McCain's turn to come to Hampton Roads
(too old to reply)
Sue H
2008-10-07 16:41:07 UTC
Will be in VA Beach Monday. I've gotten a ticket. but to go, you'd
have to be out there nlt 5 am probably as it's early in the AM
2008-10-07 21:16:35 UTC
Post by Sue H
Will be in VA Beach Monday. I've gotten a ticket. but to go, you'd
have to be out there nlt 5 am probably as it's early in the AM
Yowza !
Great newz,to good to be true !
2008-10-07 20:23:23 UTC

Heard MAC and Palin will be at the convention center at 10:00 am that
morning. Obama did sign at the rally-he was shown doing so on WAVY. They
mentioned the line for O was 8 blocks long just to get into the park! WOW.

Good thing I didn't have to go into the yard last Saturday!
Sue H
2008-10-08 00:40:39 UTC
yeah; something about arriving at 8 or something. They said something
similar for Barack, but then were there mostly 6 am by the loads and a
few the night before! I won't do night before. I printed my ticket
and to get up front I'll get there early probably but probalby not
before 6 am or 7. So I'll probably be in the back oh well! I'd like
Palin's sig. I have McCains via bookstore signing. If anyone is
interested, I am considering listing it in about a week... I realized
the other day I had bought two and never sold the other! I thought I
Post by pe2
Heard MAC and Palin will be at the convention center at 10:00 am that
morning. Obama did sign at the rally-he was shown doing so on WAVY. They
mentioned the line for O was 8 blocks long just to get into the park! WOW.
Good thing I didn't have to go into the yard last Saturday!
2008-10-08 22:34:51 UTC
Post by Sue H
yeah; something about arriving at 8 or something. They said something
similar for Barack, but then were there mostly 6 am by the loads and a
few the night before! I won't do night before. I printed my ticket
and to get up front I'll get there early probably but probalby not
before 6 am or 7. So I'll probably be in the back oh well! I'd like
Palin's sig. I have McCains via bookstore signing. If anyone is
interested, I am considering listing it in about a week... I realized
the other day I had bought two and never sold the other! I thought I
Post by pe2
Heard MAC and Palin will be at the convention center at 10:00 am that
morning. Obama did sign at the rally-he was shown doing so on WAVY. They
mentioned the line for O was 8 blocks long just to get into the park! WOW.
Good thing I didn't have to go into the yard last Saturday!
Too bad I HAVE A JOB or I could wait all day.
Sue H
2008-10-08 20:44:15 UTC
Post by NoAce
Too bad I HAVE A JOB or I could wait all day.
Well most jobs on the weekends are retail or food services/Hotel etc.
so guess we know a little more about you.
Lorrie S.
2008-10-09 01:54:53 UTC
Post by Sue H
Post by NoAce
Too bad I HAVE A JOB or I could wait all day.
Well most jobs on the weekends are retail or food services/Hotel etc.
so guess we know a little more about you.
I figured he stuffed gerbils for a living.
2008-10-09 20:48:58 UTC
Post by Lorrie S.
Post by Sue H
Post by NoAce
Too bad I HAVE A JOB or I could wait all day.
Well most jobs on the weekends are retail or food services/Hotel etc.
so guess we know a little more about you.
I figured he stuffed gerbils for a living.
It's Time to get the shovel out, DO Da, Do Da
it's time to get the shovel out, Do da, Do Da
O the Do Da Day... :) PLONK!
Lorrie S.
2008-10-10 03:40:43 UTC
Post by pe2
It's Time to get the shovel out, DO Da, Do Da
it's time to get the shovel out, Do da, Do Da
O the Do Da Day... :) PLONK!
I don't get it. Only a worthless faggot would have been disturbed by the
gerbil statement. You must stuff gerbils too.
Mr Black
2008-10-10 15:13:00 UTC
Post by Lorrie S.
Post by pe2
It's Time to get the shovel out, DO Da, Do Da
it's time to get the shovel out, Do da, Do Da
O the Do Da Day... :) PLONK!
I don't get it. Only a worthless faggot would have been disturbed by the
gerbil statement. You must stuff gerbils too.
school holidays again already?

