photo deals on the net?
(too old to reply)
Sue H
2009-01-02 21:08:17 UTC
Posted once and got no answer but I really need info... any place on
the net have great deals for photos on the net (where you send the
jpgs and they make you copies)? I literally have a couple hundred
(and I want to make all sizes... so I need something inexpensive but
decent quality.

Thanks in advance for any help.
2009-01-03 04:11:32 UTC
Post by Sue H
Posted once and got no answer but I really need info... any place on
the net have great deals for photos on the net (where you send the
jpgs and they make you copies)? I literally have a couple hundred
(and I want to make all sizes... so I need something inexpensive but
decent quality.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Umm..try ..like..Google..dude
or ..try like..um..this sounds..like urgent..
i guess nobody is here cept' me
and i don't really care !
either way
Sue H
2009-01-03 03:11:34 UTC
If you don't care, don't respond. I could care about you...

either way...
Post by Zoom
Umm..try ..like..Google..dude
or ..try like..um..this sounds..like urgent..
i guess nobody is here cept' me
and i don't really care !
either way
2009-01-04 18:24:58 UTC
Post by Sue H
If you don't care, don't respond. I could care about you...
either way...
Post by Zoom
Umm..try ..like..Google..dude
or ..try like..um..this sounds..like urgent..
i guess nobody is here cept' me
and i don't really care !
either way
" I could care about you... "
oh thank...you do care..sooooooooooooooo nice
or does your spelling suck ?

gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle your way
into a answer
don't come here,its sounds desperate..
that idiot that responds to me...he or she...knows nothing
Sue H
2009-01-04 16:24:04 UTC
should've said LESS in there, but it's like those puzzles where the
mind fills in the spaces; it only works if your IQ is normal. Seeing
as you noticed the word was missing, ... well, you fill in the blank
2009-01-05 02:58:21 UTC
Post by Sue H
should've said LESS in there, but it's like those puzzles where the
mind fills in the spaces; it only works if your IQ is normal. Seeing
as you noticed the word was missing, ... well, you fill in the blank
Lets see..you can't write a normal,easy,simple ( 2nd grade level ) sentence
and you insult me.BTW,not the first time you had poor sentence structure.
Mmm...says a lot about you.
But..you are who you are.
Any luck finding a job?
One of those $20.00 per hour jobs.
Those autograph websites can keep you so busy.
No time to pump up the economy,heck no.
When your diction is so good,there is no need to lower yourself
by doing hard labor.
Feed the world..I say..keep us informed..Where is Michael Vick,or O.J. or
any of those famous villians.
What is the addy at the prison ?
I need more "graphs" !

You are still funny (though not by design),thanks for making me laugh :)
Keep up the hard work !

either way
Sue H
2009-01-05 01:59:13 UTC
Again, mixing me up with others. I won't repeat what we've been over
a million times.

As far as sentence structure goes, mine is a matter of typing. What
is YOUR excuse? My guess is you haven't yet passed your GED.

Get a life; you ramble. You spend more time on here than I do and
talk a lot more than me. Apparently, YOU are the one with no life!

Again, I don't need a job. If I want one, I'll get one. That's none
of your business and the fact that you continually bring it up means
you need to take a look at your jealousy issues.

Karma is gonna be one swift large one up your backside very soon.
That much is apparent.
Post by Zoom
Post by Sue H
should've said LESS in there, but it's like those puzzles where the
mind fills in the spaces; it only works if your IQ is normal. Seeing
as you noticed the word was missing, ... well, you fill in the blank
Lets see..you can't write a normal,easy,simple ( 2nd grade level ) sentence
and you insult me.BTW,not the first time you had poor sentence structure.
Mmm...says a lot about you.
But..you are who you are.
Any luck finding a job?
One of those $20.00 per hour jobs.
Those autograph websites can keep you so busy.
No time to pump up the economy,heck no.
When your diction is so good,there is no need to lower yourself
by doing hard labor.
Feed the world..I say..keep us informed..Where is Michael Vick,or O.J. or
any of those famous villians.
What is the addy at the prison ?
I need more "graphs" !
You are still funny (though not by design),thanks for making me laugh :)
Keep up the hard work !
either way
2009-01-05 23:33:41 UTC
Post by Sue H
Again, mixing me up with others. I won't repeat what we've been over
a million times.
As far as sentence structure goes, mine is a matter of typing. What
is YOUR excuse? My guess is you haven't yet passed your GED.
Get a life; you ramble. You spend more time on here than I do and
talk a lot more than me. Apparently, YOU are the one with no life!
Again, I don't need a job. If I want one, I'll get one. That's none
of your business and the fact that you continually bring it up means
you need to take a look at your jealousy issues.
Karma is gonna be one swift large one up your backside very soon.
That much is apparent.
There is plenty of life in me !
Yeah boo hoo,karma sucks !

