Auction sites?
(too old to reply)
Sue H
2009-05-27 01:58:18 UTC
Is there a place where you can list FREE and only pay say a fee IF
your items sells? What bugs me about Ebay is the double dipping of
fees (End value and all the listing and Pay Pal fees) and if you don't
sell it, you still pay them... Is there a site to sell your stuff
with say a 10-15% fee only if your items sells? If so where?
Sue H
2009-05-27 02:54:53 UTC
Okay after research found what appears to be a promising one called
Ebid.net. They claim to have a limited time offer of 50 bucks for
lift with no fees ever? But what of this site? Will it get sued for
being like Ebay (a lot of features are Ebayesque). Also, has a lot of
sellers but who's buying? I can't tell if people are bidding... it's
all buy it now?

Has anyone used that? What about Webidz? How about that?
Post by Sue H
Is there a place where you can list FREE and only pay say a fee IF
your items sells? What bugs me about Ebay is the double dipping of
fees (End value and all the listing and Pay Pal fees) and if you don't
sell it, you still pay them... Is there a site to sell your stuff
with say a 10-15% fee only if your items sells? If so where?
2009-05-27 08:23:34 UTC
I'm all for a new site, I hate Ebay now and Paypal.......Next they
will be telling me who to use for internet connections
Sue H
2009-05-27 12:36:54 UTC
The only problem with the other sites, is lack of protection if you
buy. But I'll just use them to sell. Alas, that's what a lot of
people are doing and what I am noticing is there's a whole lot of
sellers on the net and a whole lot of NON buyers for these auctions!
But this one site sounded good. One time fee and good for life. But
the question remains (How long will they stay in business).
Post by 4***@gmail.com
I'm all for a new site, I hate Ebay now and Paypal.......Next they
will be telling me who to use for internet connections
BIll P
2009-05-27 14:37:19 UTC
Post by Sue H
Is there a place where you can list FREE and only pay say a fee IF
your items sells? What bugs me about Ebay is the double dipping of
fees (End value and all the listing and Pay Pal fees) and if you don't
sell it, you still pay them... Is there a site to sell your stuff
with say a 10-15% fee only if your items sells? If so where?
I'm not sure what their fee structure is other then there are no listing
fees, but I've purchased stuff from IOffer.com. Though it seems it's more
like a haggle system then an auction house. You list the item with the
price you want and people can either "Buy it Now" or make a lower offer that
you can accept, reject or make a counter offer to. I used it to buy DVD
cases, it was the only place I could find a small lot of cases held 4 DVDs.
2009-05-27 17:04:40 UTC
Hey Sue,

You are correct about iOffer. I have used it for maybe about 2 years
or so. I can tell you I have sold VERY little from it.. and I mean
VERY little. The only reason I do use it.. is the fact it is free to
list. But I rarely even log on or bother to relist the items as I just
flat out forget about it sicne I sell so little.

Some good news? For some. I have a full blown auction site myself on
my site. I use it for my auctions only right now. It is capable of
being opened up for everyone to list on it. And I will be opening it
up in the future when I get enough registered users. As my site will
charge fees (very small ones) such as 3-5 cents for listing a item.
VERY small end of auction fee. To be determined. Of course NO fees for
those that use paypal. And paypal will be able to be accessed right
off the auction page for any seller. There will be Buy It Now option,
Haggle option, trade option, messaging between members. I can also add
categories as folks need them.. There is also a Wanted section for
those to post their wants.

My site will also offer a full store for those who wish to have their
own store with a unique store URL for as little as $5.00 per month.

Now I saw someone up above mention. OH it was actually you.. the
"protection" This is a issue for me. As I was talking with another
well respected dealer and long times friends at the last Chiller show.
Is policing the site. Who do I let list? Do I pull items off that "I"
think are bogus? Yet really do not have any proof as to how the items
were obtained. Of course it is MY site and do want to make it a safe
buying and selling place. I do think that is what everyone wants even
when they take on this kind of venture. Which is one reason the UACC
set up their auction site for.

I may consider opening it up to a few people that I know and can trust
at first for awhile. And see how that goes. Of course this is a
business venture for me as well. But of course my intentions are for
it to be good for all. But with any auction site. Fee-Bay, Amazon,
iOffer or any of the various dealer auction sites. The buyer has to be
educated themselves. They hopefully know what they are buying, have
done a little research etc. Even the best of dealers have probably
made a mistake at least once in their business career. Unknowingly.

