-21 21:27:04 UTC
True; I don't know what I was thinking. But he stunk.

I agree; hope Dakota and the Breslin kids and the others coming up
remain good kids.
Post by Gummby3
Just a point, but Hayden didn't start until the second movie. :-)
You're probably right about their reasons for not signing, but it
still seems petty. Portman's case is simply that she became famous
too early, and too quickly, in her career. I know that some
collectors that I know are watching today's young stars for signs of
"Hollywoodidous". I really hope that Dakota Fanning does not contract
it. She seems so humble. I think a lot of that has to do with the
way that her parents raised her too.
2008-07-22 00:10:59 UTC
hayden christensen went through a bout of not signing star wars
too...oddly enough, he signs a TON and doesn't really care..

portman was tough BEFORE star wars...the only time i got her was when
she was in cold mountain, and even then, she wouldn't sign star wars
i know BEFORE the star wars premiere we were at the toronto film
festival and she signed a ton, but because she didn't sign star wars
stuff, i didn't get her at all (unprepared at the time)...and she
hasn't gotten off her high horse yet...she still almost signs

jake lloyd has done nothing since and signs star wars..but he does a
lot of shows (for like official pix etc) and they end up, by the end
of the show, dropping his price from $20 to $15 and sometimes lower.
i don't know what's up ewan's butt...i think it's funny, he'll sign
all sorts of other things without question, it's just the star wars..

liam neeson is extremely tough too...i heard (and i saw the photos) of
him signing star wars stuff at the revenge of the sith premiere in new
york, but is back to not signing that stuff again, and he's been a
complete stiff on the batman stuff as well (from the begining too,
when the photos first appeared large enough to print, i had a few a
few days later at an event and he refused em in favor of other stuff
saying he doesn't sign batman products, and hasn't changed his

the star trek people DO stiff on star wars items. don't be
fooled...the main cast does enough shows to where you don't realize
it...but nichelle nichols actually told me once that she won't give
away something that she can make money off of...shatner is a complete
stiff. nimoy is pretty decent about signing, and does sign trek
stuff...but many of the other cast members have the same stance as
the newer star trek people don't seem to care- right now. scott
bakula, if he signs at all, will sign whatever's put in front of him.
patrick stewart was a stiff on trek stuff while he was on the show,
but has softened up quite a bit. and he does signings.

but don't kid yourself, the trek people are just as tough as the wars
people. shows are shows.
Sue H
2008-07-22 01:04:55 UTC
You mentioned why Neeson signed that stuff; he was at a premiere. You
get a bad rep if you're an ass at an event about the same thing and
refuse to sign it! LOL

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 17:10:59 -0700 (PDT),
Post by b***@yahoo.com
hayden christensen went through a bout of not signing star wars
too...oddly enough, he signs a TON and doesn't really care..
portman was tough BEFORE star wars...the only time i got her was when
she was in cold mountain, and even then, she wouldn't sign star wars
i know BEFORE the star wars premiere we were at the toronto film
festival and she signed a ton, but because she didn't sign star wars
stuff, i didn't get her at all (unprepared at the time)...and she
hasn't gotten off her high horse yet...she still almost signs
jake lloyd has done nothing since and signs star wars..but he does a
lot of shows (for like official pix etc) and they end up, by the end
of the show, dropping his price from $20 to $15 and sometimes lower.
i don't know what's up ewan's butt...i think it's funny, he'll sign
all sorts of other things without question, it's just the star wars..
liam neeson is extremely tough too...i heard (and i saw the photos) of
him signing star wars stuff at the revenge of the sith premiere in new
york, but is back to not signing that stuff again, and he's been a
complete stiff on the batman stuff as well (from the begining too,
when the photos first appeared large enough to print, i had a few a
few days later at an event and he refused em in favor of other stuff
saying he doesn't sign batman products, and hasn't changed his
the star trek people DO stiff on star wars items. don't be
fooled...the main cast does enough shows to where you don't realize
it...but nichelle nichols actually told me once that she won't give
away something that she can make money off of...shatner is a complete
stiff. nimoy is pretty decent about signing, and does sign trek
stuff...but many of the other cast members have the same stance as
the newer star trek people don't seem to care- right now. scott
bakula, if he signs at all, will sign whatever's put in front of him.
patrick stewart was a stiff on trek stuff while he was on the show,
but has softened up quite a bit. and he does signings.
but don't kid yourself, the trek people are just as tough as the wars
people. shows are shows.
2008-07-22 00:14:34 UTC
dakota and the breslin kids are really nice...breslin's mom cuts you
off pretty quick, but you can always get one from either of them.
josh hutcherson from journey to the center of the earth is pretty
anna sophia robb is decent, but she doesn't want to sign now...her mom
kind of makes her sign, and it's definately one per person.
haley joel osment doesn't care...
the high school musical kids are all kind of tough, with many
collectors saying they may as well throw away their vanessa hudgens
photos, cause she's never gonna sign them...ashley tisdale is WORSE!!

miley cyrus is pretty decent, but her autograph has gone to he double
hockey sticks! but at least she signs. and she seems to be getting
more and more stuck up when i see her on tmz, but she's pretty
friendly to fans.

does that cover the child stars?
Sue H
2008-07-22 01:06:32 UTC
Lillianna Mumy is a nice little kid...

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 17:14:34 -0700 (PDT),
Post by b***@yahoo.com
dakota and the breslin kids are really nice...breslin's mom cuts you
off pretty quick, but you can always get one from either of them.
josh hutcherson from journey to the center of the earth is pretty
anna sophia robb is decent, but she doesn't want to sign now...her mom
kind of makes her sign, and it's definately one per person.
haley joel osment doesn't care...
the high school musical kids are all kind of tough, with many
collectors saying they may as well throw away their vanessa hudgens
photos, cause she's never gonna sign them...ashley tisdale is WORSE!!
miley cyrus is pretty decent, but her autograph has gone to he double
hockey sticks! but at least she signs. and she seems to be getting
more and more stuck up when i see her on tmz, but she's pretty
friendly to fans.
does that cover the child stars?
2008-07-22 01:12:45 UTC
She has the luxury of having a dad that went through what she is
currently going through. I'm sure that Bill is a steadying influence
on her.
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by Sue H
Lillianna Mumy is a nice little kid...
On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 17:14:34 -0700 (PDT),
Post by b***@yahoo.com
dakota and the breslin kids are really nice...breslin's mom cuts you
off pretty quick, but you can always get one from either of them.
josh hutcherson from journey to the center of the earth is pretty
anna sophia robb is decent, but she doesn't want to sign now...her mom
kind of makes her sign, and it's definately one per person.
haley joel osment doesn't care...
the high school musical kids are all kind of tough, with many
collectors saying they may as well throw away their vanessa hudgens
photos, cause she's never gonna sign them...ashley tisdale is
miley cyrus is pretty decent, but her autograph has gone to he
hockey sticks! but at least she signs. and she seems to be getting
more and more stuck up when i see her on tmz, but she's pretty
friendly to fans.
does that cover the child stars?