Just once..write something interesting..I dare you !
Something to do with autograph collecting,someone big,hard to get,
something worthwhile.
Maybe you have it in you.

P.S. There is no jealousy here,you have absolutely nothing that I would be
about,you do have a wild imagination.
Jump on to http://www.startiger.com/?SSAID=139813 and do some real
maybe then you will have something to write about.
There must be a geneology newsgroup where some people may care about this
My guess is my education would blow you away !
either way
Sue H
2009-01-06 03:08:31 UTC
that's your idea of REAL collecting? Oh my. Now we know you are
seriously demented.

As for your education blowing me away; anyone can see from your
childish rants, atrocious grammar and lack of using normal size
vocabulary, that your education is lacking. I would suggest you
seriously contemplate going back to school. Should you claim you are
in college, I suggest something called 'paying attention'. Or perhaps
shut up for once instead of putting your two cents in on every post
and listening for a change. You might learn a little something.
2009-01-07 00:20:22 UTC
Post by Sue H
that's your idea of REAL collecting? Oh my. Now we know you are
seriously demented.
As for your education blowing me away; anyone can see from your
childish rants, atrocious grammar and lack of using normal size
vocabulary, that your education is lacking. I would suggest you
seriously contemplate going back to school. Should you claim you are
in college, I suggest something called 'paying attention'. Or perhaps
shut up for once instead of putting your two cents in on every post
and listening for a change. You might learn a little something.
You couldn't teach a bowling pin how to fall.
I see you are totally jealous of the great Startiger website,
I can understand that,you could never match the success of
but you already know that you shouldn't aim high.
My sophisticated collecting habits are not for you to try to understand.
My grammer is fine,you are just a petty little person,accept it.
For the 3 people here that may read this,do yourself a favor and skip the
nonsense here,
go straight to http://www.startiger.com/?SSAID=13981
This the place to go for addresses,well woth the money.
No geneology crap,no useless meandering about kids jobs,no stalking advice,
not even a mention of Michael Vick or the presidents cat (?????).
Just plenty of useful info on autograph collecting,and adresses that work !

