IN-Person Autographs part 2 -Home Run Derby After-Party
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2008-07-18 16:29:26 UTC
Ok, so if you haven't read our in-person adventure earlier in this very same
day, please go to our website and you'll see it on the left side under NEWS.
We encountered Kenny Chesney, Jason Mraz, Reggie Jackson, Gary Oldman, Joe
Buck, Bud Selig, and Pierce Brosnan. After all of those stars, it was
nighttime and time to decide which Home Run Derby after-party to go to.
Because this was Baseball All-Star week there were a few to choose from.
George Steinbrenner was having a party but to be honest, I just couldn't
imagine what big names would be there that I'd enjoy meeting. Alex
Rodriguez aka Arod was having a party at the 40/40 Club but again, his
entourage is more like the Beyonce, R&B and rappers and while I hear the
rumors of him being with Madonna, I just couldn't imagine her showing up
there with the controversy in full swing. I ultimately decided to go with
what I thought was a no brainer, the Derek Jeter and Michael Jordan

As soon as we arrived we were informed that we missed a few stars already.
Billy Chrystal and a couple others were already in. Immediately however
stars started pulling up in SUVs. First out was Ken Davitian, most known
for the naked fat man in Borat. He was rushed in rather quickly so we didn't
have a shot but he did sign for everyone on the way out. Incidentally no
other professional dealers were here. It was just Autograph Pros and a
couple fans/collectors. It was a dream come true. Next up was the short
pudgy kid from Zoey 101. He was happy to sign going in and out. Ethan
Hawke also arrived and rushed in rather quick and tried to not sign on the
way out but we broke him down to only doing 1 each.

Next to arrive was the host of the party himself, Derek Jeter. Completely
stiffs us on the way in, however after doing the red carpet photo shoot, he
started to come over to grab a marker only to be grabbed by Wade Boggs to
get into another photo-shoot with him. Unbelievable! Of course Derek didn't
bother coming back and later snuck out the back and didn't sign there

Then comes a nice SUV pulling up with a shadow inside that I immediately
recognized. While security started to go into a frenzy I saw an opportunity
to dip around the other side of the SUV and as luck would have it, security
didn't follow. So there I stood, 8x10 in hand with a 1 on 1 with Michael
Jordan. He excited the SUV with no security at all and with no rush, only
to flat out DENY me. Damn that MJ! He also snuck out the back and no one
got him either.

Next came Roy Halladay, baseball player for the Blue Jays. He was happy to
sign. Next up were Dave Winfield and Tim Raines. Dave Winfield completely
stiffed all of us both in and out and he had a LOT of time on the way out to
do it. Tim Raines we missed going in due to chaos but he signed a few for
us on the way out. Shortly after came Bad Boy Donnie Klang. He signed
everything and his Street Team gave us posters of him which he signed as
well. Jermaine Dupris was up next and was in a quick rush to get in and out
of this club but we did manage to get 1 photo signed. Another great
surprise was Torii Hunter who signed bats, balls and photos for us.

Shortly after the previous group of stars, Jaslene (Winner of Americas Next
Top Model) showed up. She was of course looking phenomenal and had a killer
personality to match. She signed a ton for us and really took time out.
Very classy! Also following her were Fabolous, Charles Oakley, Lloyd, DJ
Tony Touch, and a few others, all signing both going in and going out.
Notable mention on how they signed would have to be Busta Rhymes. I've
always disliked this guy. His whole attitude is a joke and he's just plain
foul. Anyhow, he comes out and again I have my 1 on 1 and he actually
signed, which is great, however his autograph was B. R. . That's it! No
normal signature, just plain initials. Also important to note is he wore
his blue tooth into the club. Last I knew that's what all the wanna-be cool
guys do. Keep waiting around Busta, someone important may just call yet.

