to all the regulars
(too old to reply)
2009-11-13 21:20:06 UTC
we survived the nor'easter here in Hampton Roads. Lost power and
communication services, but everything is back up and running. Managed to
get the sidewalk somewhat clean, but hopefully better by tomorrow.

We had liberal leave today, so I opted not to make the trip this morning
across the water to work. it sure has been quiet here on the autograph
front. not even wrestling...Oh, one local author made an appearance at
B&Noble, but I didn't find out about it until showtime.

Happy Hunting-pe2

Mr Black
2009-11-14 12:19:12 UTC
Post by pe2
we survived the nor'easter here in Hampton Roads. Lost power and
communication services, but everything is back up and running. Managed to
get the sidewalk somewhat clean, but hopefully better by tomorrow.
We had liberal leave today, so I opted not to make the trip this morning
across the water to work. it sure has been quiet here on the autograph
front. not even wrestling...Oh, one local author made an appearance at
B&Noble, but I didn't find out about it until showtime.
Happy Hunting-pe2
While you guys freeze, we are cooking down here....cant wait for this hot
spell to break