2008-10-09 02:38:18 UTC
Post by Sue H
Post by NoAce
Too bad I HAVE A JOB or I could wait all day.
Well most jobs on the weekends are retail or food services/Hotel etc.
so guess we know a little more about you.
What the ....?
I guess I just learned something,in your part of the world only the low-life
middle class retail/food workers work on Saturday and Sunday.
Wow,the policeman,doctors and nurses,postal workers,repairmen,airplane
pilots,musicians,ems drivers,and the like all don't work on weekends in the
You may have just written the absolute dumbest thing I have ever seen in my
You are not too proud to insult the backbone of the U.S.A.
What is it excactly that you do ? Other than spending your days waiting on
long lines to get "graphs",making multiple posts here,putting up info on a
about stuff nobody cares about.
You have a big interest in politics ? What about them ? The autograph part ?
Maybe you thought you were insulting me,why ? Because I get up everyday and
work,including Saturday and Sunday.
I never thought of myself as a lowlife or the millions of people that keep
the country going because they take jobs the require them to work weekends.
I guess I see things the opposite way,laughing at those that waste their
lives away hanging outside stadiums,concert halls,POLITCAL EVENTS.
Believe me when I say your insult was a swing and a miss,I know what I do is
honest and keeps this country going.
Whether you and the other clowns here believe it or not I do collect
autographs,but the peolpe I know never felt the need to be up at 6 am to
on line somewhere.When I 'm up at 5,its to work,not to run out somewhere so
I can once again hope I have some "cool " story to tell the "guys"
here.Do you really think it matters ? At the end of the day did your really
accomplish anything ? Collecting is a hobby for most,not an obsession.
True there are fanatics that ruin it for everybody else,you have a different
story everyday about a event,concert or whatever.
Your insults aimed at me are lame,as are the useless mr black and the great
language he used towards me,it just shows how ridiculous you both look
when confronted with the truth.
Your attitude stinks,if you are rich,it cetainly haven't used it towards
education,and you know nothing about how america works,if you are not rich
you insulted
your peers,either way its pathetic.

"Well most jobs on the weekends are retail or food services/Hotel etc.

so guess we know a little more about you."

Be proud,you just insulted so many that work so hard,but I 'm sure you come
back and say that you were not insulting the middle class.
Seems like you don't know what you are saying.
Lorrie S.
2008-10-09 02:58:50 UTC
"NoAce" <***@Ace.com> wrote in message news:48ed4465$0$5623$***@cv.net...

Where the fuck did you go to school? You sorry little bitch.

<it cetainly haven't used it towards education

what is "cetainly"?
Post by NoAce
What is it excactly that you do ?
what is "excactly"?
Post by NoAce
autographs,but the peolpe I know never felt the
what is "peolpe"?
2008-10-09 03:33:27 UTC
Post by Lorrie S.
Where the fuck did you go to school? You sorry little bitch.
<it cetainly haven't used it towards education
what is "cetainly"?
Post by NoAce
What is it excactly that you do ?
what is "excactly"?
Post by NoAce
autographs,but the peolpe I know never felt the
what is "peolpe"?
Great answer,I spelled a couple of words wrong,congrats,I guess that just
shows everything I said is true.

Excuse me I don't spend hours,days like Sue posting ,my typing sucks,the
truth still shines through.
I'm sure for a mental-midget like yourself its the best you can do.
You read all the way through,good for you,didn't get a headache did you.
By the way nice language,try again.
Twice in the ticket
2008-10-09 02:19:56 UTC
I've been sitting back watching this one, but the absurdity of your
latest, ironic post just blows me away.

I agree that the language really isn't needed to make a point. BUT...
you're complaining about abuse to the group because you feel slighted.
What's your point? What you have done, with 99% of your posts, is
considered abuse too. Belittling others because of what they collect.
You strut a superiority complex, which is definitely only one-sided.
You harass multiple posters on this group simply because you don't
agree with them. That is all considered cyber abuse, just like your
hurt feelings for the language use. The difference is that you are
hiding behind at least two fake email addresses/screen names, so there
is no way to report you. I ask again, what are you afraid of? A
bunch of autograph collectors that like to chat?
-= Star Collector =-
Celebrity addresses the way they should be - free.
Post by NoAce
Great answer,I spelled a couple of words wrong,congrats,I guess that
just shows everything I said is true.
Excuse me I don't spend hours,days like Sue posting ,my typing
sucks,the truth still shines through.
I'm sure for a mental-midget like yourself its the best you can do.
You read all the way through,good for you,didn't get a headache did you.
By the way nice language,try again.
Twice in the ticket
Sue H
2008-10-09 03:02:26 UTC
I've learned some stuff about him. I just did a whois on the domain
he uses. I'll weed out who he is by eliminating and checking out what
he is not. We can also investigate the IP ... (just in case NoAce
wants specifics on how I'll find him). The guy who runs that I have
his info.

He posts to alt.baseball and alt.baseball.mets (or mets.baseball.. or
whatever' it's easy to find so not worried about that). He is
trolling there too. He's made comments like:

"Screw the Shankees" (obviously we know he's a Mets fan and possibly
from New York or grew up there).

