Whee; got tickets to Roadshow and now need advice
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Sue H
2009-05-09 15:07:53 UTC
After sweating it out and being bummed all day yesterday as i thought
I didn't get tickets, I ended up with two free Antiques Roadshow
tickets! I need a couple pieces of advice:

1) What should I take? See list
Revenge of the Jedi Sweatshirt/sig
Three sample binders of autographs

I am taking some other items (we are allowed two each)
I am taking my Charles LeMaire watercolor
I am taking my three favorite Animation cels
I am taking my signed deed signed by Lady Carnarvon

I need one more item.

2) Can someone come up with something witty to say for the Roadshow
booth? It probably should be very short and funny as well as related
to what I am taking. If you can find some way to insert your name
into that briefly, if we get on TV you'll get a shoutout if possible.

3) Antiques Roadshow aside, I am in need of a last price for my
project on a Star Wars/Disney item. It is a set of 6 ORIGINAL hand
drawn/colored and signed (by whome I don't know) Disney Star Tours
concept drawings for trash recepticles at Disney. What to me is the
cool part is more than Disney people, Star Wars people would love
this ironic thing but I know there are more Disney Collectors out
there... these are the REJECTED recepticle ideas and they are
hilarious as to me, they don't smack of Star wars in the least. So I
need either a Star Wars expert or perhaps a Disney Expert to evaluate
these things and give me a clue as to what they might be worth. For
the Star Wars guys, I guess I could contact Gus Lopez, but any anyone
2009-05-10 01:44:15 UTC
i had the understanding that only people who give their stuff to
antiquest roadshow in advance were the ones who wound up on tv. not
just people who have tickets...
my one friend had to go to japan to show off his item.
i could be wrong, but this was my understanding.
Sue H
2009-05-10 02:03:54 UTC
You apply to go... then they pick so many for each stop. If you get
tickets, you bring two items for each ticket, so that's up to four
items. When you get there, you stand in a line according to your time
and they have someone looking at items in passing to spot potential
cool stuff, from there, they sort you out by item and you go to
tables. Once at the table, if the person evaluating the item thinks
you got something good they call a producer over who does a quick look
and gets your story (and makes sure you're not a flake or something).
If you pass, you go to the "green room" which is just a curtained off
area and they bring you out and film. That's what I was told anyway.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
i had the understanding that only people who give their stuff to
antiquest roadshow in advance were the ones who wound up on tv. not
just people who have tickets...
my one friend had to go to japan to show off his item.
i could be wrong, but this was my understanding.
2009-05-11 03:25:49 UTC
interesting..i would have never known that...that's just what my
understanding was.i don't know the ins and outs though....it's very
interesting to know the answer to that one.
thanks sue!
Sue H
2009-05-11 11:29:15 UTC
also, it takes a long time to air. I'll let everyone know what

On Sun, 10 May 2009 20:25:49 -0700 (PDT),
Post by b***@yahoo.com
interesting..i would have never known that...that's just what my
understanding was.i don't know the ins and outs though....it's very
interesting to know the answer to that one.
thanks sue!