Here is a start :
c/o Live
7 Lincoln Square
5th Floor
New York, NY 10023
go after this little hottie
She's Hot !!!
Sue H
2009-01-06 23:33:13 UTC
I'd be careful mentioning other sites... it's to your detriment. By
the way, you have trouble with your spacing... after a comma, you are
supposed to put a space. it's hard to understand your sentences many
times. You sound illiterate. I guess you don't get the grammar
aspect as your still doing it so I guess you're right; I can't teach a
balling pin to fall... nor a piece of crap like yourself. Live and
learn I guess!
Post by Zoom
Post by Sue H
that's your idea of REAL collecting? Oh my. Now we know you are
seriously demented.
As for your education blowing me away; anyone can see from your
childish rants, atrocious grammar and lack of using normal size
vocabulary, that your education is lacking. I would suggest you
seriously contemplate going back to school. Should you claim you are
in college, I suggest something called 'paying attention'. Or perhaps
shut up for once instead of putting your two cents in on every post
and listening for a change. You might learn a little something.
You couldn't teach a bowling pin how to fall.
I see you are totally jealous of the great Startiger website,
I can understand that,you could never match the success of
but you already know that you shouldn't aim high.
My sophisticated collecting habits are not for you to try to understand.
My grammer is fine,you are just a petty little person,accept it.
For the 3 people here that may read this,do yourself a favor and skip the
nonsense here,
go straight to http://www.startiger.com/?SSAID=13981
This the place to go for addresses,well woth the money.
No geneology crap,no useless meandering about kids jobs,no stalking advice,
not even a mention of Michael Vick or the presidents cat (?????).
Just plenty of useful info on autograph collecting,and adresses that work !
c/o Live
7 Lincoln Square
5th Floor
New York, NY 10023
go after this little hottie
She's Hot !!!
Sue H
2009-01-06 23:39:11 UTC
PS Been on it (ST) for a while, didn't find it much help and stopped
it. No opinion for or against the site. Some love it and some don't.
I have no opinion one way or another at this point in time, so unless
there's something new on there I am not aware of, tell me oh exhaulted
one, why am I jealous of them?
Post by Sue H
I'd be careful mentioning other sites... it's to your detriment. By
the way, you have trouble with your spacing... after a comma, you are
supposed to put a space. it's hard to understand your sentences many
times. You sound illiterate. I guess you don't get the grammar
aspect as your still doing it so I guess you're right; I can't teach a
balling pin to fall... nor a piece of crap like yourself. Live and
learn I guess!
Post by Zoom
Post by Sue H
that's your idea of REAL collecting? Oh my. Now we know you are
seriously demented.
As for your education blowing me away; anyone can see from your
childish rants, atrocious grammar and lack of using normal size
vocabulary, that your education is lacking. I would suggest you
seriously contemplate going back to school. Should you claim you are
in college, I suggest something called 'paying attention'. Or perhaps
shut up for once instead of putting your two cents in on every post
and listening for a change. You might learn a little something.
You couldn't teach a bowling pin how to fall.
I see you are totally jealous of the great Startiger website,
I can understand that,you could never match the success of
but you already know that you shouldn't aim high.
My sophisticated collecting habits are not for you to try to understand.
My grammer is fine,you are just a petty little person,accept it.
For the 3 people here that may read this,do yourself a favor and skip the
nonsense here,
go straight to http://www.startiger.com/?SSAID=13981
This the place to go for addresses,well woth the money.
No geneology crap,no useless meandering about kids jobs,no stalking advice,
not even a mention of Michael Vick or the presidents cat (?????).
Just plenty of useful info on autograph collecting,and adresses that work !
c/o Live
7 Lincoln Square
5th Floor
New York, NY 10023
go after this little hottie
She's Hot !!!
2009-01-07 04:15:05 UTC
Post by Sue H
I'd be careful mentioning other sites... it's to your detriment. By
the way, you have trouble with your spacing... after a comma, you are
supposed to put a space. it's hard to understand your sentences many
times. You sound illiterate. I guess you don't get the grammar
aspect as your still doing it so I guess you're right; I can't teach a
balling pin to fall... nor a piece of crap like yourself. Live and
learn I guess!
Post by Zoom
Post by Sue H
that's your idea of REAL collecting? Oh my. Now we know you are
seriously demented.
As for your education blowing me away; anyone can see from your
childish rants, atrocious grammar and lack of using normal size
vocabulary, that your education is lacking. I would suggest you
seriously contemplate going back to school. Should you claim you are
in college, I suggest something called 'paying attention'. Or perhaps
shut up for once instead of putting your two cents in on every post
c/o Live
7 Lincoln Square
5th Floor
New York, NY 10023
go after this little hottie
She's Hot !!!
Finally a cure for insomnia
Sue H
2009-01-07 03:58:23 UTC
Yeah, I know it's hard for you to understand. I know it's hard, SOUND
IT OUT; that seems to help most readers on your level.
Post by Zoom
Finally a cure for insomnia
2009-01-07 20:43:09 UTC
Post by Sue H
Yeah, I know it's hard for you to understand. I know it's hard, SOUND
IT OUT; that seems to help most readers on your level.
Post by Zoom
Finally a cure for insomnia
I must have bin at the balling allie !

Sue H
2009-01-07 21:23:18 UTC
I know; humor bypasses you, spelling and grammar escape you, and time
is your friend. Next.......
Post by Zoom
I must have bin at the balling allie !
2009-01-07 20:41:44 UTC
Post by Sue H
I'd be careful mentioning other sites... it's to your detriment. By
the way, you have trouble with your spacing... after a comma, you are
supposed to put a space. it's hard to understand your sentences many
times. You sound illiterate. I guess you don't get the grammar
aspect as your still doing it so I guess you're right; I can't teach a
balling pin to fall... nor a piece of crap like yourself. Live and
learn I guess!
Another spelling lesson boys and girls :

"balling pin to fall...