But.. for those that want to check out my auction site. And see what
it is..

go to: www.edbedrickautographs.com

Click on the auction button on the left side menu. I do not want to
open it up with so few bidders as I do not want to charge fees and
have my sellers not get any action. Which is why fees will be low for
start for quite some time.

For thos that want to register for the site.. please do.. I am
actually starting a auction on the 29th or 30th. If you want to see it
in action. There is no items currently running.

Ed Bedrick
Member of the U.A.C.C.
U.A.C.C. Registered Dealer #049
Former U.A.C.C. Regional Director (Region #1)
Sue H
2009-05-27 18:36:37 UTC
I've thought about doing my own site with a shopping cart. I just
have a lot of items used, and some collectibles but it'd be like a one
time listing of say 200-300 items and my purpose would be to "leave it
till it sells" and if after a few months it doesn't sell, maybe garage
sale it or charity it (and at that point remove the auctions).

I wonder what your liabilities would be though. See that's the
problem with auctions that are not like Ebay or Amazon, who have lots
of lawyers etc. What if your buyers skip out on payments. What if
your sellers don't get paid so threaten buyers? What if your sellers
sell copyrighted things... can you be sued? Before you open it up for
public, please protect yourself first. Because you KNOW sometime
SOMETHING might happen (it always does). Personally, I don't want to
deal with the negativity and problems so if I did a site, it'd
probably just be for me or maybe a few things here and there for
others as a favor or something (only people I knew).

I will but don't want to do a garage sale... people come and see a
hundred dollar outfit with the tags still on it and say "I'll give you
a quarter for that". It's just the way it is, but people can be
ridiculous. It's insulting at times!

On Wed, 27 May 2009 10:04:40 -0700 (PDT), Koolmagic114
Post by Koolmagic114
Hey Sue,
You are correct about iOffer. I have used it for maybe about 2 years
or so. I can tell you I have sold VERY little from it.. and I mean
VERY little. The only reason I do use it.. is the fact it is free to
list. But I rarely even log on or bother to relist the items as I just
flat out forget about it sicne I sell so little.
Some good news? For some. I have a full blown auction site myself on
my site. I use it for my auctions only right now. It is capable of
being opened up for everyone to list on it. And I will be opening it
up in the future when I get enough registered users. As my site will
charge fees (very small ones) such as 3-5 cents for listing a item.
VERY small end of auction fee. To be determined. Of course NO fees for
those that use paypal. And paypal will be able to be accessed right
off the auction page for any seller. There will be Buy It Now option,
Haggle option, trade option, messaging between members. I can also add
categories as folks need them.. There is also a Wanted section for
those to post their wants.
My site will also offer a full store for those who wish to have their
own store with a unique store URL for as little as $5.00 per month.
Now I saw someone up above mention. OH it was actually you.. the
"protection" This is a issue for me. As I was talking with another
well respected dealer and long times friends at the last Chiller show.
Is policing the site. Who do I let list? Do I pull items off that "I"
think are bogus? Yet really do not have any proof as to how the items
were obtained. Of course it is MY site and do want to make it a safe
buying and selling place. I do think that is what everyone wants even
when they take on this kind of venture. Which is one reason the UACC
set up their auction site for.
I may consider opening it up to a few people that I know and can trust
at first for awhile. And see how that goes. Of course this is a
business venture for me as well. But of course my intentions are for
it to be good for all. But with any auction site. Fee-Bay, Amazon,
iOffer or any of the various dealer auction sites. The buyer has to be
educated themselves. They hopefully know what they are buying, have
done a little research etc. Even the best of dealers have probably
made a mistake at least once in their business career. Unknowingly.
But.. for those that want to check out my auction site. And see what
it is..
go to: www.edbedrickautographs.com
Click on the auction button on the left side menu. I do not want to
open it up with so few bidders as I do not want to charge fees and
have my sellers not get any action. Which is why fees will be low for
start for quite some time.
For thos that want to register for the site.. please do.. I am
actually starting a auction on the 29th or 30th. If you want to see it
in action. There is no items currently running.
Ed Bedrick
Member of the U.A.C.C.
U.A.C.C. Registered Dealer #049
Former U.A.C.C. Regional Director (Region #1)
bill haverchuck
2009-06-11 23:25:53 UTC
Post by Sue H
Is there a place where you can list FREE and only pay say a fee IF
your items sells? What bugs me about Ebay is the double dipping of
fees (End value and all the listing and Pay Pal fees) and if you don't
sell it, you still pay them... Is there a site to sell your stuff
with say a 10-15% fee only if your items sells? If so where?