Another disappointment was Joba Chamberlain of the NY Yankees. He stiffed
everyone both going in and going out and on the way out he could have
definitely signed, choosing not to. One of his entourage claimed he's under
contract not to sign autographs for anyone. If this is true, what a joke.
Ending on a positive note however, Gabrielle Union was kind enough to sign a
ton. In the end, the day totals for autographs reached almost 100 and with
video and photo proof on most of these items, we hope we've served our
customers well. Thank you for taking the time out to catch up with us on
what we do around here. Email me or contact me via the website if you want
exclusive access to these new items before they get posted on the site.
Many of the photos we got signed are rare and very hot. Just as a side
note, we are helping a charity build a charity website that could
potentially rival ebay and the others. We'll be talking more about it as
its completion gets closer. Just thought we'd mention it if you are looking
for a new place to offer your own products or items for sale. It will be
like ebay except a portion of every sale will go to a charity of your choice
and still the fees will be even lower than ebay!
Michael Kasmar
UACC Registered Dealer #237
Accredited Better Business Member with a lifetime flawless record

"Have you joined our emailer yet? If not, please do so immediately by going
to http://www.autographpros.com/newsletter.php
Sue H
2008-07-19 12:58:34 UTC
On Jeter, he is I heard an ass at times and I am guessing that Boggs
grabbed him pre-planned so he could LOOK nice like he was gonna sign.
As you said, when no cameras, a jerk when cameras, he doesn't want to
sign and still is a jerk but comes off looking not so bad.

As for MJ. I heard he doesn't sign publicly, that everything is
related to his contract where he can't sign? It's hard to get him
still right? Unless you know someone... and even then, I heard people
are scared to ask him for a sig.

On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 12:29:26 -0400, "AutographPros.com"
Post by AutographPros.com
Next to arrive was the host of the party himself, Derek Jeter. Completely
stiffs us on the way in, however after doing the red carpet photo shoot, he
started to come over to grab a marker only to be grabbed by Wade Boggs to
get into another photo-shoot with him. Unbelievable! Of course Derek didn't
bother coming back and later snuck out the back and didn't sign there
Then comes a nice SUV pulling up with a shadow inside that I immediately
recognized. While security started to go into a frenzy I saw an opportunity
to dip around the other side of the SUV and as luck would have it, security
didn't follow. So there I stood, 8x10 in hand with a 1 on 1 with Michael
Jordan. He excited the SUV with no security at all and with no rush, only
to flat out DENY me. Damn that MJ! He also snuck out the back and no one
got him either.
2008-07-19 14:44:55 UTC
jordan signs...a lot..it's just when he feels like it. i know guys who
got 3 or 4 a day from him in tahoe, which is better than any of them
did with people like joe theisman or charles barkley. it's just when
he feels like it. and he doesn't turn anything down...he's michael
one time i got him on that jordan nike book he put out when he's a
player, his agent told him not to sign it and he actually said," i'm
michael jordan. what are they gonna do, sue me?" and he signed it...
it all just depends on his mood...but he's under NO CONTRACT anyway.
he does whatever he wants to do when he wants to do it...

and this was a great read michael...thanks,
Mr Black
2008-07-20 04:18:04 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
one time i got him on that jordan nike book he put out when he's a
player, his agent told him not to sign it and he actually said," i'm
michael jordan. what are they gonna do, sue me?" and he signed it...
it all just depends on his mood...but he's under NO CONTRACT anyway.
he does whatever he wants to do when he wants to do it...
He is actually. He is contracted to Upper Deck.
Sue H
2008-07-20 14:23:56 UTC
I heard he told some people that he couldn't sign because he had an
exclusivity contract on his sig. He was only allowed to sign certain
things for certain people and not publicly. I personally think it's
the publicly thing they can't control. That seems like it'd be
illegal... I can see topps or upper deck saying in a contractthat he
can only sign trading cards or memoribilia (their brands) from their
private signings or something and not on the street, but I don't think
they can tell him don't sign a plain photo, scrap of paper etc to Joe
Blow on the street.

On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 14:18:04 +1000, "Mr Black"
Post by Mr Black
Post by b***@yahoo.com
one time i got him on that jordan nike book he put out when he's a
player, his agent told him not to sign it and he actually said," i'm
michael jordan. what are they gonna do, sue me?" and he signed it...
it all just depends on his mood...but he's under NO CONTRACT anyway.
he does whatever he wants to do when he wants to do it...
He is actually. He is contracted to Upper Deck.