yes..a balling pin,must be a new sport

Back to basic spelling I guess..and don't forget to get those "graphs"
Sue H
2009-01-07 21:22:21 UTC
NO balling is right... read between the lines. Ooops. Sorry, you
aren't that intelligent. Cleverness passed you by.
Post by Zoom
Post by Sue H
I'd be careful mentioning other sites... it's to your detriment. By
the way, you have trouble with your spacing... after a comma, you are
supposed to put a space. it's hard to understand your sentences many
times. You sound illiterate. I guess you don't get the grammar
aspect as your still doing it so I guess you're right; I can't teach a
balling pin to fall... nor a piece of crap like yourself. Live and
learn I guess!
"balling pin to fall...
yes..a balling pin,must be a new sport
Back to basic spelling I guess..and don't forget to get those "graphs"
2009-01-07 23:11:58 UTC
Post by Sue H
NO balling is right... read between the lines. Ooops. Sorry, you
aren't that intelligent. Cleverness passed you by.
Post by Zoom
Post by Sue H
I'd be careful mentioning other sites... it's to your detriment. By
the way, you have trouble with your spacing... after a comma, you are
supposed to put a space. it's hard to understand your sentences many
times. You sound illiterate. I guess you don't get the grammar
aspect as your still doing it so I guess you're right; I can't teach a
balling pin to fall... nor a piece of crap like yourself. Live and
learn I guess!
"balling pin to fall...
yes..a balling pin,must be a new sport
Back to basic spelling I guess..and don't forget to get those "graphs"
I think you have reached a new low (if that is possible),go back to your
nonsense posts,
that is what you are good at.Humor or sarcasm is not your thing.
You don't have any creativity,that is apparent,or you wouldn't be babbling
here about
family trees and other weird topics.
Go write to Kelly Ripa and ask her what it feels like to be successful and
have purpose,
and feel accomplishment at the end of the day.
I noticed your posts have dried up,congrats !
Sue H
2009-01-07 23:39:49 UTC
Post by Zoom
I think you have reached a new low (if that is possible),go back to your
nonsense posts,
that is what you are good at.Humor or sarcasm is not your thing.
You don't have any creativity,that is apparent,or you wouldn't be babbling
here about
family trees and other weird topics.
Go write to Kelly Ripa and ask her what it feels like to be successful and
have purpose,
and feel accomplishment at the end of the day.
I noticed your posts have dried up,congrats !
Line one . . . there's a space missing after the comma. Actually, a
comma is the incorrect use there. You should have used a period or
semi-colon. Also, same first sentence is a run on sentence and there
is a word missing (like because or as). So let's see now . . . that's
four things wrong in just the first sentence.

Line two . . . You really need a space between sentence one and
sentence two. Again, wrong usage of the first comma. That should be
a period there. You don't have a space after the first comma you put
either. Since a period needs to be there, the word "that" needs to be
capitalized. But then again, that would be wrong because you'd have
to explain what "that" means, to be a true and complete sentence.
Your second comma also has no space. Too many errors to count at this

As for Miss Ripa (I don't even WANT to start correcting the rest as
every post you have is totally illiterate!), YOU are the one talking
about her, wanting to write to her etc. Got a fetish or something?

I know people on here mistype or make errors in spelling and grammar.
I also can tell when people are just kids because they use slang etc.
However with you.... well with you, it's sad to see you have at least
reached a biological age to work, which means you must 've attended
school at some point. If I were you, I'd hire a lawyer and sue the
school system because you are totally incoherent, illiterate and

Oh this post isn't mean to be funny. It's meant to tell it like it
is. You are a useless troll who needs to be eradicated. I will at
some point make sure that's done.
2009-01-08 19:12:36 UTC
***@verizon.net, I'm sorry, should I call you ZOOM?

Why would you want to troll a usenet group? Do you really have the
extra time to waste? Maybe you should start a hobby that might provide
some benefit to yourself and your community. Maybe I am wrong, and you
have your hobby. I don't think being a dick counts.

Later Gator,


By the way, it was very easy to find your information.
Sue H
2009-01-09 16:06:43 UTC
Zoom zoom zoom
Post by f***@gmail.com
Why would you want to troll a usenet group? Do you really have the
extra time to waste? Maybe you should start a hobby that might provide
some benefit to yourself and your community. Maybe I am wrong, and you
have your hobby. I don't think being a dick counts.
Later Gator,
By the way, it was very easy to find your information.
Evan Platt
2009-01-04 17:01:03 UTC
Post by Zoom
or does your spelling suck ?
Post by Zoom
don't come here,its sounds desperate..
its sounds desperate?

Pot. Kettle. Kettle. Pot.
To reply via e-mail, remove The Obvious from my e-mail address.
2009-01-05 01:18:38 UTC
SHO-VEL! (In my best Barney Fife impersonation).