"Shittiest relief ever" proving he curses (and yet tried to take the
high road before when someone else did less)

"What do you do with the rest of your time?" to a girl who posted
there a lot (oh, reminds you of me perhaps?). Makes me thinks he's a
woman hater which is a REALLY good possibility because I found a NoAce
on a website who continually has friends (um, like two geeky ones
only) who tell him about the time they talked about "taking it up the
ass" and a few other similar commenet (on a myspace page).
Coincidentally, this person likes music and is 20 and from
Mississippi. Kind of fits our guy so that's one angle we can work on.
It's apparent our guy doesn't have much time for in persons or doesn't
have the opportunity. Mississippi is a place probably that fits that.
Maybe that's not him because of the NY thing, but we can weed one or
the othe out eventually.

NoAce is related to poker and for baseball. The other names it is
attached to are above his intelligence level and so it's a sure bet
the name has to do with one or the other.

Oh, I have a couple other names to possibly fit him. I'll check into
those. G, M and A ... I am going to weed out these four guys (two

I did all this in under 10 minutes. So no Ace, I am not spending a
lot of time on you. It took me nearly as long to type this though;
that's enough time spent on you tonight. I just didn't have enough
time to do anything else more fun at the time, so thought I'd just
throw it out there! Just for you babe. If anyone else want to chime
in that'd be fun.
Post by Gummby3
I've been sitting back watching this one, but the absurdity of your
latest, ironic post just blows me away.
I agree that the language really isn't needed to make a point. BUT...
you're complaining about abuse to the group because you feel slighted.
What's your point? What you have done, with 99% of your posts, is
considered abuse too. Belittling others because of what they collect.
You strut a superiority complex, which is definitely only one-sided.
You harass multiple posters on this group simply because you don't
agree with them. That is all considered cyber abuse, just like your
hurt feelings for the language use. The difference is that you are
hiding behind at least two fake email addresses/screen names, so there
is no way to report you. I ask again, what are you afraid of? A
bunch of autograph collectors that like to chat?
Sue H
2008-10-09 02:11:30 UTC
Post by NoAce
Post by Sue H
Post by NoAce
Too bad I HAVE A JOB or I could wait all day.
Well most jobs on the weekends are retail or food services/Hotel etc.
so guess we know a little more about you.
What the ....?
I guess I just learned something,in your part of the world only the low-life
middle class retail/food workers work on Saturday and Sunday.
Wow,the policeman,doctors and nurses,postal workers,repairmen,airplane
pilots,musicians,ems drivers,and the like all don't work on weekends in the
Well you don't fall into those categories, but nice try! Nobody said
anyone who works those jobs is a low life... we already know you have
no class... that much is obvious.
Post by NoAce
You may have just written the absolute dumbest thing I have ever seen in my
You are not too proud to insult the backbone of the U.S.A.
What is it excactly that you do ? Other than spending your days waiting on
long lines to get "graphs",making multiple posts here,putting up info on a
about stuff nobody cares about.
Man, someone is soooo jealous! Wish you could do it I am guessing.
Um, some people care; I just got a couple emails about that myspace
page yesterday... but hey, it doesn't matter is NOBODY does care.. I
do what I like and could care less. It's what I enjoy. You?
Trolling is your thing. Only thing about your hobby is that you are a
miserable person. It's apparent you have no friends. Obviously, if
my life is empty or whatever you think it is, you are right there
beside me babe... you are the one retorting back not just to me, but
EVERYONE on this board. Obviously, YOU have as much if not more time
on your hands.
Post by NoAce
You have a big interest in politics ? What about them ? The autograph part ?
Maybe you thought you were insulting me,why ? Because I get up everyday and
work,including Saturday and Sunday.
I never thought of myself as a lowlife or the millions of people that keep
What about what? I'll be happy to talk to you about Politics. Any
subject you want. Let's go...
Post by NoAce
the country going because they take jobs the require them to work weekends.
I guess I see things the opposite way,laughing at those that waste their
lives away hanging outside stadiums,concert halls,POLITCAL EVENTS.
Um, the political side or events is history. The fact that you'd not
be interested in politics says something about you too. I will go and
listen to BOTH candidates and at least try to make an informed
decision. I bet you don't even vote; or if you do, you just don't
bother at least trying to make an informed decision.
Post by NoAce
Believe me when I say your insult was a swing and a miss,I know what I do is
honest and keeps this country going.
What you do, is try to make those around you miserable. You come on
boards where all you do is disrespect everyone. You never have
anything postive in life to say; it's apparent your life sucks or
you'd not be so miserable. Why not go to another board where there
are others like you... I am sure there's some trolling place or a
place where people with no lives go.
Post by NoAce
Whether you and the other clowns here believe it or not I do collect
autographs,but the peolpe I know never felt the need to be up at 6 am to
on line somewhere.
Why are you so down on people waiting in line for a graph? Every
event is like that; there is no other in person possibilities pretty
much that don't require this. Are you against in person graphs? Why
so? Because you are jealous or something? You are just attacking for
nothing. Hey, I got the time and I love what I do. Every weekend I
do something.... I have fun. This weekend I have my grandbaby, but
will probably take her somewhere too. It's what I do. I just planned
another event. Jealous? Yep, will go to see McCain Monday. Got a
trip planned in another week or so too for a few days. So? If a
celeb happens to be in the area, probably will tailor my plans to
accomdate that. So what? Jealous? I got a graph in the mail
today... suppose I waste time doing that too? What else are you gonna
knock? I like movies. Sci fi. Betcha next, no matter what movie I
said I am going to see you'll knock that. It's not related to the
fact the movie would be bad, but just that you'll try to find
something to try to belittle me or others for. I don't know why you
attack everyone for everything the collect, where they go, what they
do, or where and how often they post. Why do YOU care? What's it to
YOU? NOTHING. You are a miserable sot. (get wiki out boy, you may
need to look up some words). If you got a job, go do it and leave
this group. Nobody likes you.

When I 'm up at 5,its to work,not to run out somewhere so
Post by NoAce
I can once again hope I have some "cool " story to tell the "guys"
The stories aren't necessarily "Cool". They give information to
others who might want a graph too. In case someone gets an
opportunity at the same venue, or with those people, they will
understand how it works, what the chances are and clues to better aid
them in their quest. It is only YOU who thinks that I am trying to
boast or something... and the reason you probably think like that is
because you are jealous. You can claim not, but that is certainly
what it seems like. People post stories to share with other people.
It's part of the hobby. Why do you knock it? WHY? Of course you
won't answer. You never do. What you do is hide. But we know why.
Post by NoAce
here.Do you really think it matters ? At the end of the day did your really
accomplish anything ?
Um yes, I had a fun time. Something to add to my scrapbook that is
life. It's better than going to work at McDonalds, then coming home
and spending the rest of the night on the tube or trolling on the
internet and berating people for no good reason. So stick that in
your greasy ass.

Collecting is a hobby for most,not an obsession.
Post by NoAce
True there are fanatics that ruin it for everybody else,you have a different
story everyday about a event,concert or whatever.
Fanatic? I think not. I tell all my stories. Those that don't care
to read don't have to. Those that do can. I read things others post.
Alas, this place sucks lately. Really you think that's because of ME?
Or is it trolls like you that start crap all the time. That's more
like the truth.
Post by NoAce
Your insults aimed at me are lame,as are the useless mr black and the great
language he used towards me,it just shows how ridiculous you both look
when confronted with the truth.
Useless Mr Black? What about the other two people (Gummby and the
last poster?) Apparently, they must be doing something to piss you
off too for NO reason. You are so miserable. I almost (I repeat...
ALMOST) feel sorry for you.
Post by NoAce
Your attitude stinks,if you are rich,it cetainly haven't used it towards
education,and you know nothing about how america works,if you are not rich
you insulted
your peers,either way its pathetic.
I am far from rich. I am also not higher educated. I just have what
is called decency, common sense and I actually listen to the news.
Like most of the good people on here (trolls are always the
exception). You could be decent... you could pick up a newspaper and
you could use some god given common sense and act normal. But you
don't. That's your free will... but if you dish it, you had better
learn to take it.
Post by NoAce
"Well most jobs on the weekends are retail or food services/Hotel etc.
so guess we know a little more about you."
Be proud,you just insulted so many that work so hard,but I 'm sure you come
back and say that you were not insulting the middle class.
Seems like you don't know what you are saying.
Nope, let me clairfy. The reason I am insulting you the way I am, is
that I am building info on you so I can find your butt. I am going to
ferret you out so I can take you down. It was meant to get you to say
what your doing. But I don't need to do that anymore. THOSE WHO WANT
TO HELP, feel free to email me! We'll figure out who you are, we'll
post who you are and why you are doing what you are doing. My guess
is we (or I) personally already had some past doings with you. It's a
matter of time before it's figured out. There is a reason your doing
it and if jealousy or that your a miserable troll isn't it, then it's
personal. There is no other reason for someone to be such a jerk like
you've been.

I've not seen Barefoot on here. That's a possibility. We'll get ya.

PS remind me to make time on my calendar to pencil finding your ass
in.... I guess I'll do it in line at using a blackberry or
something... I have time in line and multi-tasking will make the line
wait seem shorter. Thanks for giving me something to do to bide my